
Naruto: Aizen Template System (rewrite soon)

Uehara Naraku, traveled to the world of Naruto as a member of the Uchiha clan. With the Uchiha incident near, he awakened the Template System. [Template System activated, Character: Aizen Sōsuke] Naruku must navigate the complexities of the Naruto universe, facing challenges, forming alliances, and ultimately reshaping his destiny amidst the chaos of ninja warfare.

EvilBlueCrystal · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 12

After everyone had fallen and defeated, Naraku surveyed the aftermath of the battlefield, his gaze sweeping over the destruction that surrounded him.

The village was now in ruins, marred by broken buildings and smoldering debris.

The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke and dust, and the sun now began its descent towards the horizon.

Naraku walked on the over the rubble-strewn ground, his footsteps echoing in the eerie silence that enveloped the wreckage.

Eventually, he reached Kinoe, who was sprawled out weakly amidst the rubble.

His breathing was labored, his face pale and drawn with pain.

Then he touched Kinoe's head, his fingertips glowing with a soft, ethereal light as he channeled his Yin Chakra into him.

As the transfer of chakra took effect, Kinoe was placed under a genjutsu.

Naraku then moved towards Kurenai and repeated the process, weaving a genjutsu around her senses.

Then a voice cut through the air like a blade, "Naraku! Let go of Kurenai!"

Naraku turned to see Asuma, barely standing amidst the wreckage, his figure haggard and worn from the intensity of the battle.

Asuma winced as he shifted his weight, the pain from his injuries radiating through his body like a constant ache.

His clothes were singed and torn, his skin had burns and bruises from the fierce battle that had raged around him.

Naraku regarded Asuma with a cool tone, as he spoke, "Is this your friend?" he asked, gesturing towards Kurenai. "Sorry, but I'll be taking her with me."

Asuma's blood boiled at the callousness in Naraku's words.

He clenched his fists, his jaw tight with anger as he remembered the devastation that Naraku had wrought upon his life.

It was Naraku who had taken his brother from him, and now, to add insult to injury, Naraku dared to lay claim to Kurenai, the woman Asuma had been trying to court, the one bright light in his dark world.

"No," Asuma growled, "You don't get to take her."

"I will kill you." Asuma seethed, his fury palpable as he faced his nemesis.

Naraku's walked over to him, his presence loomed ominously, standing a foot away from Asuma, his demeanor calm despite the rage burning in Asuma's eyes.

Before Asuma could react, Naraku's arm blurred in a swift motion, a kunai gleaming menacingly in his hand.

Asuma barely had time to register the movement before pain exploded through his body, his hand was severed cleanly at the wrist, falling to the ground like discarded wood.

"Aaaaahhh" Agony ripped through Asuma's being, his screams echoing across the desolate village as he clutched his maimed arm, blood pooling beneath him.

Naraku regarded Asuma with a plain gaze, "You are too weak, you lack hate."

Asuma's vision blurred with tears of pain and frustration as he struggled to comprehend Naraku's words.


An echoing boom reverberated through the air, as Naraku's swift kick connected with Asuma's chest, sending him hurtling through the sky.

Meanwhile, Kinoe's vision cleared, with the use of his Wood Relase, his senses slowly returning as his body gradually began to heal from its injuries.

With each passing moment, strength flowed back into his limbs, restoring his physical state to its former glory.

On the other hand, Kurenai, was battered, too exhausted to stand up.

Before Kinoe could reach her side, Naraku approached, his movements eerily graceful as he bowed slightly before placing Kurenai onto his shoulder.

These two individuals are valuable, and were now under the spell of Naraku's Kyoka Suijetsu genjutsu.

Beyond their combat prowess, Naraku also needed someone with knowledge of the inner workings of the Land of Fire.

Their usefulness outweighed any sentiment or concern Naraku might have felt for other shinobi on the battlefield.

Naraku knew he had to be quick. Other shinobi teams could be near, and he couldn't afford to be caught off guard.

Naraku's gaze swept over the ravaged landscape one last time before he began to walk away.

With Kurenai over his shoulder and Kinoe trailing behind, with a flicker of movement they disappeared into the distance, leaving behind the smoldering ruins of the village.