
Naruto: Aizen`s Ascension

Juha Bach faced defeat while trying to create a new world order. Some time passed, Soul society`s tranquility didn’t last for long - it evaporated as soon as the notorious mastermind, Aizen Sosuke, decided to enter the stage again! Surprisingly, this very man, when Juha Bach`s power was paralyzed by Ishida Uryu`s silver arrow, managed to acquire certain esoteric knowledge about how some hidden aspects of reality truly operated. This was not just a mere coincidence, as one might expect it at first glance, but the indirect influence of the otherworldly being, who with zest was ready to accept Aizen Sosuke as his fellow conspirator. Being reincarnated in the Naruto world during the warring states period, Aizen Sosuke together with his partner in crime are ready to make their grand plan come into being, which is not as trivial as - become the strongest, achieve immortality or simply conquer the world to prove self-existences right and worth. “Grasping power of destiny in one’s own hands … forging unique path by making first steps on the road of uncertainty … eating wings of inevitability, granting oneself the power to vaporize the blinding arrogance… ready to be emptied, only unknown creativity to be granted, shall journey of consciousness be experienced to the deepest joy intensity.”-Dante to Aizen before reincarnation. **Disclaimers** All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Zero8master · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Departure to the embrace of the unexplored.Part-2.

A chilling, eardrums-shaking roar resounded!


Abruptly, in the sky, the giant majestic half-transparent, glowing in silver light(just like ultra instinct Goku's silver glow), supreme emperor ice dragon made shocking reiatsu sound waves!

On this local battlefield, the speed of the surrounding time gradually was slowing down!

On the awe-inspiring Dragon`s body could be seen many transparent golden-coloured veins and arteries, inside them dynamically was flowing angelic-silver coloured extremely dense reiatsu.

Dense to the point that it is was liquefied!

Inside dragon`s head, in a special prismatic space, firmly was standing Hitsugaya, who had his hands clapped together and eyes closed.

His facial expression was that of a Buddhist monk in the snowy mountains, who has managed to enter a deep state of meditative enlightenment!

Contrary to Hitsugaya`s serene state, inside the dragon solar plexus location, in sphere-shaped space, Rukia, having her Bankai power released, was holding above her head with both hands, the transparent silver glowing sword, which had golden liquefied reiatsu faintly circulating inside it in a spiraling manner, as if it was the fast-rotating milky way!

Now, dear reader! This is a truly imagination-boiling, fascinating scene to behold!

Rukia was like an otherworldly entity- The ice goddess of punishment! her angelic-silver glowing white, ankle-length kimono had golden lined patterns. The attractive robe had an attached ornate collar, edges, and shoulder design with short, wide sleeves.

There were short, flowing golden pulsating in great intensity, ribbons tied at her back that formed numerous small loops.

She had a small golden rotating lotus ice flower formation at the center of her chest, and a shimmering silver crown of ice that extended around the back of her head.

Rukia`s soul-captivating eyes were an embodiment of a merciless determination, the determination to simply but profoundly cut everything in her way!

A 4D sound quality majestic battle cry resounded on this battlefield (Dear reader, just use your imagination more creative-astoundingly!)

"HAAAAA!!!"- The Ice goddesses performed her strike of punishment!

Giant golden lotus illusory image appeared behind the dragon's head, nine silver smaller ice lotus flowers had surrounded Aizen-Dante and wormhole portal in a circular formation.

Golden-silver illusory extremely fast rotating two freezing vortexes materialized out of thin air from above and below the circular formation. Upon connection of vortexes, reality started to change colors from usual colorful to black, from black to white, from white to black, and so on in a cycle.

manifested reality slightly, but surely was distorting in different directions

To much surprise of onlookers, it did not deal too much physical damage and it also was not so straightforward, but a keen eye could notice that Reality`s "manifestation level density "was becoming lesser with every passing second!

The surreal, Psychic-freezing feeling was manifested!

The Wormhole became highly unstable and unusable, it was apparent that it will crumble in the next moment!

Right at this crucial moment, Urahara shouted:" good! it is now! Ichigo, Zaraki, give the final blow!"

Zaraki`s body finally snapped out of the trance and with horrifying might performed a sword swing in Dante`s and Aizen`s direction.

The monstrous sword swing produced a very loud whistling sound as it sliced through space!

The series of roaring reiatsu waves were heard!

Ichigo had already released powerful energy waves all throughout his body and with extreme speed appeared above the battlefield, launching the bone-quivering attack.

" Getsuga Jujisho ! "cross-shaped, void-shaking getsuga enveloped the translucent wormhole`s area, destroying it.

TssssKrrrrBOOOM !


The booming sound shook the ground strongly!

Dust and dense energy waves had shrouded the area!

(Author note: My dear reader, let`s use our imagination more creatively and vigorously from now on. These kinds of effects can be found in animations so just let's bring them here to express the atmosphere more deeply!)

{ special auxiliary effects-on

# Time dilation(time just passes way slower) -Effect starts,

# Everything around Urahara becomes illusory in dark colors and a little paler(main focus on his thought process and inner state of self)- Effect starts,

# Amplification of Urahara `s inner monologue sound- Effect starts, }

Urahara mentally summarized the occurring events.

' Splendid! Rukia-Hitsugaya`s Bankai unification secret art, which I have painstakingly designed as a method to counter similar abilities like Juha Bach`s "Almighty", was performed masterfully!

When they employed their otherworldy escape technique a weak link was found in the counter-barrier remodeling method. After our timely signal, Rukia-Hitsugaya took advantage of this opening and launched a devastating attack, without endangering us, captains, sustaining the barrier!

Two sides of a single coin skillfully performed their roles!

Rukia-Hitsugaya attack targeted the metaphysical side, while Ichigo-Zaraki team-physical aspect!

Luckily, earlier when we were discussing barrier formation node distribution, I, somehow, had a faint feeling that Rukia-Hitsugaya sustaining barrier was improper manpower allocation, so other captains took their places.

To think that Aizen with that devilish creature would use an escape method involving extreme examples of applying time-space Laws in a practical use-the wormhole and Rukia-Hitsugaya`s Bankai unification secret art would have such an appropriate chance for its debut! '

Urahara in his mental evaluation used the word "luckily" when he excluded Rukia-Hitsugaya from sustaining the barrier formation process, but, as a matter of fact, unbeknownst to him, it was the world`s will influence! there was no such a thing as just a mere lucky coincidence! After all, Rukia-Hitsugaya were not the only ones that could perform Bankai unification secret art!

In heavenly will`s eyes, Aizen was its citizen that had its "value", Hogyko was a world-class treasure, aka world spiritual treasure, while Dante, the otherworldly entity even if it was just a soul fragment, was an embodiment of a delicious walking piece of knowledge that could enrich The bleach world. So how could heavenly will just stand idle and let them slip away?!

{ special auxiliary effects-off, everything resumes to normal! }

After a while, dust slowly but surely settled…