
Naruto:Eternal Mangekyu Sharingan At The Age Of Eight

Synopsis Transmigrated in naruto , facing the threat of Itachi exterminating the clan, Ryu got the Check-in system in time! Ding~system is activated! [ clan Extermination night Check-in success! ][Receive reward, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan! What? Can I get a reward every time I Check-in in a different place? ! So cool! Hashirama Sage body, Rinnegan, Sage Mode, Kekkei Genkai... , Kekkei Tota..., Kekkei Mora... ========================================= Thiss is MTL ,Not Mine I liked it so I'm uploading it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 30

Ryu decisively bought sword , and then chose a lot of things until he spent almost all his money.

Sasuke looked Ryu spent all the money in the backpack, feeling a little guilty and said: "Ryu, my knife is too expensive, don't we have no money to eat now? Give it back."

"Don't worry, we have money, and someone will send me money soon."

Ryu eyes turned casually, and then directly Stepping out of the room, Sasuke couldn't figure it out, but she had to follow closely from behind.

"They are here, ready to do it."

After Ryu and the two stepped out, the ninja that had been lurking outside couldn't bear it. They took out their weapons one after another. Lean in from all around.

A one-eyed ninja up ahead, with a sharp claw knife hidden in the cuff, only waits to get close to Ryu to kill it.

As for what Daimyo orders, they don't care.

Anbu in the five major villages has always been chasing and killing them, Missing-nin.

With a chance for revenge, they will certainly not miss it.

As the distance between Ryu and him gets closer and closer, the eyes of this one-eyed ninja flashed with a rays of light of euphoria.

When the distance between the two parties is less than one meter.

The one-eyed ninja violently shot, the right hand held the claw knife and looked towards Ryu neck and cut it off.

The sharp style drives the rapid sonic boom.

In this move, Ryu will inevitably be cut off the artery in the neck, and the blood flow will not stop until he died.

Ryu arrives slowly and reacts, turning his head and looking towards him, his eyes are full of panic.

One-eyed ninja is even more proud. He seems to have seen Ryu falling in a pool of blood, struggling for help.

"hehe, little demon is little demon, no sense of defense at all, let me listen to your sad screams!!"

The one-eyed ninja sword fell, accompanied by" The sound of ka-cha's bone cracks, and the splashing blood immediately stained the ground.

Ryu covered her wound in disbelief, and the blood constantly seeped through the wound on her neck.

He was like a carp jumping ashore, breathing hard, Ryu collapsed on the ground, his eyes slowly losing their expression.

The one-eyed ninja sneered and kicked Ryu corpse and said, "What? he just died. The life of little demon is really impossible to withstand a single blow. Is this really the ninja of Konoha? "

[55.Chapter 55, you are really poor ghosts]

At this moment, mutation suddenly emerged.

Ryu corpse suddenly stood up, and then weirdly changed into a huge centipede wrapped around the one-eyed ninja's body.

The one-eyed ninja was scared to pee directly, he frantically raised his hand to prick the centipede on his body.

"This.. What is this! Get out of here... I hate centipede the most! Go to hell! Go to hell!"

One-eyed ninja knife Relentlessly, he stabbed on Centipede's body fiercely.

In reality

Ryu is still standing in place, and the one-eyed ninja who just thought he killed Ryu is raising the knife in his hand, and constantly moved towards his barrel go.

At the bloody wound, blood was continuously sprayed out, dyeing the shirt of the one-eyed ninja red.

This huge amount of bleeding is enough to make people faint, but the one-eyed ninja is still hollow in both eyes, constantly lifting the head to stab him.

The people around were shocked by this strange scene and screamed.


"There is a mental disorder, this man is crazy!"

Actually from the one-eyed ninja and Ryu looking at each other From a moment, he had already hit Ryu Genjutsu.

Next, this one-eyed ninja will continue to self-mutilate until the signs of his own life disappear.

Several Missing-nin companions who wanted to make a move were shocked. After all, what happened was really weird.

"Alright, which one is next?" Ryu rubbed his chin and turned to look at the Missing-nin behind him.

The few Missing-nins who were stared at were suddenly like falling into the ice cave, one of them said with clenched teeth: "Brothers, don't be afraid, this guy should have just used Genjutsu. Everyone takes care of each other. Just leave his way!"

Several Missing-nin immediately gathered after hearing it, because the easiest way to crack Genjutsu is to inject a heterogeneous chakra.

The reason why Genjutsu is able to make the attacker produce illusion is because Genjutsu messes up the opponent's Chakra Flow. If you want to crack Genjutsu, you only need another strange chakra injection.

looked At the four or five enemies in front of him, Sasuke immediately pulled out the kunai and took a fighting pose.

"Ryu, are they the Missing-nin that the monk said?"

"Almost, but they are just a little bit of a mess. head, and said: "no, To be fair, we each person gets half, and I promised that father will become stronger. "

Good guy, the rain stopped and the sky cleared. Sasuke feels like he's doing it again.

But it's also a good thing to increase self-confidence, Ryu nodded and said: "Okay , Then it's up to you, we are two of us. "

The two Missing-nin looked Ryu on the opposite side were not nervous in the fight, but they talked leisurely about dealing with them alone, suddenly getting angry.

"Fuck, You two little demon are really tired of living, so what about Genjutsu, brothers, give himto me! "

A Missing-nin roared, four underfoot guessed hard, and the figure burst out suddenly.

It's too late to say, then it's fast.

Ryu is open infinitely, and the figure is like electricity.

Directly rushed to the four people.


The strong wind wrinkled, two of them Missing-nin Before my eyes could react, Ryu punched him in the chest.

Instantly, I felt a burst of severe pain suddenly hit, and the two Missing-nin almost fainted on the spot.


The wind hu hu in the ear, the field of view keeps pulling away, the two of them flew out dozens of meters, and rolled several times before stopping.

Two luckyly escape Missing- nin cold sweats, what kind of terrifying Chakra Enhanced Strength is this!

"Then I will leave it to you, Sasuke. "Ryu slightly smiled and handed over the battlefield here to Sasuke.

Then, he launched Infinity again and appeared in front of the two Missing-nins flying upside down.

"cough cough ...." A Missing-nin coughed up a mouthful of blood and climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

Actually, Ryu didn't use all his strength just now because he still had something to ask. Ask these people.

"Die, little demon..." One of the Missing-nin watched Ryu suddenly appear, and had a few seals without the slightest hesitation.

Earth-Style ・Earth Dragon Bullet

The ground began to melt and changed into an earth dragon head. The earth dragon head opened its mouth and spouted several mud bullets towards Ryu.

But all The mud bullets all stopped in front of Ryu, unable to touch Ryu body at all.

This scene, once again fly this Missing-nin's terrifying soul, what Ninjutsu is this!?

Missing-nin only felt that the vision blurred, Ryu disappeared in place.

Then, an unresistible force came from behind his head.

Ryu stepped directly on the foot like him.

With this foot, Ryu didn't keep his hands.

The wind roared!

Missing-nin's head was fiercely When it hit the ground, the skull shattered instantly, the blood slowly ran down, and the soil was soaked.

Ryu looked down from a high level, and the surrounding scene seemed to be frozen.

After a full ten seconds, exclamation sounds were heard around.

"Dead, dead! "

"Hurry up and call the guard, there is a ninja in the city!" "

The people watching the battle scattered in a rush, and the only Missing-nin who was next to him was also panicked.

The fight between the ninjas, although it is indeed inevitable that death.

But there are not many people trampled to death.

Ryu ignored the ordinary person screaming next to him. He extended the hand and searched for the Missing-nin corpse, except for a few photos. In addition to Explosive Tag and Ninja Tool, there are more than 30,000 taels of banknotes.

Ryu Weiwei frowned: "Poor ghost, just like this, you can still be Missing-nin. You are not afraid of starving yourself to death. "

Missing-nin on the side was dumb.

He didn't expect to be humiliated even if he died.

But Ryu The action gave him a glimmer of hope. He took out all his savings from his body as quickly as possible.

", this, this is all my money, there are 80,000 ryo, please Leave me alone, please..." Missing-nin passed the bloody banknote in her hand tremblingly.

". "Ryu slightly smiled, took 80,000 Ryo from his hand and stuffed it into the bag.

"Ask you a few questions, who are you?" Where is your leader now? "

Missing-nin quickly replied: "I am Konoha Missing-nin subordinate. The leader is now in Daimyo's mansion waiting for our news, but someone has already notified him before. I should be here soon. "

Ryu faintly smiled, and continued to ask: "You Missing-nin, you should have made a lot of money through assassination missions. Why are you so poor? "

Missing-nin froze for a moment, and then immediately replied: "There is money, but all the assassination costs we earn are kept by the leader. Sama, if you are short of money, our leader The price on the black market is as high as 18 million Ryo. "

With that, Missing-nin also took out a small black notebook.

Ryu took the notebook and looked through it. It was printed by some organizations on the black market. , There are many bounty objects recorded above.

[56. Chapter 56 Hyuga Clan's tenketsu]

There are major characters of countries, Daimyo, Lord , Ninja, Missing-nin, etc..

The price ranges from several million Ryo to tens of millions Ryo. Ryu also saw the bounty about Asuma and the land.

" Yes, I have accepted this thing. You are slower on the way. "Ryu stood up while flipping through the looked black book.

Missing-nin thought he had recovered his life and was about to escape.

Suddenly noticed the next one.

burning the Explosive Tag, his pupils shrank.


A huge explosion sounded.

This Missing-nin followed His companions are on the road together.

Ryu closed the notebook, he seems to feel the joy of Kakuzu, killing these people on the bounty list is simply a huge profit.

This is much easier than completing the mission.

Ryu looked towards Sasuke, and his battle is almost over.

With more than half a month of training, Sasuke's physical strength and combat experience have improved a lot, with rays of light as sharp as an eagle in his eyes from time to time.

After piercing the snow into the chest of a Missing-nin, The Great Fireball ended the battle.

Sasuke breathing heavily, he also had a little more wound on his body, but the facial expression was very excited.

Because he felt that he did Become-stronger.

Ryu was satisfied and nodded, and then went to the two corpses, searched their corpse, and got close to one hundred thousand taels of banknotes.

This amount is far from the way he exchanged the five-seal Explosive Tag to make it.

"Let's go, let's go back to the hotel, Hinata should also be fighting. "Ryu pulled out the sword and handed it to Sasuke.

After all, according to the statement of the Missing-nin just now, they also sent someone to inform Zabuza and the others.

Sasuke nodded seriously, and the two set off for the hotel.


I have Internal &external examinations followed by Semester Exams and Project works 😑😣😖😖 So I can't update daily

Have a good day