
Naruto:Eternal Mangekyu Sharingan At The Age Of Eight

Synopsis Transmigrated in naruto , facing the threat of Itachi exterminating the clan, Ryu got the Check-in system in time! Ding~system is activated! [ clan Extermination night Check-in success! ][Receive reward, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan! What? Can I get a reward every time I Check-in in a different place? ! So cool! Hashirama Sage body, Rinnegan, Sage Mode, Kekkei Genkai... , Kekkei Tota..., Kekkei Mora... ========================================= Thiss is MTL ,Not Mine I liked it so I'm uploading it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 31


read Naruto :I Am Danzo in uzumaki_kushina_21


At this time, the three Missing-nin also quietly touched the door of the hotel.

They took out the kunai and hid behind them, then knocked on the door.

dong! dong!

In the house, Ino was taking a shower. After hearing the knock on the door, he shouted: "Hinata, it seems that it is Sasuke. They are back. Go tell They said, let them wait a while."

"Okay, okay." Hinata got up and went to the door, and whispered to the door: "Then that, Ryu Ino is taking a bath, we opened Two rooms, the other is next door, you can go and rest first."

There is no sound on the other side of the door.

Hinata was puzzled: "Mr. Ryumei?"


A huge sound, a tall and strong Missing-nin directly smashed the door Open.

Hinata immediately reacted and rolled back, avoiding the scattered wooden blocks.

"What's the matter!? Hinata, what happened?" Ino in the bathroom heard the impact and hurriedly asked.

"There is an enemy, Ino, don't come out yet." Hinata responded quickly, and then opened Byakugan, firmly locking the three enemies in front of him.

"Hehehe, I really didn't expect this little girl to have Byakugan. If she was caught and sold in the black market, it would be worth a lot of money."

Then The sturdy Missing-nin looked up and down Hinata, his greedy gaze made no secret of it.

In the ninja world, Kekkei Genkai is a very precious thing.

No matter which clan it is, it pays great attention to the protection of its Kekkei Genkai. The reason why Hyuga Clan is divided into Main House and Branch House is to protect its Kekkei Genkai.

Unlike the wild boar, Hinata's heart still became nervous again when faced with this Missing-nin who was licking blood with the tip of a knife.

"No, I can't be nervous!"

"I want to protect Ino, I swear, I want to become-stronger Ryumei."

Thinking of this, Hinata's heart slowly recovered.

The Missing-nin on the opposite side took out a chain from nowhere, and said grimly: "Little girl, stand there and don't move, let me tie you up, otherwise I'll take you and your companions Kill them together. "

After finishing speaking, the right hand of Missing-nin grabbed Hinata.

Hinata was not afraid of fear, and turned his left hand into a palm, and went straight up.

There was a muffled sound when the palms struck each other, Missing-nin was forced back a few steps by Hinata.

This result surprised Missing-nin's other two companions.

"Kekkei Genkai is really amazing. A girl so small can actually force me back." Missing-nin shook the feeling numb's arm, her eyes completely cold.

"fail to appreciate somebody's kindness, in this case, I can only kill you, and then take your eyes away."

After that, Missing-nin suddenly loudly roared , The muscles all over his body faintly swelled, and the veins on his face burst.

This Missing-nin is obviously a ninja who is good at Taijutsu.


He stepped on his feet and the figure flew towards Hinata, raising his right fist like Hinata smashing it hard.

Before the right fist hit Hinata, Hinata's hair, which was hanging by the strong wind, drifted backwards.

Hinata found the opportunity, squatted down, and then slapped Missing-nin's armpit.

Missing-nin's whole body directly froze, he felt that the chakra on his arm was suddenly blocked, and he couldn't exert any strength for a while.

When his body froze for a while, Hinata slapped Missing-nin's chest with another palm.


Obviously it is not a huge palm of formidable power, but Missing-nin directly vomits blood.

The two Missing-nins next to him showed different colors and lost their voices: "This is the tenketsu of Hyuga Clan!"

"This girl is so talented. It's developed to this level."

But at this moment, Missing-nin who was hit by Hinata let out a roar.

With only one arm, he smashed Hinata severely.


Hinata was smashed directly into the air, and both arms were numb. While in the sky, she tried her best to stabilize her balance, twisted her waist and turned over, so that her feet landed steadily.

Missing-nin drooped an arm, moved towards behind him and cursed: "What are you two looking for? Come and help."

The two Missing-nin behind him No nonsense, immediately took out the weapon and stood together.

Hinata heart sank, she is really not sure to deal with three Missing-nin at once, even Ino can join the battle, I am afraid she will still lose.

At this moment of crisis, Hinata suddenly showed surprise in his eyes, and shouted behind the three Missing-nins: " Ryumei, you are finally back."

The three Missing-nins were stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "Little girl, do you think we are idiots? Using such a naive strategy, your two companions are now probably killed by our people, but you Don't worry too much, you will be with them soon."

The three people believe that this is Hinata's lured the tiger away from the mountain plan, without turning their heads, they still firmly stared Hinata.

"You are indeed idiots." A flat voice came from behind them.

Immediately afterwards, the two Missing-nin felt their heads suddenly being grabbed.



Ryumei directly grabbed the heads of the two Missing-nins and slammed into the heads of the people in the Imperial court at an extremely fast speed.

The violent impact caused the heads of these three people to be slightly deformed.

The three people only felt a sense of intense pain and dizziness coming from their minds, as if the whole house was constantly rotating.

Ryumei coldly-snorted, let go of your hand.

Losing their support, they immediately collapsed on the ground with distracted eyesight.

looked Ryumei with no difficulty The crisis was solved, Hinata's hanging heart finally let go.

[57. Chapter 57 Missing-nin is killed!]

"How about, you and Ino are not injured?" Ryumei stepped forward Hinata checked.

Hinata Weiwei shaking ones head: "I'm fine. They just appeared not long ago. Ino was in the bathroom and was not injured."

Ryumei nodded, but found himself Dojutsu still I was a little surprised when I was there.

He originally thought that the strength of Hinata and Ino would soon trigger the conditions of use of Gao Yuchao.

It seems that the training for more than half a month has indeed brought them a lot of help.

Ino got dressed and walked out of the bathroom, looking at the three Missing-nin who had fallen on the ground, she still couldn't help showing a sullen expression.

When someone hits the door while taking a shower, these Missing-nins really pick time.

Ryumei simply cleaned the battlefield and found about one hundred thousand taels from Missing-nin on the ground.

Although it is a little bit less, flies are also fleshy when they are young.

Outside the hotel.

Zabuza and the rest of the Missing-nin have arrived, and the people around looking Zabuza and the others murderous aura have stepped aside, for fear of affecting themselves.

An eight-foot tall man with black chest hair stood up first. His whole body exuded a sturdy aura, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Killing my subordinate Konoha Ninja, is it hiding here?" The big man glared at him, his eyes flashing with hatred.

He is the heart of Yashan, the S-Rank Missing-nin wanted by Konoha, and the top ninja of 18 million taels on the black market. He is good at Fire-Style and Wind-Style Ninjutsu.

At this time, a team of Dongjing's guardian army rushed over after hearing the sound. They saw Zabuza and the others carrying weapons in front of the hotel and immediately surrounded them.

"Don't move! We received news that there was a ninja fighting here, is it you? Put down your weapons immediately and come with us!" Captain of the leader snapped.

The surrounding soldiers also raised their weapons and aimed at Zabuza and the others.

The soldiers in the heart of the eight mountains looked all around sneaked again and again, and the next second turned into an afterimage and came to the nearest soldier.

Before the soldier could react, Bashanxin grabbed his neck and twisted it off with a sound of "ka-cha".

"What are you guys, a group of ordinary persons who are not even Genin, dare to order me Uncle Bashanxin!" Bashanxin threw the corpse aside.

The guards looked around at the companion who was just alive. He died in front of his eyes the next second, with a very ugly expression on his face.

But obviously, their nightmare has just begun.

Yashan Xin was so successful that he decided to use Ninjutsu to eliminate all the guards at once.

Both of his hands are marked with "Yin", and the surrounding area immediately steams hot, as if being under the hot sun at noon in summer.

Fire-Style ・Hohzuki cage

Yashan Xin deeply shouted, and immediately there were countless Fireballs with the appearance of a prajna devil.

These Fireballs seem to have life. After agglomeration, the guards who directly moved towards all around slammed into them.

As long as they touch, people will be ignited immediately, accompanied by the rapid death of their companions.

The guards around could no longer bear the pressure. They threw away one's helmet and coat of mail and avoided the oncoming Ghost Fire.

"Quickly run, we are not the opponent of these guys."

"The damned fire, help me"

There are constant screams around, In a short moment, the surrounding people and guards became heavy casualties, and several charred corpses appeared on the street.

A man wearing a brace and many protective gear said: "It's too much, Bashanxin, don't forget, we were invited by Daimyo, so it's not a good person to slaughter him. "

The man who spoke was Missing-nin from Hidden Stone Village, Keigo Honkawa, who is good at attack and defense of Earth Attribute.

Yayama's disapproving curl one's lip burned another guard to death and said: "So what, dare you dare to be rude to me? I just have to kill the Konoha messenger inside, then Without me, Konoha will be happy to kill Daimyo."

While speaking, the heart of Yashan is full of deep contempt and hatred for Konoha.

There are a few skinny men behind the summon scroll said with an evil laugh: "It seems that you really suffered a lot from eating Konoha Anbu, but you have to kill so many ordinary persons. Heavenly Retribution."

Bashan's face was contemptuous, and he sneered in response: "If you want to talk about killing, whoever kills you, the Hidden Sand Missing-nin, who is known as a million slaughter, kills a lot, that is, doubt It's annoying, you're stunned, you're stunned, and you're so happy that you'll break the umbrella!

Huo Huishou

"Okay, it's all nonsense, hurry up and end everything, and solve the little demon inside. "Momochi Zabuza took out Kubikiribocho and pointed it at the hotel in front of him with a blade that was nearly two meters long.

At this time, the whole street was empty, either being slaughtered or fleeing for refuge.

Bashanxin gave a bloodthirsty smile: "Yes, it's best to get into the topic early. They killed a few of my men, and I will use the same method to solve them one by one."

After that, the seal art in the hands of Bashanxin has changed.


Bashanxin Gather the chakra of Fire Attribute in the mouth, and then take a deep breath to slightly bulge the entire belly.

Fire-Style ・Fire Dragon Bullet

Yashan Xin Spit out the earth fire flames and split them into the front, left and right directions to attack the hotel together

This is a fire-style technique with very high formidable power, the flame is like a violent dragon-like Dancing.

The direction of the Fire Dragon is controlled by chakra, and it turns the enemy into ashes in the split second, which is difficult to avoid.


The entire hotel was hit head-on, and with a loud noise, even the walls were instantly destroyed.

Under the attack of the flames, the entire hotel was caught in the flames, and some had already fled to the distance. The people of the people discussed with lingering fears.

"These guys are too terrifying, right? They are all Missing-nin, why did they appear inside Dongjing? "

"All the people in that hotel should be dead, right? The formidable power of this Fire-Style is too big. "

"Run, what if these guys are crazy, when the time comes come over and kill us." "

looked The black smoke in the front of her eyes, Bashan was very satisfied with nod, turned around and said: "Sorry, I will solve the matter directly. You can wait for the flame to go out and go in and collect bodies." "

The few Missing-nins around are shrugged, some of them show a look of depression.