
Naruto - Blue Droplets (ENG) version

Death is not always an end. Sometimes it can provide you a second chance. Protagonist of this story got himself such chance and will do whatever it takes to create his own small piece of heaven. While we will accompany him on his path towards a dream. This fanfic will start during the end of Warring state era and foundation of Shinobi villages. PS. I don't own Naruto and arts used. P.S 2 - NOT HAREM. P.S 3 - chapters are quite large. Also please comment and provide opinion whether or not to close this translation.

Abi_Daulen · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 4 Chakra- Sweat and Blood

Chapter 4 Chakra- Sweat and Blood

Being born into a wealthy family, I got a very busy schedule from the age of 6. Permanent clubs and learning foreign languages with teachers. But compared to the current load, I could say with a clear conscience that then I was just fooling around. 6 hours a day I studied everything that the future head of the clan needs to know, plus drawing and calligraphy. 6 hours to train the body and practice with the chakra. I spent 4 hours studying my Kekkai Genkai. And I spent the rest of my time eating and sleeping.

At first it was incredibly difficult. Even as an adult in the body of a child, I wanted to just leave everything and run away. The only feeling I remember about the first six months is fatigue. But my grandfather always supported me and said that he was so cruel in my training because I had to be strong for myself and the clan. I understood the logic of his words and, wiping away my tears, continued to train stands and punches.

But, fortunately, I gradually got into such schedule and what seemed like hell became the normal routine. Almost unlocked achievement of "The Power of Youth", I hope at least I will be saved from a pot haircut and a green gymnastics uniform. When I first awakened my chakra and felt that I had a huge reserve of it, it surprised even my grandfather and he started joking that maybe I was a new tailed beast – an evil hamster! Okay, jokes aside, I had three times higher lever of chakra reserve than other children of the clan elite. But I'm still far from the level of Uzumaki, although it's even good, I'll spend less time training chakra control.

After checking my predisposition to the elements with the help of chakra paper, which revealed strong water and fire, grandfather began teaching me the techniques of Great Fireball and Water Hail. To my question why them he told them that our clan is not too strong with long range attacks because of the peculiarities of kekkai genkai. And so these two techniques will give me more flexibility in combat plus with my amount of chakra I will be able to use these techniques more often than others. Well, he's right here, I just don't have enough experience and control to summon a water or fire dragon. And those techniques will allow me to keep enemy under constant pressure, which will give me a chance to reduce the distance or allow others to take out the enemy. At the same time, I easily learned the techniques of cloning, henge and replacement. As I remember, this was a necessary minimum for future genins, so we put a tick there.

And it was only after six months at this pace that I realized how much I needed shadow clones because there was not enough time for everything I need and plan to do. There is no way I can get that jutsu right now. And a stupid attempt to use ordinary clones ended in a complete fiasco and a half-hour lecture from my grandfather about clones and how to use them. So we do everything the old-fashioned way and put the dream of a whole company of puffing and working clones in a far end of future plans.

But to work with kekkai gekkai, I need to improve the level of control, which resulted in many hours of marathons with a leaf attached to the forehead by the chakra. Although the old bastard grunted that even a stupid ass can train with a leaf, but with a bunch of needles attached to acupuncture points and in the amount of several dozen is another matter. Two in one damn, train chakra control at the same time you learn where and how to hit to take out even quite strong melee specialists . So take those hundred needles and start running circles around the valley and oh Kami don't you dare to lose at even one needle, I will make you feel all the acupuncture pain points to consolidate knowledge. Yeah, Grandpa knows how to motivate - even if you die you must still complete the task.

At this pace, another six months passed and a couple of months remained until my sixth birthday when my grandfather decided that now I could study clan techniques. That same evening, by the light of a campfire, he showed the transformation into a bear. The first stage is just a transformation into a bear, although my grandfather has gained several meters and several tons in height. Yeah, here in the firelight I'm looking at a bear as tall as a two-story house and almost as wide as a tank. He showed the second stage by turning into a bear shapeshifter . Let him grow smaller, but this form was more humanoid and allowed him to use jutsu, while the first form, due to paws and deeper physical transformation without adapting the Chakra Circulation System, complicated the use of jutsu. Uh-huh, try to fold a a hand sign with your paw. And the last form was similar to Susanoo, only in this form the beast begins to seize control and a strong will is needed to keep it in check. In this form, the chakra envelops the shapeshifter and increases his strength depending on the amount of chakra. Plus, the form acquires the features of an elemental beast. But this form also eats a lot of chakra, although thanks to the long time selection it causes minimal damage to the user.

Yes, it is clear why our clan was feared. But there is a little problem with our legacy, not everyone can reach the third form, for most of clan members maximum is short periods in the second form. Out of the entire clan, only grandfather and his brother can use the third form now. Although grandfather says that perhaps a few more people will be able to reach their level, but not yet. Yes, in order to achieve the mastery of the second form and open the third form, you must go to the world of the clan summon contractors and go pass difficult trials. After such introduction, my grandfather began teaching me transformation. At first, he made me wear a special helmet several times bigger than my head, in which my feelings were completely suppressed. Then he made me control my breathing and turn my gaze inward as I do during meditation. Only this time I was able to go much deeper and the first thing I felt was a primal roar. I felt like that roar made my body resonate. Each breath caused a new roar and an ever-increasing resonance in my body. So it went on until at one point I felt incredibly light and all the feelings did not return to normal. I tried to remove annoying helmet, but it didn't give in to everything until it was removed from me by someone else. But after that, my eyes began to burn furiously and a sharp smell of metal hit my nose. It was as if someone turned all my feelings to the maximum and it overloaded my brain. It was very painful for me, but instead of there was only a growl and a loud roar coming out of me.

Enough! I need silence! Aargh! My head.....The last thing I saw was my grandfather's sad face.

I came to my senses only a few hours later. In the same room, only now the walls were covered with claw marks. Grandfather was sitting next to me and with a slight smile pushed a mug with water and some dried berries were splashing.

- Have a drink. You need to regain strength after your first successful transformation. – said the grandfather and took out a large piece of dried meat and almost forcibly shoved it into my teeth.

- Grandfather, what was that? What happened? – I began to bombard him with questions, chewing a hard piece of meat and drinking from a mug. The most amazing thing was that I was getting better and better with every sip. But only the terrible itching in the teeth did not plan to cease, although chewing meat as hard as a sole made it, albeit not much, but still more bearable.

- You went through your first transformation and raged for almost an hour until your inner beast calmed down. I must admit, grandson, you made me sweat a little. Although in the end I was ready to knock you out with a well-aimed blow to the forehead.

— It was a terrible experience. Please tell me that it was only the first time. – I grimaced remembering that carnival of pain from sensory overload.

- I won't lie, grandson. You'll have to go through this a few more times. But it will be easier each time. And further training and preparation of your mind will facilitate the process. Moreover, you should have noticed that the pain was mainly due to the fact that your senses were incredibly sharpened, but your body was not ready for such pressure on your nervous system.

- Just don't tell me that I will have to repeat this unforgettable experience until I stop yelling like a slaughtered pig. – when I finished, I started to get a flickering tremor. Damn, I'd rather go light up a cig from lightning than endure such torture at least once more.

- Ha. See, you already know the answer. And now let's get ready, you need to show yourself to our healer and start eating a special diet and taking strengthening tinctures. – said the grandfather and went towards the exit.

I am nose deep in shit. In a compartment with regular tortures in this room, a local version of the trial of the grasses and forced cleansing of the body is waiting for me. For the first time in a long time, I wanted to smoke. First of all, when we get out of isolation, I will hit a tobacco shop and smoke a whole pack in one go. Yes. I'll do that. Ohh fuc..