
Naruto: Drinking makes you stronger

Youyu, who traveled to the Naruto World, acquired a somewhat strange system. Just drink, you can become stronger! This fanfic doesn't belong to me it belongs to Orange halves I am just translating the novel. original novel link:- https://b.faloo.com/f/797393.html if you are the original owner and want me to stop translating message me. if you want to support me and read extra chapters https://www.patreon.com/translation69

Translation_King · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 12

Is this kind of power what a ninja school student should have?" Shisui looked at Youyu in disbelief. Although Shisui was caught by surprise and hadn't prepared himself to defend against an attack but to fling him into the air along with another Anbu was proof of Youyu's strength.

When Shisui was at Youyu's age, he didn't have such a terrifying power and he was known as one of the strongest geniuses of the Uchiha clan.

Youyu's terrifying strength is coupled with his excellent sword drawing technique. Even calling him one of the strongest geniuses since the establishment of Konoha Ninja School wasn't too exaggerated.

But when he heard what Youyu said, Shisui couldn't help but twitch his mouth. This genius seemed to have some problems with his thinking!

On the side, Hideichi Tanaka looked at Youyu holding a sword with a look of justice on his face, when he heard Youyu's righteous words he didn't know what to say he opened his mouth but the words didn't come out.

He told to leave the spies for him to handle. When did Kakashi and the others become spies from the enemy village?! Tanaka felt a little confused while thinking.

"Well, the leader of the three of you spies should be this little dwarf, so let's take the sword from you first."

Youyu "observed" for a while, and the target was locked on to Kakashi. 'This little dwarf is the first to speak, he must be the leader!'

That was his whole thought process.

YouYu thought that if he took care of the leader 1stthen henchmen would surrender.

"Little, little dwarf...?!" Kakashi's eyes twitched.

'Although I haven't seen him in a few years, the mouth of this bastard Youyu is still so annoying!'

Recalling the previous periods in the ninja school, being taught a lesson badly by Youyu. The accumulation of "new hatred and old grudges" made Kakashi stop Hideichi Tanaka who wanted to clear Youyu's misunderstanding.

"Teacher, if I remember correctly this is the final test and Youyu hasn't taken it yet, right?" Kakashi said to Hideichi Tanaka who still wanted to explain to Yuu.

"Huh? Uh, yes, that's right." Tanaka was taken aback for a moment and then stuttered.

"Then, I will be the test subject of Youyu's assessment," Kakashi said lightly, looking at Youyu with sharp eyes.

'Since graduating early, I can say that I have had experienced many battles. I have already become a Jonin as of two years ago, now my has the strength far surpassed that of the average Jonin ninja.'

Although Kakashi was defeated by Youyu before. But Kakashi believes that in the past two years, he has experienced a lot of battles and his strength has increased significantly, but Youyu on the other hand had been staying in the academy and drinking his life away.

So he believed that he had already surpassed Youyu and believed that he would win if they fought again.

In other words, Kakashi was planning on fighting Youyu again.

"Today, I will wash away the shame!"

Kakashi seemed to have flames in his eyes and touched the short blade on his hand. The sword was the relic left by his deceased father, a peerless powerhouse known as the "White fang of Konoha".

As the son of "Konoha's White Fang", Kakashi has been named a genius since he was a child! He followed his father day and night to learn his sword skills.

However, the swordsmanship he was most proud of was defeated by Youyu. This has always been regarded as a shame by Kakashi!

"Does Kakashi still want to challenge Youyu?"

"I heard that Kakashi has long since been Jonin."

"But, that's Youyu."


When the students and other onlookers saw Kakashi preparing to fight with Youyu, they started talking.

Although they heard that after graduating early, Kakashi became Jonin very early but, the impression that Youyu left to them was even more profound. In recent years, everyone who provoked Youyu has been taught a terrible lesson.

Could Kakashi really beat Youyu? They were all thinking the same question, no one was too confident in Kakashi winning this fight.

"Youyu, come on!"

"Yu-Kun, be careful, best of luck!"

Rin excitedly waved to Youyu, cheering for Youyu loudly.

And Kurenai shouted softly with some worry in her beautiful eyes.

"Little spy did you hear them, it's now up to me to get rid of you and your evil plans to protect the innocent people of Konoha."

Upon hearing Rin and Kurenai's words, Youyu became more and more confident in his judgment of Kakashi and others being the Spies from another village.

'This little dwarf is definitely a spy who sneaked in from another village!'

"Little, little spy..." Not only Kakashi's eyes but his whole face began to twitch when he heard Youyu's words.

He could bear Youyu calling him spy or Little dwarf but Little Spy, that was a step too far.


"Chang!" Kakashi roared, and White Fang's short blade came out of its sheath!

"Oh? The little spy has done a good job at collecting some information, he even knows my name I am impressed."

Youyu was slightly surprised while looking at Kakashi who was rushing towards him.

He was tightly holding Shusui in his hands.

"I will use you to test the power of my new blade."


TN:- Is it only me or everyone else also feels like they are a failure after a big family gathering. Anyway, Thanks Chan, T45938, and Mrgn for joining my P@treon.

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