
Naruto: Aizen Template System (rewrite soon)

Uehara Naraku, traveled to the world of Naruto as a member of the Uchiha clan. With the Uchiha incident near, he awakened the Template System. [Template System activated, Character: Aizen Sōsuke] Naruku must navigate the complexities of the Naruto universe, facing challenges, forming alliances, and ultimately reshaping his destiny amidst the chaos of ninja warfare.

EvilBlueCrystal · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 13

After Naraku left the village, the Shinobi were left behind defeated.

The air was heavy with the smell of smoke and blood, remnants of the fierce battle that had raged through the streets.

Buildings lay in ruins, their walls shattered and roofs collapsed, bearing witness to the destructive power that had swept through the village like a storm.

Meanwhile, Kakashi lay buried under the rubble, his body barely visible amidst the debris.

He was in a state of near unconsciousness, his breathing shallow and his chakra reserves depleted to almost nothing.

The relentless onslaught of Naraku, combined with the strain of using Raikiri twice, had taken its toll on him.

Despite his formidable skills and experience, Kakashi found himself outmatched by the sheer power of his adversary.

It was originally speculated that Naraku was only at the level around Jonin's peak, the same as him.

In addition, there are so many Jonin on his side, it should have beed impossible to lose in a group battle no matter how you think.

He had always believed in the strength of teamwork and camaraderie, trusting in the skills of his fellow Jonin to overcome any obstacle.

And yet, despite their combined efforts, they had been unable to emerge victorious against Naraku's onslaught.

During his fierce battle with Naraku, Kakashi couldn't shake the sensation that he had fallen under genjutsu in some instances.

It was a disorienting feeling, one that left him questioning his own sense and perception.

Naraku refrained from fully unleashing his genjutsu prowess, opting instead to rely on his other formidable abilities.

The zanpakutō's shikai ability, Perfect Hypnosis, granted Naraku the power to manipulate his opponents' senses.

With it, he could distort their perceptions, to control the senses to the point where it can make the target misinterpret another person's form, shape, mass, feel, and smell into another existence.

Making them see and experience illusions so convincing that they could hardly distinguish reality from imagination.

In other words, Kyōka Suigetsu is, stronger in group combat than direct combat, rendering Naraku nearly invincible when fighting against a group of enemies.

For Naraku, whose growth is not yet complete, this is the most perfect and most cautious method of fighting.

After a thinking about the battle for a moment, Kakashi's expression of dread on his face became even more faint, "Perhaps, his illusion skills are no longer inferior to Uchiha Shisui!"

Naraku and Shisui, some people had compared the two in their youth.

While Naraku was undeniably talented, he was overshadowed by the brilliance of Shisui.

Shisui's natural prowess and mastery of genjutsu had earned him a reputation as one of the most formidable Shinobi of his generation, and the only known direct descendant of Kagami Uchiha would go on to inherit his Will of Fire rather than the Uchiha's Curse of Hatred.

But now, Kakashi suddenly thought that this rebel has reached the height of Uchiha Shisui, how can it not be surprising.

The weight of exhaustion bore down upon him like a suffocating blanket, and Kakashi found himself unable to muster even the slightest ounce of strength.

His body, drained of its last reserves of chakra and stamina, lay sprawled amidst the wreckage.

With each passing moment, his mind grew cloudier, the world around him fading into a haze of pain and weariness.

Desperately, he tried to will himself to his feet, to stand and confront Naraku before he could make his escape with his abducted friends.

But try as he might, his limbs refused to obey, shackled by the chains of exhaustion and defeat.

Kakashi felt himself slipping away.

His vision blurred, his thoughts growing distant and disjointed.

With a last futile effort, he tried to hold on, to cling to consciousness just a little while longer.

But it was no use.

Kakashi drifted into the oblivion of sleep.


After an hour a shadow landed on the ground, up from the sky.

Anyone could discern who it was by looking at the familiar green tights and the somewhat ridiculous look.

It was Might Guy who had traveled several hours without rest, to catch up with Kakashi's team.

Might Guy searched the area and soon found Kakashi.

"Kakashi!" Guy's voice was filled with urgency seeing his friend's battered body.

With practiced precision, he knelt beside Kakashi, and carefully cleared away the debris that surrounded him, revealing the extent of his injuries, as he assessed his condition.

He placed his ear against Kakashi's chest, listening intently for the reassuring rhythm of his breathing.

With each rise and fall of his chest, Guy felt a flicker of relief, knowing that Kakashi was still alive.

Against the pulse point on Kakashi's wrist, his touch was light but deliberate as he sought to gauge the strength and steadiness of his heartbeat.

For a brief moment, the weight of responsibility pressed down upon Guy's shoulders.

As a Shinobi, he had received basic training in medical ninjutsu, but his skills in the field were far from polished.

Nevertheless, he was determined to do whatever it took to help his friend, even if it meant stepping outside his comfort zone and delving into the realm of healing arts.

In recent years, Guy had taken to studying medical books, eager to expand his knowledge and abilities as a Shinobi.

Though he may not have mastered the intricacies of mystical palm techniques, he had familiarized himself with the basics of first aid and battlefield medicine, knowing that such knowledge could mean the difference between life and death in times of crisis.

Guy wiped the sweat from his brow, and a wave of relief washed over him as he confirmed Kakashi's condition.

Soon, two chuunin who had been trailing behind him, arrived on the scene.

Their expressions mirrored Guy's own surprise as they took in the devastation before them.

The village lay in ruins, its streets littered with debris and the echoes of battle still lingering in the air.

Their eyes fell upon the wounded and exhausted figures of Genma, Asuma, Kakashi, and the others, each bearing the scars of their fierce struggle against an unseen enemy.

Asuma, with his arm severed and blood staining his clothes, lay unconscious nearby, while Kakashi was in better state, but still had some injuries.

And there were others who were missing, their fate unknown.

How could someone have orchestrated such a devastating assault on Konoha's most revered Shinobi?

Might Guy tended to the injured, administering first aid and offering them some water.

His thoughts then lingered on Naraku and the havoc he had wrought upon their village.

Anger burned within him, fueled by the injustice of Naraku's actions.

"Even if he considers himself a formidable fighter, resorting to such despicable tactics is beyond reproach," Guy exclaimed, his voice thick with fury.

"To take hostages and mutilate our own comrades... It is an act of cowardice and treachery!"

Not only had he betrayed Konoha and turned against his fellow Shinobi, but he had also inflicted grievous harm upon them, leaving a trail of destruction and suffering.

"And what of Asuma?" Guy's voice trembled with emotion as he spoke of his injured comrade.

"To cut off his arm and leave him crippled... Such cruelty knows no bounds."

Guy knew that news of Naraku's treachery would not sit well with the Hokage.

"Should we chase them?" one of the chunnin asked.

Asuma's condition was dire, and Kakashi, though awake, was still weak and exhausted.

Now the strongest among them was Might Guy, the decision was left to him.

However, pursuing Naraku now would be futile, and could lead to further casualties among their ranks.

With a heavy sigh, Guy shook his head, his resolve firm despite the turmoil within him.

"No, we must prioritize the safety of our comrades and return to Konoha," he declared, his voice tinged with regret. "Lord Hokage must be informed of what has transpired here."

"But what about Kurenai and Kinoe?" Izumo's voice was laced with concern, echoing the thoughts that weighed heavily on their minds.

Guy's gaze softened as he considered their missing comrades, his brow furrowing with worry.

"We will do everything in our power to locate them and bring them back safely," he vowed, his tone resolute. "But for now, our priority must be to return to Konoha and regroup."

The other chuunin's words offered a glimmer of hope. "Kinoe might still be alive," she reassured, her voice carrying a note of determination.

"And Kurenai... she's a ninja through and through. She knows the risks, and she's prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of Konoha."

As the sun dipped below the horizon and darkness began to descend upon the woods, Guy led his comrades back towards the village, their steps heavy with exhaustion.