
Naruto: Drinking makes you stronger

Youyu, who traveled to the Naruto World, acquired a somewhat strange system. Just drink, you can become stronger! This fanfic doesn't belong to me it belongs to Orange halves I am just translating the novel. original novel link:- https://b.faloo.com/f/797393.html if you are the original owner and want me to stop translating message me. if you want to support me and read extra chapters https://www.patreon.com/translation69

Translation_King · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 11

TN:- The author has messed up the age of Shisui but I can't do anything about it so read it with a pinch of salt.



The harsh sound from behind made Kakashi's pupils suddenly shrink. Kakashi at this time was not the copy ninja in the original work. He was a swordsman who inherited the swordsmanship from his father.

Kakashi was too familiar with that sound! That was the sound of a sharp blade cutting through the human body.


At the same time, Obito yelled loudly "AHHHHH"

"Youyu, you bastard!" Kakashi was completely furious. Turning his head quickly, he anxiously looked at Obito.


As soon as he turned his head, Kakashi's angry expression froze on his face.


Obito didn't see Kakashi's awkward eyes and kept screaming there for ages.

Kakashi turned around saw Obito, he didn't have any piece of clothing in his body except for a little piece of cloths around his tiny dick.

All the remaining clothes were chopped into rags. There was a small scar on his hand, and blood was slowly spewing out of it, but it was just a tiny cut nothing too major.

"Stop screaming and put on your clothes quickly!" Kakashi looked at the embarrassing look of Obito and said angrily. It's was a shame to yell in pain for such a small wound!

Looking at the wounds and the clothes that were chopped up, Youyu obviously just wanted to teach Obito a lesson and didn't want to hurt him seriously, otherwise, Obito would have died.

Kakashi just felt a little depressed and embarrassed at this time he felt that he had been played by Youyu.


Still holding the small wound in his hand Obito was confused and looked down.


Obito immediately screamed, his hands quickly covered his privates. His face flushed red due to shame and he ran away.

"This idiot..." Hideichi Tanaka on the side covered his forehead. But he was secretly relieved in his heart. Fortunately, nothing major happened. At the same time, he started to think of Youyu a little differently.

It seems that Youyu is not the kind of drunken lunatic who will hurt or harm people without any reason whatsoever.

"Ding! When the master was drunk, he used swordsmanship to disgrace the face of an important figure in this world.

"Kendo Comprehension +100!"

"Reward: Listen to the voice of all things (Steel Slashing Realm)!)"

At the same time, the mechanical sound of the system rang in Youyu's mind.

"+100? Who did I just cut?"

Youyu's slightly drunk mind suddenly shook, feeling a little weird.

"That guy seems to say, his name was 'the weak kid' or something like that.?"

Youyu thought about it carefully in his mind. Is such a weak guy really an important person? Obito left some impression in Youyu's mind after today's incident.

Youyu, who was a little drunk, gave up within two seconds of thinking about it.

"Recently, my brain is not working so well. Maybe I should drink some more wine to replenish my brain."Youyu murmured.

The eyes of the ninja with his hand on Youyu's shoulder twitched when he heard this. Drinking to replenish the brain? It was the first time he had heard that after he lived such a long life, drinking can fill his brain.

"However, what is going on with the knife just now? Even if I didn't open the Sharingan, I wouldn't have missed the trace of the sword." The person who spoke just now was Uchiha Shisui!

This task was directly issued by the Third Hokage, So Uchiha Shisui, and another Anbu accepted the task. In Kakashi's case, he strongly demanded this mission. So the three of them came together.

At this time, Shisui had already opened the Sharingan and was a genius of the Uchiha clan. Although he had not yet gained the level of fame that he did during Thrid shinobi World Wars period after he easily stopped the enemies from the land of water.

But inside Konoha, he has already gained a lot of fame. As a genius who has opened the Sharingan, and has mastered the body flicker technique.

Even without the Sharingan, his vision is many times stronger than the average person. But just now, Shisui didn't even see the trace of Youyu swinging the Sword.

"Drawing a sword and cutting the enemy's clothes to pieces, before anyone could even react. His reputation of greatest genius ever since the creation of the Ninja academy is indeed well deserved."

Youyu didn't care what Shisui was saying. At this time, Youyu is about to take out a drink to replenish his brain. But as soon as he tried to move his arm, he noticed that there were two ninjas holding his arm.

"Why are you holding me? I see you must be spies from other villages coming to kidnap me!"

Youyu looked at the two ninjas next to him and felt a little puzzled. After a little thought, he came to a conclusion. 'These two guys must be spies sent by other villages!'

"Coming to the ninja school to perform a crime is a bad idea!"As Konoha's ninja, how can he just stand by and watch shinobi from the enemy village doing what they want?!

"Spy, die!"

Youyu yelled, he sent power to his arms.


Hearing Youyu's words, Shisui was a little dazed, he suddenly felt a strong force coming, and his body was flung uncontrollably.

"You spies, come and take your death, teacher, don't worry about them leave them to me I will take care of them."


The sound of the sharp blade unsheathed is clear and sweet.

YouYu held Shusui (His Sword not Shisui) in his hand and said confidently.


TN:- There are more than 300 raw chapters of this fic so don't worry about it ending prematurely. Also if you want to read some extra chapter Join my P@treon, I will be releasing 2 chaps on P@treon and 1 chap on webovel daily.
