
Naruto: Drinking makes you stronger

Youyu, who traveled to the Naruto World, acquired a somewhat strange system. Just drink, you can become stronger! This fanfic doesn't belong to me it belongs to Orange halves I am just translating the novel. original novel link:- https://b.faloo.com/f/797393.html if you are the original owner and want me to stop translating message me. if you want to support me and read extra chapters https://www.patreon.com/translation69

Translation_King · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 10

"Huh? What did you say, be more impulsive and don't be merciful?"

Youyu heard Tanaka's "request" in a daze and suddenly became interested. He drunkenly looked up and down at Obito and thought to himself.

'Um, I don't know if I should chop him but Tanaka hideichi is our teacher, although I don't talk to him too much after he started teaching our class my life has become a lot easier.

'Before he came there was an annoying teacher that always wanted me to stop drinking and even went as far as to smash my wine bottle, I had to teach him a lesson by cutting him up. Tanaka is different from him he doesn't care whether I drink or not which is good.'

'Since the teacher has made the request, I must complete it because he is a good teacher.'

"Hey, you bastard, you dare to make the teacher upset, hurry up and let me be a good student and teach you a lesson for the teacher."

Youyu raised a slightly drunk face and said with a righteous look.

'Fuck?! When did I say that I told you to be merciful?!!!'

Hideichi Tanaka on the side looked awkward at this time.

"Did the teacher told Youyu to punish Obito?"

"It seems that way, I think he told Youyu not to act lightly but I didn't hear too clearly there was a lot of wind,"

"The teacher is too cruel. Even if he doesn't like Obito, Obito is too weak, and asking Youyu to beat him is too much, Youyu might kill the poor guy. I didn't expect our teacher to be so cruel."


Hideichi heard the comments of the students he couldn't help but start crying when he heard them.

The students' comments came to Hideichi Tanaka's ears, and Hideichi Tanaka couldn't help crying.

'Fuck me, I was a little afraid of Youyu and I lacked a bit of confidence and I also didn't want to anger him when he was drunk so I didn't speak loudly but I didn't expect Youyu and the others to hear the opposite of what I said.'

At this time, Tanaka wanted to yell out loud and wished his voice was louder.

'I seemed to have really messed up this time. If something happened to Obito it will be impossible for me to walk around normally from now on.

Obito on the other side was not happy. Seeing Youyu's righteous face, as if he was going to be the hero who was going to defeat the villain, only made his situation worse and made him angrier and angrier.

'Good student my ass' thought Obito

Although he was indeed one of the weakest students in the academy he at least follows the rules and regulations set by the academy. Youyu on the other hand had been holding wine bottles since the day he enrolled in school and even attacked one of the teachers before.

But he was still calming to be a good student and wanted to teach Obito a lesson as if he was the good guy. The other thing was that Youyu was getting closer to Rin these days, and because of this anger in Obito had slowly accumulated up at this point and he finally exploded.

"Asshole! I with beat your ass!"

He took out a handful of Kunai and held it in his hand, his eyes were red. With a vigorous kick on the ground, Obito ran towards Youyu and threw the kunai towards him at the same time.

Youyu looked at Obito rushing towards him and held the handle of Shusui, his sword.

It's over, it's over! The idiot Obito dared to attack Youyu with some useless Kunai."

"Maybe he forgot how miserable Kakashi was when he swung his sword at Youyu."


When the surrounding students saw what Obito did, they were surprised and started looking at him with pity. Obito was the second person to attack Youyu with a weapon ever since he entered the academy.

The last one was Kakashi who has now graduated and is known as a super genius. But even Kakashi, who inherited the "Konoha White Fang's" sword technique, was taught a terrible lesson for provoking Youuu.

If Kakashi was beaten up by Youyu what about Obito, he was the weakest in the class wouldn't he just be killed by Youyu?

Watching the scene play in front of him, Hideichi Tanaka was very nervous as well as very upset, he quickly released signals to the surroundings.

"One sword flow---"

Youyu made a posture of drawing out a sword, his aura completely locked the rushing Obito. Obito was drowning in anger and was nearly insane didn't feel any danger, suddenly he felt his breathing stop.

"What... what's wrong?!"

Obito was unable to breathe he felt as if he was being stared at by a terrifying beast and couldn't breathe because of fear. Sanity slowly returned to his mind, and looked at Youyu's cold eyes, he felt even harder to breathe now.

"Get in the formation!"

"Qiang!!!" The piercing sound of the sword leaving the scabbard sounded.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

"That's it!"

Suddenly, three figures jumped out from the woods around the playground. A figure that was obviously shorter than the other two came to Youyu's side. His right hand firmly grasped the right hand of Youyu.

The other two also held down Yuu's left and right shoulders.

"Huh--- so you finally decide to come out?" When Tanaka saw the three people who appeared, he was relieved.

"That's it, Youyu." The short figure said slowly.

"Is... is that Kakashi?" The classmates widened their eyes and looked at this familiar person who appeared in front of them.

"You can't stop me from cutting the person I want to cut."

At this moment, Youyu grinned suddenly.

"Puff!!!!" A harsh sound came from behind, and Kakashi's pupils shrank suddenly.


TN:- Please Join my P@treon if you want to read some extra chapters, it really helps me out a lot.
