
Naruto - Blue Droplets (ENG) version

Death is not always an end. Sometimes it can provide you a second chance. Protagonist of this story got himself such chance and will do whatever it takes to create his own small piece of heaven. While we will accompany him on his path towards a dream. This fanfic will start during the end of Warring state era and foundation of Shinobi villages. PS. I don't own Naruto and arts used. P.S 2 - NOT HAREM. P.S 3 - chapters are quite large. Also please comment and provide opinion whether or not to close this translation.

Abi_Daulen · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 2. The Path to Salvation and the New Home

Chapter 2. The Path to Salvation and the New Home

The Land of Fire

9 years before the foundation of Konoha

The forest of the land of Fire was incredibly beautiful and the relatively mild climate gave a feeling of the kingdom of eternal green slumber. But if you look closely, you can see the lights of bonfires and several dozen people. But the appearance of these people contrasted with the tranquillity of the forest. Many were in dented armour, and their bodies showed signs of hastily bandaged wounds. There were few women and children among them, and from the outside they seemed to be a gang of robbers or a mercenaries who were unlucky in the last battle. And your guesses were not so far from the truth. It was the noble clan of Kuma, or rather what was left of it. In the last battle, they were ambushed by several clans of the Lightning Country, which resulted in heavy losses. Even though the enemies paid a bloody price, but the Kuma clan lost more than half of its strength. In the Era of Warring States, this led to the fact that other neighbouring clans decided to get rid of rivals and seize their lands. But, fortunately, in addition to their personal strength , they had friendly ties with some clans of the land of Fire. Thanks to their help, they were able to survive, but the price for survival was the loss of their home and large financial losses. For despite the friendly ties, the clans asked for an appropriate fee.

But the clan members did not grieve over the gold and the lost house. Let them be few, but they are alive and most importantly they have saved the children. As long as the clan has children, he is alive and give them time they will rise again. However, for the sake of the future of the clan, they decided to go deeper into the territory of the land of Fire and tend their wounds. They need to find a new place for their shelter and let the young grow up. In the meantime, they must move on because they are still close to the borders of the land of Fire and no one wants a have another desperate defence when everyone over 7 years old went into battle.

Two old men in heavy armor sat down by the fire and began to think about the future of the clan

- Kaito, we need to go into isolation. We can't put the clan in danger anymore. We have enough money to secretly hold out until the young ones grow up. We need a safe haven, there are too few of us left. - An old man with a short beard and bushy eyebrows said. His armour was completely covered with dents from kunai and his right shoulder pad was cut in two and a bloody bandage was visible under it.

- I know Daiki and I agree with you, but tell me where we should go. Senju and Uchiha fight each other without stopping. The other clans haven't gone far from them either. And now, when Senju begin to look for allies, the battles will become large-scale and brutal. – the tall old man who even without armor seemed huge answered him. One of his eyes was crossed with a scar, and in the other there was an incredible fatigue. But he continued not to show any signs that he was tired and the last bloody losses became a heavy burden on his soul.

Although their appearance was quite shabby, they were still the last elders of the noble clan, which was evident from their manners and speech. Only the two of them and a few boys remained from the ruling families of the clan. Their parents died either in an ambush or in a last desperate defence. And now the fate of the entire clan depends on their decisions.

- We are going further into the land of Fire. We refuse to take any contracts until we find shelter and until the young grow up. If necessary, we take only relatively safe contracts. Contacts with other clans are reduced to a minimum. Although it would be better to completely hide our presence and let everyone think that we are still wandering and we are far away,- Kaito said.

- Yes, this is the only option. But about the clans. Our youngsters need brides and this can become a bridge between the clans that will give us some protection ... -but before Daiki finishes, Kaito interrupted him.

- Think what you're saying! We are weak and they know it. And they do not negotiate with the weak, but order them. So we will simply be killed in a couple of years and the young that we will have time to raise will be culled after the daughters-in-law become pregnant. And kekkai genkai and all our knowledge will go into the other clans hands! And that's it! There will be no more Kuma clan and only short sentences stating in the books that the Kuma clan has been destroyed will remain. Have you forgotten what happened to the Siba clan? - Kaito said angrily.

Yes, the fate of the Siba clan was very tragic and now the Kuma clan could repeat it. The Siba clan was a mighty clan, but in these cruel times, even such clans disappeared in just a few years if they were unlucky in battles and all they left behind were graves and ruins covered in ashes that were once their home. A couple of decades will pass and no one except historians and decrepit elders will know that such a clan once took place.

-Then what do you suggest? We need time and protection. Money will not give either one or the other, and only marriages can give us at least some hope. - Daiki said sadly.

- I 'm using that barrier scroll we got from the Redheads ! - Kaito said angrily.

- Are you crazy?!!! Until at least 5 years have passed, we will be locked up. What are we going to eat? Where will we get weapons and equipment from? Have you forgotten about such a little thing? – Daiki went berserk.

- Therefore, Daiki, you take all our money that we can allocate and buy sealing scrolls and provisions. And it's not up for discussion. We exchange money for time. And in this case we will have a chance. And not everyone will go beyond the barrier. Me and a few old ones will stay here and prepare everything for your return. And it's not up for discussion. – Kaito finished sullenly and left, making it clear that he would not change his decision.

- And Daiki. Take care of your grandson and make him a decent person and leader. He's the last thing I have left of my family besides you. - Kaito said and left to check how everyone was settled there.

- I promise Kaito. Aki will become a worthy successor and the clan will be ready for new achievements. I promise, brother. Just wait. - Daiki said, and with every word his voice was filled with strength and zeal.

Over the next few weeks, the clan began to look for a secluded place where they would be sheltered from the outside world without any way to get out until the barrier was finished. Along the way, they bought all the scrolls made by Uzumaki or other fuin masters that they came across to seal everything that might be required for the period of isolation. The priority was food and medicine, then there were books and relics, and it was decided to hide gold and equipment in caches, taking the very minimum with them.

Unfortunately, their strange behaviour did not got unnoticed by other clans, which led to attempts to rob them or force them to pay for so-called protection. Everyone felt that the bear was weak and did not pose the former danger. An ideal target for robbery. But they forgot that the clan had been living by war for a long time and their opponents were the same clans, while the clans in the south of the country were weaker and preferred contracts for espionage and theft. So the clan of Kuma (Bears) went through them with fire and sword. Even the usual trio of old Shinobi was enough that only half of the small clans remained, and even then, because the clan was preparing for isolation and could not destroy everything in its path, wasting precious time.

A whole month passed at such a furious pace and now the clan was ready. They found the perfect place near the border of the Tea country and it became a valley the size of a small town hidden among the hills. And now the last members of the clan enter the valley and only a few old men remain outside.

- Daiki, the fate of the clan is now in your hands. And we will be waiting and preparing everything for your return. Kaito said, looking into the eyes of his brother, whom he will not see soon.

- Wait for our return. What are a few years compared to eternity if not a butterfly's dream on a summer night. – with a smile, he finished saying goodbye to Daiki's brother.

- As he was a terrible poet, so he remained – Kaito threw with a laugh, opening the barrier scroll.

In a short moment, an almost invisible film appeared between the brothers, which was filled with different colours and with every second making invisible what was happening behind it. This special barrier allowed not only to protect the valley, but also to distort its appearance. Now instead of the big valley, anyone who wandered here will see only a terrible swamp. The genjutsu imposed over the barrier created a terrible feeling of illness and miasma. Anyone would think twice before going through this swamp. And if there are daredevils, the barrier will force them to take a circumferential path, not allowing them to reach the centre of the swamp.

-It's not for nothing that our clan bought this scroll. It's worth the price. Now it remains only to wait and not let the caches be looted. - said Kaito and signaled the others to move towards the capital of the Tea country. It's time to create a cover for yourself under the guise of merchants, otherwise the constant movement of Shinobi will attract unnecessary attention.