
Chapter 2

"Would you like me to help you save your friends" The boy In front of Naruto asked With a Small Smile on his face.

The question seemed to have been the last thing Naruto was expecting. Once the idea finally settled into his brain something clicked. "What do you Mean? you said that this place is for the dead and It's Impossible to Leave!" Shouting and having to control the urge to almost exchanging blows with him. Naruto was starting to go crazy and frantic, he had been stuck here for what felt to be forever In this place only for some Mysterious guy to show up out of thin air and tell him "you're dead", "you cant leave this Place", and basically "I Can leave while you Cant".

He needed answers but most Importantly he needed to get the hell Out of here and fast, all of his friends were waiting on him to return and beat Madara and then he and Sasuke would have to chat if it came down to it, have to drag Sasuke back to the village. before he could go off on a rampage again the boy in front of

him raised a delicate snow like hand to stop him and proceeded to explain things in a more 'understanding' one. Tilting his head and squinting his eyes he spoke "Do I need to simply spell things out for you? you are dead how are you supposed to leave a place for the dead. I am not!" The expression he used and the tone of his voice reminded him of how many of his friends from the village would talk to Naruto. As if he was an idiot!

Tick marks appeared on Naruto's temple, through gritted teeth Naruto asked "If you are not dead then how are you here." The "fox Man" as Naruto decided to name him since he had yet to tell him It decided to finally explain his current situation. " I am simply trapped here without Knowing how or why but I am not dead, just a soul With out a body. As I haven't been killed or died by natural occurrences I am not bound to the laws of death such as and am able to leave. To put It simply I Just currently do not have have a body to attach my soul my soul too, while you are simply dead." The way the "fox man" explained things was as if it was just a trivial matter while our (previous) main character gawked at what was currently going on.

Leaving Naruto a few minutes to think about his current situation the boy just elegantly stood there waiting for a response. After a few minutes of silence Naruto had finally come to terms with his current predicament but there was still one thing on his mind, his brows furrowed he wanted answers to a lot of questions but this one seemed to be the one that crossed his mind the most for some odd reason so he looked up directly in the boys ruby red eyes and asked "How... how long have you been trapped here for." The boy did not answer Just shock his head as his smile faded without saying anything which indicated only one of two things. He simply did not know or he had just been down here for far to long. Remembering the look in his eyes when they had first met he knew that it must have been the latter.

The atmosphere around them seemed to have taken a turn for the worst there was a faint pressure weighing down on Naruto's heart for some unknown reason and just as he was about to apologies the boy cut him off "I wont ask again and you probably wont get another chance after this but, do you want me to help you and Save your friends?"

"I thought you said you were trapped here how are you supposed to help me being here?" Naruto was again confused 'why cant the guy just explain everything at once I feel like we are going in circles ahh!'

"as I said before, I am a Soul With Out a body While you are technically alive In body yet your soul Is dead and almost dissapering" When he had finished he had pointed at Naruto, Naruto then looked at him self and saw that his legs were

beginning to Start to turn transparent While his feet had already dissapeared.

"wahhh! where are feet! My toes! And those were My favorite pair of shoes, Pervy sage gave them to me When I finished learning the rasengan..."

as Naruto began rambling On about his missing Shoes the only other person In the abyssal space was beginning to chuckle. When Naruto heard him he had Stopped babbling and smiled. He remembered the loneliness he had seen in his eyes

and seeing him laughing brought a smile to his face

"all right I've got the general idea about what you're saying, you can leave By using my body to hold your soul But wont you just be the same as me and die

while fighting I mean the guy Is a lot Stronger than me how are you going to face him than If you'd just be at the same strength as me?" Hearing Naruto had stopped rambling and gotten back to the matter at hand he Ceased his laughter and

got serious once more and answered him clearing up his doubt. "you are correct about me using your body but I Will hot be entering It. Instead I Will be using

It a a medium to Connect here, to your world and then reconstruct your body In order for it to be suitable for my soul to enter, your body would simply be reduced to dust should my soul enter into your current one . It Will have the current looks and abilities

as I do now"

Towards the end of his speech his eyes had slightly lost the visible Shine that It carried earlier While laughing On the other hand naruto had not seen his reaction and seemed to overlook the fact that he had been basically insulted and instead a sigh of relief escaped his lips. Although the boy In front of him gave off a warm almost calming Aura he did not know him, for all he Knew he could be evil or even worst he Could hurt alot of his friends confusing them if he had ended up taking over his body.

"Okay. Final Question, Why are you offering to help Me? you dont know me or owe me anything and get you are willing to help me. Why?" The "Fox Man" Just Stared at him for awhile and then smiled "My only reason for helping you is simply because

When you had entered here your first and only thought beside your initial confusion were the lives of your friends" After a few seconds he Continued.

"you had only had your friends well being on your mind this entire time, When you excepted death you had only asked to bring you back for their Sake and not your own." Naruto had only heard the first part and not the latter almost whisper like words "you must truly be a great friend..."

Hearing his words Naruto was stunned but satisfied with the reason he got and decided to follow his gut feeling and trust this mysterious person

"all right, where do we Start!"

Gently smiling he had only asked Naruto too relax, two fingers raised to Naruto's forehead which was protected by his headband he Said the last words Naruto ever heard.

Just leave everything to me everything to Me. Naruto."

* poof.

Posted with my iPad yesterday for the first time... Wtf was that. but letting you guys know chapters are daily try to be around this time of day but who knows what I'm going to do so idk but daily. Book will be slow paced as we are literally going to be going through the time of the war till the time of the next generation, thats a lot. Have a good day. Thanks for reading.

LemonFlavoredcreators' thoughts