
Chapter 1

"You are far to young to be facing me boy." Madara said as he stared down on the alliance Made by all of the Villages along with their hokage along with the previous four hokages of the Leaf.

Madara couldnt help but sneer and think 'what have the present generation done to get to this point?

They are too.. Weak, too Soft, remembering when he was first alive there were many great shinobi that posed a threat but looking at them now he couldn't help comparing them to a bunch of children with a knife; Dangerous yet not a threat. 'This is why I must complete the Infinite tsukiyomi for eternal peace' finishing his thoughts he pulled the sword in his hand out of the only other Uchiha remaining besides

him and Obito in which he no longer had any use for.

"Hmmm a few more years and those eyes Could have surpassed Mine, Such a shame"

Little did Madara know he had just given Sasuke an opportunity to surpass him When he killed him, as for the nine tailed jinchuriki he had killed earlier Something entirely different happened from what was originally supposed to occur when he was killed.

On Naruto's end of things he suddenly opened his eyes to find himself somewhere completely different, there was nothing but an abyssal darkness and ankle deep water, he Stood there for a few minutes looking around for simply anyone to ask where he currently was but after awhile he stopped With impatience written all over his face for what felt like days running around aimlessly when It was barely a few minutes In the Outside world.

Not Being able to hold his patience any longer Naruto Screamed out With all his Strength. "Hello!! anyone here!? listen I'd love to Stay and chat but I have to go back and save my friends!"

Again, all that greeted him was silence so he continued onward saying the same thing over and over again like a broken record after what felt like a century, just as he was about to lose all hope he heard a voice behind him Startling him.

"How do you plan on going back to save your friends when you are already dead" The voice said.

Naruto had not even turned around before he started talking again.

"Oui, Can you not sneak up on me like that, and what do you mean I am already dea... "

When Naruto had turned around in order to see who It was that was telling him he had died he was so shocked his words seemed to get lodged in his throat.

Naruto had been expecting the person behind him to be someone similar to a wise Old sage not... This!

The "This" that Naruto was referring to was a boy who seemed to be of similar age to him having a shade of midnight black hair that seemed to somehow make the abyssal darkness around them a shade lighter, Ruby Red eyes, and a face that would sure in hell give Sasuke a run for his money. The most unusual thing was the boy had a pair of White fox like ears on top of his head and nine tails behind his back swaying side to side ever so slightly.

None of those things were what caused Naruto to be speechless what caused this was the fact that his Ruby Red eyes were not able to hide what his warm inviting

smile tried to.

Those eyes seemed to remind him of someone, Gaara's eyes Where filled with loneliness and hatred before the two became friends. Sasuke's seemed filled with loneliness and a heartfelt revenge. His own Eyes were filled with the same when he was younger when the village still all hated and Ignored him. The persons eyes infront of him seemed so familiar, They seemed to only show one thing.

"I am lonely".

That was all they conveyed and he felt as If no one but someone Who had experience of being a "Monster" would be able to recognize It.

Naruto felt the need to ease his loneliness Just as he did for Gaara, he felt as if there was a bit of familiarity between each other but he had no time, he had to go and help his friends. Forcing himself to swallow the knot that was stuck in his throat Naruto snapped out of his daze and said "what do you mean I am dead, I need to get back to help my friends theres this really bad guy trying to put everyone in a Genjutsu forever, and I need to get out of here immediately- Please Ill do anything Just give me a couple more hours.. no a day! I need to get back home and say goodbye to everyone and have one last Ramen. I cant be dead yet, please!!"

The person In front of him smile faded while he knitted his brows and looked at Naruto as if he had said one of the most ridiculous things ever. Still he did not respond seeming to be as if he was deep in thought. After a few minutes he frowned and replied. " This place is where souls are sent to before they pass on, I am sorry but you have already died and I dont have the power to bring someone back to life." Shaking his head he continued. "There are no exits nor any redo's you wont be able to leave this place and In a few minutes you will pass on..."

Before Naruto could start rambling on again the boy Stopped

him and said. "you have already died, you cannot leave...But... I am not "Dead" so I can leave this place... Would you like me to help you save your friends
