
Naruto:Eternal Mangekyu Sharingan At The Age Of Eight

Synopsis Transmigrated in naruto , facing the threat of Itachi exterminating the clan, Ryu got the Check-in system in time! Ding~system is activated! [ clan Extermination night Check-in success! ][Receive reward, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan! What? Can I get a reward every time I Check-in in a different place? ! So cool! Hashirama Sage body, Rinnegan, Sage Mode, Kekkei Genkai... , Kekkei Tota..., Kekkei Mora... ========================================= Thiss is MTL ,Not Mine I liked it so I'm uploading it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 29

And from Ryu body, I feel a powerful oppression force, it feels like an ordinary person without any weapons, facing a fierce tiger.

Dilu is sure that if he fights Ryu, his survival rate will not exceed 10%.

"I didn't mean to threaten you, just a reminder, and it's not me who wants to do it." DiLu lowered his posture and explained.

Ryu coldly snorted, tap your finger on the desktop.

"Then talk about it, give you three sentences, explain things clearly, or go out sideways."

Dilu smiled bitterly: "This It's not something that can be said clearly in two sentences."

"This is one sentence." Ryu reminded lightly.

Dilu complexion changed and began to explain: "In order to ensure that the negotiations with Konoha's new Hokage can be carried out safely, Daimyo has released a lot of money to recruit many wandering ninja and Missing-nin."

"This is the second sentence." Sharingan in Ryu eyes is already slowly revolve.

"They want to kill you! Those Missing-nins are not easy to control, they want to kill you regardless of Daimyo's orders." DiLu hurriedly finished the last sentence, his forehead was already full of sweat.

Ryu stared at the ground for a while, and finally put the Sharingan away.

It is sighed in relief when the land meets the situation.

The three people next to him were dumbfounded. The legendary guardian twelve guards, the elite ninja protecting Daimyo, were so jealous of Ryu.

Although they have stayed with Ryu for more than half a month, they rarely see Ryu take action. They only heard people talk about Ryu strength occasionally.

But Ryu didn't expect Ryu to be able to lower his head as the guardian of the twelve forbearances only by coercion.

Hinata looked Ryu domineering appearance was full of admiration, and also remembered what father Hyuga Hiashi said to herself when she left.

"Hinata, remember that Ryu is a genius ninja with kage strength. If you want to be worthy of him, you have to work hard to become a become-stronger and not to shame Hyuga Clan."

Hinata squeezed the chopsticks in his hand and said silently in his heart: "I will definitely become stronger, and I will become a female ninja worthy of Lord Ryu."

Ryu next to him Continue to ask: "Which defected ninjas has Daimyo invited, let me hear you."

Di Lu's expression was a bit hesitant, but after being glared at by Ryu, he still said honestly: The Konoha Missing-nin of the fire, the heart of the eight mountains, the Hidden Sand Missing-nin, which is known as Wantu. p>

[53. Don't worry about Chapter 53, I'm invincible]

If someone from Anbu is here, you must hear the name from the land newspaper It will startled.

Because of these, all of these are Missing-nins in the villages that are as dangerous as S-Rank, and their strength reaches the Elite Jonin level.

"It's really a mix of things." -up Ah, isn't Daimyo afraid that these Missing-nin will kill him? "Ryu chuckled when he heard the name.

Sasuke and the others beside them had never heard about Missing-nin, so they still looked ignorant.

DiLu sighed: "Daimyo was also confused for a while, but Uchiha was the reason for this....."

DiLu wanted to say nothing, he really didn't dare to say Uchiha in front of Ryu Clan's not.

Ryu hehe smiled: "To be honest, if you didn't come here to report me, based on what you just said, I will kill you and take you to the black market for a reward. "

Dilu blushed with shame, his bounty on the black market is 30 million ryo.

Therefore, he is often harassed by many people, but usually some Little hair thief, there is really no ninja like Ryu at this level.

"It's me who made a mistake, then your plan now is..." DiLu asked cautious and solemn this time.

Ryu waved his hand and said casually: "I already know everything. Since you told me so much information, I won't be embarrassed by you. Let's go. "

Dilu froze for a moment, and the subconscious asked: "You, don't you run?" "

"Run?" Why run? Ryu touched his nose, "I haven't seen Land of Fire Daimyo yet. When I talk to him, I will leave naturally." "

DiLu is anxious, he doesn't want Ryu and the others to die here.

If Ryu dies, the relationship between Konoha and Daimyo will deteriorate completely.

when the time comes If Uchiha Fugaku takes people to seize power, then a serious civil war may break out in Land of Fire.

That's why he came here, risking to inform Ryu and the others.

"Although I don't know who you are, please believe me, those Missing-nins are all terrifying, and each of them has blood on their hands. Killed the record of Jonin. "

"You are definitely not their opponent alone, so let's go." "DiLu said anxiously.

Ryu rubbed his forehead, lightly saying: "You know, you don't need to worry about this. Hurry up, or I will change my mind. "

DiLu's complexion kept changing, and eventually he could only slowly withdraw from the second floor under Ryu strong gaze.

Hinata asked with some worry: "Mr Ryu, he Are those Missing-nins really that amazing? "

Ryu lightly un'ed: "Almost, although most of them I am not quite clear, but the Momochi Zabuza does have the strength of Elite Jonin, and is very proficient in Technique of Assassination. It is quite good in Ninja World. There is reputation. "

Ino complexion changed, and asked nervously: "Then, if they join together, would you Ryu..."

Ryu chuckled lightly With a cry, he stretched his waist and said, "Don't worry, I am invincible. "

The heavy atmosphere was relieved by Ryu words, and it became relaxed again.

Everyone also filled their stomachs, although Boss was very polite. However, it still cost Ryu more than 4,500 ryo.

As expected , the prices are so expensive.

Ryu and the others just came out of the building, Ryu keenly noticed that a lot of miscellaneous ninjas were suddenly mixed into the street.

Their eyes would move towards Ryu and the others from time to time.

The corners of Ryu mouth aroused, and then said to Sasuke and the others: "It's still early, otherwise we can go shopping nearby, it will be digested. "

Ino looked like he was defeated, and said distressedly: "Oh~ But I really want to lie down and take a rest. All these days of training are sleeping in the wild, and I can't take a shower. I feel so dirty. "

Sasuke gave a dry cough. Obviously, he meant it too.

Ryu muttered a bit, and then said with a smile: "In this case, then Hinata and Ino, let's find an inn to live with. I remember that there is an inn called Chonghe on the road. It's good to go down there. Sasuke and I are walk around together. "

Sasuke: "? ? "

Ryu took out a few thousand ryo and gave them to Ino and Hinata.

"Ryu, you are very good, long live!" ! "Ino jumped up happily, kissed the banknote in his hand, and then pulled Hinata up and ran on the street.

Ryu touched his nose, the light from the corner of his eyes fluttered all around, and then Said to Sasuke: "Let's go, I will take you to buy some Ninja Tool. "

Sasuke let out a "um", and then followed Ryu through the street.

Several monitoring ninja discuss spiritedly.

"These few Little demon is separated, what should we do, report to the boss first? "

"There are just a few brats, but also to inform the boss?" We are divided into two sides, you go after the two men, I will go after the two women, catch them and give them to the boss. "

"This is not right, the boss said that we need to report first..."

"Then you go report it, we divide it into two actions. "

With that, these ninjas are divided into three ways.

Follow Ryu and Sasuke all the way, follow Hinata and Ino all the way, and inform Zabuza and other Missing-nin all the way.

" shop. "Ryu glanced at the plaque and stepped into it.

This is a shop that buys and sells Ninja Tool.

"Of the two distinguished guests, please, dare to ask the two Little Brothers if they want What is it? "A woman in charge of reception came over and asked softly.

As soon as Sasuke entered the shop, she was suddenly attracted by the spacious space inside and the glittering jewels to delight the eye Ninja Tool. .

Land of Fire is the center of Five Great Countries, and the ninja passing through here is naturally endless.

As the saying goes, there will be a market if there is demand.

The Ninja Tool shop in city can fully satisfy your various needs for training, assassination, fighting, and sneak attack.

It is a must-see for home travel and kill a witness to silence them.


The woman snapped her fingers, and a girl in a kimono immediately served two cups of fragrant tea, and then backed it down.

"Buy some Explosive Tag, Military Rations Pill, and suitable The samurai knife used by my companion next to me, if there is any special Ninja Tool, you can also introduce it to me. "Ryu replied while holding up the tea cup.

The women's eyesight brightened after hearing this. This is a big deal.

"No problem, please two distinguished guests. Wait, I'll get it for you. "The woman salutes slightly, and then walks to the shelf next to her.

The woman is very professional. Ryu has taken everything before she finishes drinking a cup of tea.

A samurai knife, three different Explosive tags, and a small cloth bag were placed in front of Ryu.

The woman picked up the cloth bag and explained, "This is a new product developed in our store. Pill, in addition to the original ingredients, honey is also added to adjust the taste. If an ordinary person eats one, it will feel full and can gradually restore chakra. "

[54. Chapter 54 Five- Explosive Tag]

Ryu opened it and checked it roughly. There are many such Military Rations Pills. Ninja likes to bring food, which can cope with a lot of bad situations.

Ryu slightly nodded expressed satisfaction, the woman then introduced the next one.

She took out the three different ones next to her Explosive Tag introduced: "These are the three best-selling Explosive Tags in our store, which are ordinary Explosive Tag, Delayed Explosive Tag and Five-Yuan Explosive Tag. "

"The ordinary Explosive Tag is three hundred and two. After detonation, it can release no less than the high-level Fire-Style Ninjutsu used by Jonin. Delay the Explosive Tag by four hundred and two. Used in conjunction with kunai, etc., it can also be used to set traps. "

"As for the five-dollar Explosive Tag..."

The woman said and picked up the largest Explosive Tag, this Explosive Tag and other Explosive Tags There is an obvious difference. Its Sealing Jutsu style is more complicated.

There is a burst of words in the middle, and then four black runes extend out, and at the end of the rune, there is a small burst of words.

"This five- Explosive Tag is one thousand and two pieces, and it has five Fire-Style Ninjutsu seals inside. Once it is detonated, it will produce five consecutive explosions. The formidable power is amazing. "The woman explained softly.

Ryu was a little dumbfounded when he heard the price, but when he heard its formidable power, his eyes were bright again.

If this kind of Explosive Tag is used With my own Explosive Tag technique, the formidable power is like a tiger that has grown wings.

But one thousand two sheets, Ryu money adds up, but only It's a bit expensive to buy only one hundred copies.

Women see that Ryu is very fond of the five-seal Explosive Tag, said with a smile: "If the guest wants it, then in terms of the price, we are too Negotiable, if you want more, then I can give you a 20% discount. "

Ryu took the Explosive Tag, muttered it for a moment, and said: "You tell me, I really like this five-seal Explosive Tag, but I need a lot of it, and it's impossible for each one. I have come to Dongjing to purchase all the time. How do you sell the Sealing Jutsu style of the five-seal Explosive Tag? "

Explosive Tag is actually ninja sealing Fire-Style Ninjutsu to the prepared special paper in advance. This five-yuan Explosive Tag can seal five Fire-Style Ninjutsu. Obviously, it uses a rather High-level Sealing Jutsu style.

"This..." women are slightly frowned, as a look of embarrassment.

As the saying goes, things are rare and expensive, these five The Sealing Jutsu style of the Explosive Tag was researched by their shop at a high cost. The entire Ninja World is unique.

This thing, any shop will not easily sell it.

"As long as it is a commodity, it is a thing of value. You might as well make a price first. We can discuss it. "Ryu said.

It is better to give a man a fish than to teach people how to fish.

The principle is simple. The method of fishing is far more valuable than the fish itself.

Having a fishing method is equivalent to having continuously fish.

Ryu himself will be Fire-Style. As long as he has this Sealing Jutsu style, it will represent the future five-dollar Explosive Tag It can be continuously.

When the women see Ryu so bright and open, they don't say much, and they put up three fingers and said: "If the guests sincerely want it, 30 million ryo! "

The price shocked Sasuke next to him. He knew exactly how much money Ryu brought when he came out this time.

The price quoted by the women was Ryu money. Thirty times as much as he can say he can't afford to buy .

However, Ryu look has not changed much. The Lady Boss quoted a fair price, 30 million ryo. It's a lot, but if you use it to buy these fivefive-seal Explosive Tags, you can only buy 30,000.

"The price is okay, but I still can't get it. It will take some time. You continue to introduce this knife. Ryu took a sip of tea leisurely.

"Then I will wait for good news." "The woman smiled slightly, and then picked up the samurai knife next to it introduced: "This knife is , one of the 50 works of master blacksmith , it is made by the Master, the sword is light and tenacious, and it can withstand chakras of different attributes. The price is 800,000 ryo. "

Ryu took the snow and walked away. The looked exquisite and gorgeous scabbard was quite satisfied, turned around and handed it to Sasuke: "Try it. If you like it, take him." "

Sasuke was a little touched. The knife is worth 800,000 Ryo, which is equivalent to spending more than half of the money Ryu carries.

Sasuke originally wanted to take the snow out. I took a look, and then I refused. The moment I pulled out the blade, I was fascinated.

The dark blade and the small T-shape on it made Sasuke love it.

"Okay, it's him. By the way, Military Rations Pill will also get some, as well as the Smoke Bomb over there, and the glove..."