
Naruto - Blue Droplets (ENG) version

Death is not always an end. Sometimes it can provide you a second chance. Protagonist of this story got himself such chance and will do whatever it takes to create his own small piece of heaven. While we will accompany him on his path towards a dream. This fanfic will start during the end of Warring state era and foundation of Shinobi villages. PS. I don't own Naruto and arts used. P.S 2 - NOT HAREM. P.S 3 - chapters are quite large. Also please comment and provide opinion whether or not to close this translation.

Abi_Daulen · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 3 Awakening in the lair and the first years

Chapter 3 Awakening in the lair and the first years

The Land of Fire

Nameless valley.

When I started to regain consciousness, the first thing I felt was an incredible desire to eat, drink and use a toilet. Such a combo immediately made me remember my first party at uni, or rather the consequences of this party. Well, at least without the smell of alcohol and cheap cigarettes or hand-rolled cigarettes.

- Oh, look who decided to finally wake up. You're a real bear cub ha! You like to sleep. - the huge figure said. – well, that's not bad thing, you have to eat and sleep a lot. Haha.

Well, I don't mind. Only if you would change my diaper or whatever I have, otherwise I, so to speak, managed to exceed the food recycling plan. Unfortunately, the lack of teeth and the experience in verbal communication of my new body did not allow me to express all my wishes. Well, that leaves to me only one efficient method to communicate with others and it is, a scream

- UAAAA- I shouted at the top of my not yet smokers lungs.

- I see, you must be hungry. I'll feed you now. Oh, so you also require to change diapers. Oh, who would have told me that in my old age I would be a babysitter. - A huge figure rumbled.

Over the next half hour, I was washed and fed, which made me feel like I was in paradise. And then they started rocking me. And I had severe doubts that babies enjoy this and immediately fall asleep. I think their brain just can't stand such sensory overload and just turns off, saving the little ones from torment.

And in this sleep-food-sleep mode, several months have passed, although I did not exactly count. Gradually, the world gained clarity and other feelings began to work as they should and I began to gradually explore the world around me. And the first thing that caught my eye was that everything was made in hurry. Rough unpainted walls, hastily made furniture and the absence of paintings and other decorations. Bachelor's Den beta version. The only thing missing is a mattress on the floor and an Internet router.

Further awareness of where I am made it clear what Ao meant when he said that the clan would experience difficult times. Everywhere it was felt that people took with them only the bare minimum and what could be carried away easily. Hmm, I feel I have a lot of work waiting for me in future. And I will need all my strength, so we do not waste energy on excessive reflections and analysis. Switching to the power saving mode ... h-rr-hrrr.

6 months later.

And now I'm almost a year old. I practically spent the whole year in energy saving mode-sleeping, which even made my grandfather-guardian worry about my health. But the medics said that everything is fine with me and I just like to sleep. Although the last couple of months I have started to pay more attention to what is happening around me. But the worst thing is that I had to learn a new language because I didn't understand what they were saying. The effect of full immersion in the language environment, damn it. I wouldn't be surprised if many people consider me retarded in development until my brains start processing words without translation.

But gradually my knowledge of Japanese became better and better. So very soon I was able to somehow answer the questions of my moustachioed nanny. And then constantly shouting somehow gets boring and the efficiency of such communication is lame and inefficient. But gradually life got into a stable state. My grandfather even tried to entertain me by telling me fairy tales and funny stories from his life. Uh-huh, fairy tales were only on the level of the brothers Grimm in the original without editing with blood and etc. But if you look from the other side, perhaps it was the beginning of the preparation of the future Shinobi for the cruelty of the outside world and for the fact that death is the eternal companion of Shinobi.

But the trouble came completely from where I did not expect. I was incredibly bored and my brain, accustomed to processing a huge amount of information, caused me to suffer from boredome . So one day I brazenly broke in into my grandfather's office and sat down on his knees and began to demand to teach me how to read and write.

Grandfather was in prostration for a couple of minutes. And then apparently something clicked in his head and he took me up into his arms and went towards the shelf with books and took out a small book-alphabet. This is the way I found a cure for boredom at the same time learning to read and write.

Grandfather was already glowing with pride, and when I decided to make fun of him and wrote a question – grandfather, I hope you didn't think that I was completely stupid because I hadn't answered to you before? – then I wanted to feed him a wagon of lemons, well, you can't be in such happy mood all the time. Then he started taking me for walks in our valley, because I need fresh air, I'm a growing little bear cub. But after the fifth or sixth walk, I got tired of such a waste of time, so I started taking a book with me. The sight of my grandfather carrying my busy in reading small body caused frequent cries of Kai among the clan members. Well, the sight of a small one reading a book about the sage of the six paths apparently turned out to be too strange for them. And grandfather, on the contrary, almost poked me in their faces and said that I was a little scientist, beaming with pride. Well, my look of kinda embittered hamster who was torn away from an important matter amplified the effect, leaving people in a stronger prostration.

Grandfather immediately realized that I was much smarter than other children of my age when I started asking him questions and my questions were not simple why small children ask adults. I asked him why we were here, why there were so few of us and where the other children were. With each of my questions, I saw an increasing sadness and sorrow. He briefly told us about the reason for our deplorable condition and everything fit into a simple thought – we lost and woe to the vanquished.

There are only about 50 clan members left, not counting a few behind the barrier. Most of them are old people and adults make up group of only 15 persons, but children and teenagers can be counted on the fingers, fortunately, of both hands. But the strongest and most experienced remained alive, so I was not particularly surprised by this, because in our dangerous job, where many die young, the most dangerous are those who have lived to grey hair age. And many specialists and carriers of valuable knowledge survived, so the clan lost in numbers, but not in potential. Plus, the carriers of pure Kekkai Gekkai remained alive. That is, me, and 2 more boys, but there is a big problem here. For the sake of preserving the purity of our Kekkai Gekkai, we need to find suitable brides so that the clan's bloodline does not fade in a couple of generations. So no weddings without a blood test. And yes, 2 boys will have to take several wives, and I am saved from this harem by the status of the sole heir of the main family. I need to marry a worthy princess of another clan for the sake of the political advantages of the clan. So the achievement of "My little harem" does not shine for me, but the achievement of "40-year-old virgin" shines if there are problems with the bride.

Crap! Both in me previous and present life I am threatened with a wedding at gunpoint by my relatives. So okay, this is still a long way off for 12 years, maybe it will sort out itself. But the cunning gleam of my grandfather's eyes shows that I will not get away from the wedding anyhow. Well, don't you dare to relax in future grandfather. My children and grandchildren will avenge me, I'm the calm and quiet guy here but I can't be sure about future generations hehe.

Gradually, they began to tell me the history of Kuma clan and the history of this world in more depth. Well, I can say that my clan has managed to arrange a number of really nasty experiences for many clans, even completely wiped out several clans. They explained to me which clan members you can work with and even maintain friendly relations with, and which ones you need to kill on sight. After the story, there were lessons in etiquette and calligraphy. When I decided to start uprising against this torment, I was punished by a half-hour long lecture that stated that we are a noble clan and should behave accordingly. Plus, grandfather said that calligraphy and other forms of art help us not to slip into savagery, which is especially important with our bloodline legacy. Calligraphy and drawing help us to restrain rage and anger and also train patience and endurance, which is especially important in the first 20 years of our life. As my grandfather told me, we are similar to samurai in this, but for us it is a necessity and for them it is not. And my training will begin when I'm 4, although you can start with music earlier.

Then I was glad that I could play something on the guitar as I was handed a Shamisen. Grandfather immediately realized from my face that I would either break this torture instrument from the music school on his head when I grew up or throw it into the lake a little later and took it away with a sigh. So drawing and calligraphy have become my imposed hobbies

And so a few years passed, well, at least in my previous life I went through a similar life experience, but still I refused to use all these honorifics - san dono and so on in my speech. Which led to my grandfather calling me a brute and a fool.

Finally, I turned 5 years old, and my grandfather felt that it was possible to start serious training. And it was only after the first workout that I realized that my personal hell had begun. Eh childhood why did you end so quickly.