
Naruto: Aizen`s Ascension

Juha Bach faced defeat while trying to create a new world order. Some time passed, Soul society`s tranquility didn’t last for long - it evaporated as soon as the notorious mastermind, Aizen Sosuke, decided to enter the stage again! Surprisingly, this very man, when Juha Bach`s power was paralyzed by Ishida Uryu`s silver arrow, managed to acquire certain esoteric knowledge about how some hidden aspects of reality truly operated. This was not just a mere coincidence, as one might expect it at first glance, but the indirect influence of the otherworldly being, who with zest was ready to accept Aizen Sosuke as his fellow conspirator. Being reincarnated in the Naruto world during the warring states period, Aizen Sosuke together with his partner in crime are ready to make their grand plan come into being, which is not as trivial as - become the strongest, achieve immortality or simply conquer the world to prove self-existences right and worth. “Grasping power of destiny in one’s own hands … forging unique path by making first steps on the road of uncertainty … eating wings of inevitability, granting oneself the power to vaporize the blinding arrogance… ready to be emptied, only unknown creativity to be granted, shall journey of consciousness be experienced to the deepest joy intensity.”-Dante to Aizen before reincarnation. **Disclaimers** All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Zero8master · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Departure to the embrace of the unexplored.Part-1

Aizen and Dante had at this very moment delighted smiles.

Dante made some fast hand movements, thoughts moved in his mind like huge waves, countless thoughts were produced and destroyed, they collided and created major fireworks. incantations were pronounced, invisible reiatsu links started to materialized around Aizen, the latter, now acting as barrier core center, was enveloped by the small spiritual vortex.

"shtzzzzzzz" – the sound of a fast-spinning spiritual vortex speared to the surroundings. Pebbles were dancing erratically.

With a hint of amusement in his badass eyes, Aizen continued to make small adjustments and made some mental evaluation of the current situation-

'For certainly, right now Urahara and Mayuri must be feeling a 'little' bit off ,while minds of others have already been probably lost in a gutter!

Well, it is to be expected! Even if I could anticipate that the barrier formation method was used to counter Kyoka Suigetsu`s ability, it is definitely no way believable to expect your opponent`s choice to be the counter-barrier remodeling method, which is nearly astronomically difficult to employ in this little span of time, for it requires not just the simply horrifying amount of calculations and focus, but horrifying to the point where the brain is boiling and thoughts are evaporating.

But what if we add my and Dante`s intellectual and knowledge capabilities plus a little fortune power effect for inspiration? it is completely a different story, for It is not just a simple sum of elements but a synergistic effect!

We synergically boosted each other's capabilities multiplicatively!

It is evident, that Danter had noticed some strange presence when a high-territorial, almost invisible barrier to counter my Kyoka suigetsu`s ability was set up. I, of course, had kept an eye on my luck condition, which told me about the opportunity to reverse the situation for some time.

The battle with Zaraki was really convenient as it served as a source of data collection. The heavenly honey badger, known for its comprehending capabilities and spiritual sensory ability, was using our battle to figure out spiritual power redistribution pattern in the area.

No! not only that but through reiatsu resonant links, that originated from captains maintaining the barrier formation, barrier nodes structures were also analyzed to some extent by him.

While the Heavenly Honey Badger had a little skirmish with the Soifon and Zaraki and a superficial "diplomatic" conversation with the Kyoraku, I was already analyzing and integrating the information that Dante had secretly passed on to me.

The key factor here was my Kyoka suigetsu`s weakness!

So, some way or another it was necessary to come in contact with it. It was easy to figure out that barrier was used as an indirect method to 'touch' my zanpakto`s presence. Even if it is in the fused state with me, as long zanpakto`s presence spiritual resonance method is applied, it can work out.

Since it was an 'indirect' touching way to stop my Kyoka suigetsu`s ability, one captain`s spiritual resonant 'touch' was not enough. Thus, the sum of many captains' indirect spiritual resonant touching method was something like the equivalent of one captain directly coming in contact with Kyoka Suigetsu, making the latter`s ability invalid.

When you stare into the abyss for some time the abyss starts staring back right at you.

This is a hidden double-edged sword since it is a two-way connection. It is obvious, that some protective mechanisms prevent me from abusing this two-way connection.

Every captain sustaining barrier has a spiritual password of the barrier node, that prevents me from somehow overtaking their commanding position. For me to at least temporary overwhelm barrier command it is essential to capture every connected reiatsu links frequency in mind, compute every unique spiritual node signature, aka password, then make complex summarization of individual passwords thus gaining 'barrier commanding key'.

The next step will be simultaneously overtaking each node position with already calculated individual passwords and then using the 'barrier commanding key' to overwrite the whole structure of the barrier.

It is worth mentioning, that these calculations must be done fast enough, cause every barrier node`s spiritual password changes over time. During these simultaneous overtaking processes, a little reiatsu control backlash will happen to captains, thus temporarily making their spiritual power control chaotic. in this small-time window overwriting process must happen, of course, time is a natural limiter to what extend I can overwrite structure.

It must be the simultaneous process of overtaking each commanding node to prevent barrier destruction when commanding position swapping happens.

So, now using myself as a barrier formation core and utilizing connection via reiatsu links it is possible to temporarily trap them and make some use of them.'-Aizen had a corner of his mouth curved up, his attractive eyes reflected shocked and dumbfounded captains` faces.

Dante was calmly enjoying these surprised faces, especially Urahara's and Mayuri`s facial expressions were priceless!

"How did they managed to convert impossibility to possibility in this short span of time…"

Mayuri muttered in a flabbergasted tone while taking a sideglance at Urahara, who already has jolted out of his stupor and was trying to rapidly come up with some countermeasures.

In a deep teasing tone Dante made a speech, and of course, my dear reader, he had that attractive, sexy voice of that badass vampire Abridged Alucard(hellsing) : "The hallmark of a mastermind is not in how he badassly plans, but in how he improvises!

Plans may fail, strategies are not always fully vaccinated against failure, and tactics can be countered in an unexpected way. All too often these things fall to the unforeseen; the objective, then, is to see as much as you can and move along with it.

Don't you agree Urahara Kisuke?"Dante`s eyes laid on Urahara`s expression, the latter just had his eyes half-closed nevertheless still gave a short reply in a carefree way

"What a wonderful statement that is, and a very handy for our predicament too, it just not so enjoyable in our current awkward position, may you pardon us"

Dante just snickered and welcomed another guest.

"We are leaving this world soon, so it is a bit rude to not at least come and say farewell to Aizen. he, after all, can be considered your godfather, Ichigo! "

Dante looked in a certain direction, a hint of entertainment flashed in his eye.

Some dark clouds parted ways, the silhouette of Ichigo Kurosaki appeared. The wind blew, spiky orange hair fluttered, creating some effect of contrast in the place where the light was almost absent. Brown eyes reflected some confusion and alert.

"Damn right! Your instincts are quite accurately describing the current situation, Ichigo."-Honey badger mockingly gave Ichigo a half-smile, while making a grabbing gesture with his hand" any reckless move will only bring consequences that are not quite welcomed! But I guess it is better to leave the explanation part to your Godfather, he too is quite excited to have a chat with you…"

"It`s been a while Ichigo, it is good to see that you are healthy as ever … Just as my partner, said, it is better to not make any unnecessary movements or captains may have their soul power foundation a little bit crippled. "-saying that Aizen activated COUNTER-Barrier remodeling method to another level. A huge amount of reiatsu started siphoning out from captains and, by going through Aizen, was focusing on Dante, while the latter had one of reiatsu channel connection to the former.

"As you can see, we can control the reiatsu extraction flow speed and if things go well for us, unnecessary sacrifices can be avoided. If we, in a special way, draw great amounts of energy in a relatively short time from souls, the 'burn' effect will occur with unforeseen consequences. How about this, you just stay uninvolved while we peacefully embark on our journey beyond this world for the pure sake of exploration. "-

Carefreely spoke Aizen while perfectly having Ichigo Kurasaki`s psychological portrait in mind.

A trace of worry flashed in Ichigo's eyes.

Dante - 'well it is not really that serious to the point of simply exploding the soul foundation but a little bluff is a must to some extent'

"Aizen….."-slowly spoke Ichigo.

"It is true, we are their hostages for time being"-Urahara mildly spoke, 'we just need some time, and Mayuri and I will be capable of finding countermeasures after all Aizen could not simply alter barrier`s formation structure to the larger extent in this short amount of time, thus some loopholes will be present…'

Suddenly space-time undulations formed, the world`s boundary wall portion shattered, wormhole appeared.

The translucent wormhole emitted different colored rays of light, this wormhole had a different size and presence compared to the one Dante created in the dungeon.

Information was recalled in Aizen`s mind.

' there are two fundamental ways to create wormholes first by drawing sophisticated arrays symbols and making adjustments, it is very energy efficient but requires more time for activation and readjustment for reincarnation technique, the second one is direct, 'brute' way, no complicated arrays just don`t be stingy on energy consumption and with minimal incantations create f$cking wormhole to outer universes and worlds, this one has another advantage – reincarnation technique needs a very little time to take desired affect'

Aizen and Dante activated reincarnation spell, already acquired world coordinates were projected in their comprehension field. The incantation of reincarnation was chanted in the mind:

' I, who traverse along the pathway of darkness and imagination, express my will through the true word, the true word that is experienced as a process and in its utmost concreteness, responds to the entire abyss of the universe, a word that releases the power of being in things. my true-self spirit shall awaken and grant the power of the voice to me - Floating namelessly through the universe, treating the heaven`s world as a game, ask not the person his name! Wandering through the world must chance meetings end up becoming acquaintances…'

ghostly white light enveloped both of them.

Aizen –' I should be careful not to overspend luck foundation, hmm… from the information that Dante provided me about this world ….'

He looked at his fortune projections and by using illusory golden liquid started forming an image of a generalized katana sword with written characters 'safe self-actualization of potential.

'an opening!!!'-the same thought flashed in Mayuri and Urahara`s consciousness and an almost simultaneous shout came "now! Rukia!Hitsugaya! "

"The last attempt?! Wonderful! Give me a present, cause I love presents!"-snickered Dante, but as he glanced at Aizen he discovered a flash of surprise in his eyes!

"This…with just merely looking at 'that' my perception of time is being distorted!"-Aizen`s usual confidence-inspiring eyes have widened a little.

'Now, what a trouble-inducing situation we are in! A wormhole is one of the extreme examples of applying time-space Laws in practical use, this time-distorting attack is definitely ban of its stability!'