
Naruto: Aizen Template System (rewrite soon)

Uehara Naraku, traveled to the world of Naruto as a member of the Uchiha clan. With the Uchiha incident near, he awakened the Template System. [Template System activated, Character: Aizen Sōsuke] Naruku must navigate the complexities of the Naruto universe, facing challenges, forming alliances, and ultimately reshaping his destiny amidst the chaos of ninja warfare.

EvilBlueCrystal · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 14

After several days of traveling, Naraku and his team emerged from the dense forest, at a remote village within the the Country of Fire.

The air was thick with the scent of wood smoke and the distant echoes of life's daily routines.

After crossing the gate, Naraku walked deeper into the heart of the village.

The travelers stepped onto the cobblestone streets, their footsteps echoing against the quiet surroundings.

The buildings towered above Naraku, they had sturdy wooden frames and were packed tightly together, casting long shadows of the sun.

The streets were bustling with activity, the villagers going about their daily routines.

Naraku navigated through the crowd of people, making his way past the stalls of the merchants peddling and villagers engaged in conversations.

On the sides of the street, there were an array of products, tempting passersby with their diverse offerings.

Naraku's gaze wandered from one stall to the next, taking in the vibrant array of goods on display.

Clothes of every hue hung from lines strung across makeshift racks, swaying gently in the breeze.

While baskets overflowed with ripe fruits and vegetables, their sweet aroma mingling with the scent of spices and herbs.

Amidst the bustling marketplace, he saw stalls adorned with gleaming weaponry, their polished blades catching the sunlight as they showcased an assortment of kunai and other martial implements.

Part of the kunai were crafted by the skilled blacksmiths of the village. These locally crafted kunai bore the mark of a village. The craftsmanship and expertise were passed down through generations.

Alongside these locally made weapons, there were also kunai imported and sourced from distant villages.

These foreign imports added diversity to the marketplace, offering villagers a wider selection to choose from.

Yet, regardless of their origin, the sales and profits from these weapons were tightly controlled by the Country of Fire itself, under the leadership of the daimyo.

It was a system designed to maintain order and regulate the flow of weaponry, ensuring that the village remained secure while also contributing to the coffers of the nation.

The country of fire was a country that relies on commodity trade between the two countries, the country of wind and the country of the river.

Finally, after navigating through the lively crowd for a considerable time, Naraku and his companions arrived at a quaint tavern nestled at the middle of the village.

The tavern's wooden facade exuded a warm and inviting charm.

As they pushed open the door, the sound of chatter washed over them, mingling with the comforting aroma of meals being prepared in the kitchen.

The interior of the tavern mirrored the rustic charm of its exterior, with dark wooden beams crisscrossing the ceiling and rough-hewn tables and benches scattered throughout the room.

Along the entrance, colorful paper lanterns swayed gently in the breeze, their casting a playful glow over the tavern's interior.

Naraku led the way as they ascended the staircase to the second floor of the tavern, where a quieter atmosphere awaited them.

Upon reaching the upper level, Naraku and his two companions found a secluded corner and took their seats at a sturdy wooden table overlooking the bustling tavern below.

From their vantage point, they could observe the ebb and flow of activity, while still enjoying a sense of privacy and seclusion.

Having changed into a new attire, Naraku now donned a sleek ensemble of black garments, the fabric clinging to his form with an air of understated elegance.

A matching cloak draped over his shoulders, its folds billowing softly as he moved with purpose.

Atop his head rested a simple yet stylish straw hat, its brim casting a shadow over him.

The dark attire contrasted sharply with the warm, rustic ambiance of the tavern, yet somehow seemed to complement the surroundings with an air of mysterious sophistication.

Inside the tavern, sunlight filtered through the windows, casting golden beams that danced across the wooden floorboards.

The warm rays bathed the interior in a soft, inviting glow, illuminating the rustic charm of the space and lending it an air of cozy tranquility.

Tables were arranged strategically throughout the room, each positioned a few feet apart to allow ample space for guests to move about comfortably, and ensured that every guest could enjoy their meal and conversation without feeling crowded.

The tavern was bustling with activity, its cozy interior half-filled with patrons enjoying a respite from the day's labors.

Among the diverse crowd, Naraku noticed the presence of shinobi scattered throughout the tavern.

Their distinguished attire and the subtle glint of weaponry marked them as members of the ninja class.

Clad in attire of finer quality, they exuded an air of confidence and poise, their demeanor betraying the discipline and resolve ingrained through years of rigorous training.

Most of the shinobi scattered throughout the tavern were ordinary chuunin, recognizable by the distinct insignias adorning their attire, of their respective villages.

These skilled operatives traversed the vast expanse of the Country of Fire, undertaking missions ranging from routine patrols to high-stakes reconnaissance, each task serving to bolster the security and prosperity of their homeland.

In exchange for their service, these chuunin earned Ryo, the universal currency coveted by all within the shinobi world.

With each successful mission, they accrued wealth and prestige, slowly ascending through the ranks as they honed their skills and expanded their repertoire of techniques.

Yet, such advancement required years of dedication.

For many, the path to higher rank was a gradual and arduous one, marked by countless trials, and sacrifices.

Yet, they pressed forward, fueled by the promise of greater responsibility and influence that awaited them at the pinnacle.

Naraku settled into his seat at the table, his gaze drifting across the bustling tavern as he awaited the arrival of the waitress.

Before long, a cheerful young woman approached their table, a warm smile lighting up her features as she greeted them.

"Good evening, travelers," she said, her voice carrying a hint of hospitality. "What can I get for you today?"

Naraku returned her smile, his features softened by a hint of gratitude. "We'll have some of your finest ale," he replied, gesturing to his companions. "And perhaps a selection of your specialty dishes as well."

The waitress nodded eagerly, her pen poised to take down their order. "Excellent choice," she remarked, jotting down their preferences with practiced efficiency. "Your drinks will be right out, and the food won't be far behind. Enjoy your meal, gentlemen."

With a gracious nod of thanks, Naraku watched as the waitress bustled away.

Leaning back in his seat, taking opportunity to unwind and replenish his strength after a long day on the road.

As he awaited the arrival of their order, Naraku exchanged a knowing glance with his companions.

Kinoe and Kurenai sat at the table with Naraku, their expressions remained eerily neutral, devoid of any hint of emotion or awareness. 

Their eyes glazed over, reflecting the emptiness of their minds as they remained under the influence of Naraku's genjutsu.

To Naraku, they appeared as nothing more than lifeless puppets, their strings severed and their autonomy surrendered to the will of their puppeteer.

Unbeknownst to them, Naraku had manipulated their perception of reality, with the power of his Sharingan and Kyoka Suigetsu.

Though his Sharingan bore only two tomoe, he had honed his skill with genjutsu to a level that allowed him to maintain his hold over them for prolonged periods, reinforcing the illusion with carefully crafted memories and experiences.

In their altered state, Kinoe and Kurenai viewed Naraku as their true Captain.

Any discrepancies or inconsistencies in their perception went unnoticed, their minds were unable to discern the truth from the fabricated reality that Naraku had crafted.

Naraku sat with his controlled companions, his thoughts drifted to the broader implications of the power wielded by the Uchiha clan and their coveted Sharingan.

It was no secret that other villages harbored a deep-seated fear and desire to obtain this formidable bloodline, recognizing its potential to tip the scales of power in their favor.

To safeguard their advantage, Konoha had taken drastic measures, dispatching assassins to eliminate any threats posed by potential defectors or rivals seeking to claim the Sharingan for themselves.

While no known Uchiha had ever betrayed the village, rumors circulated of a lone instance where a Hyuuga had dared to leave the confines of Konoha with the intent to abandon their clan.

In response to this, Itachi and Shisui had been entrusted with the mission to eliminate the rogue Hyuga shinobi, ensuring that the secrets of the Sharingan remained firmly within the grasp of the Uchiha clan.

Despite his limited knowledge of the specifics surrounding this clandestine operation, Naraku knew the lengths to which Konoha would go to protect its most valuable assets.

Naraku and his companions had decided to linger in the village for a few days, taking advantage of the respite offered by its welcoming embrace.

With their immediate tasks completed, they saw an opportunity to replenish their supplies, and gather information.

During their stay, they would immerse themselves in the village life, indulging in the simple pleasures of good food, warm company, and the comforting embrace of familiar surroundings.