
Mythological Legacy

Release: Monday and Friday Isiah 14:12: "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!"

DiBltzy · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 16

Walking into class, I sat down and waited for the teacher to arrive so we could go to the arena already.

Someone opened the door and walked in, it was Max.

Over 3 months, we had become good friends, the only reason he acted like a douchebag was because he worked for the Eye Of Horus, and they sent him to test my strength.

The Eye of Horus, a topic that has been popping up ever since i got to Legacy High.

Many people did not know what it was, it was a secret organization made by the government to train children from young, while limiting their legacies, creating mortal assassins, trained to look like normal weaklings then slit you're throat the next second.

Max was apparently also from that program which was weird because if my memory serves me right I had never seen him before nor recalled him when i went through those horrifying experiences.

After that, though we reconciled, he was a cool guy if you ignored the fact he could be sometimes annoying, well that was probably because he needed to keep his cover as a douchebag up in class.

"Aye Mael how you doing on this fine morning" He walked up to me as we hugged.

{A.N: He ain't gay, I kiss my homies good night, u can never be gay with the bois}

Pushing him off me I say "Im alright, I was busy with an experiment all night"

"Shit dude I told you that the Tournament starts today, why didn't you listen and got some good night's rest."

"Didn't feel like it, I mean dude I'm still gonna clap off yall anyway, me being sleep deprived just increases your chances of not getting stomped by me"

As we talked Miss Scatach entered the classroom, she looked different at the moment.

She didn't have her normal formal teacher wear, instead, she wore purple armor with a red spear floating by her side. The spear was red in color with irish rune engraved on the body. It hummed with power and exctment as if reacting to the environment.

She looked kinda hot, but sadly I knew I didn't have a chance. It was kinda weird when she stared at the class, specifically at me for a couple of seconds.

The others didn't see it, but I could see the cold glint that flashed in her eyes before she turned away.

Looking at all of us she spoke "Class, we have trained for months and the time to show what you have learned has come, show them even though you came in a loser, you have improved, show them you're not useless, make them eat your dirt and show them how powerful you truly are, remember every legacy leads to godhood."

As she gave a long speech, I shut off my brain and just got as much sleep as I could.


I could feel someone push me so I opened my eyes, it was Max.

Shit- everyone was already in line waiting for me, getting up quickly I walk to the back of the line.

Glaring at all of them, I walk to the back of the line as we walk to the arena.

The main school arena wasn't underground, it was in fact in the sky.

We used a sky platform to get there.

The arena looked black from the outside, this one didn't have a dome around it, but it did have a thin safety bubble around the entire thing.

Once the sky platform had reached the arena, a giant robot almost 50ft tall, asked for scatach to release her aura.

Nodding scatach released a minuscule of her aura.

Some of the students were floored immediately, some of the stronger ones were on their knees.

Even Max's nose was bleeding as his back bent significantly, Mael was no exception but he was in better shape.

The robot's face turned green as an interdimensional portal opened in front of us as we floated into the stadium.


As they said that my eyes widened, omfg she was THAT Scatach. Despite being my teacher for months all we did was learn about different types of Alien Invaders and their history culture , different things like that.

She was that Scatach

The one who slaughtered almost all the aliens that invaded her kingdom.

Kingdom was an understatement, there were no living people in her 'kingdom'

It was just a place where the living didn't live, because of the air there and the environment didn't allow that.

She had volunteered herself to keep the monsters there at bay while also making sure they didn't overpopulate.

If she's here that means her brother was the one that was at the desolate kingdom.




Why- why in the hell did they bring attention to me, this isn't what I needed in a tournament like this.

Well if they try and take me down to get famous il have to deck them to keep my respect.

Looking over at the booth station I see a man with a mustache and bright yellow hair.

He was the person screaming all the time.

I didn't have time to make fun of the clown though. The other classes in grade 1 were staring at the F class.

Scanning through all of them, I only found 3 opponents I could deem worthy of paying attention to.

The first was a blonde girl with pink trainers on. She had the eyes of an experienced killer, but she seemed to lack something...emotions.

The next was a guy floating on a sword with blue hair, he was the guy I saw on that line, feeling my gaze he turned to me and muttered something.

Even though he was far away I could hear him, he had called me "Class F Scum"

'How do we have class elitism its only been 3 months' I thought with a deadpan expression.

I grinned, he was gonna get his legs broken for looking down on me.

The next person that caught my gaze was a child, he had red shorts and a yellow shirt.

On it read: When your girl respawns in your homies bed in Minecraft😔

I almost burst out in laughter, this guy was something else.

As I thought of days to beat everyone that caught my eye, the guy in the booth yelled


The platform disappeared from the students' feet, the teacher quickly jumped into seats surrounding us as the students were forced to free fall.

As we landed some got injured from the sudden drop.

The guy in the booth then said "FIGHT"


In a top booth, all the teachers and ball chin principals all sat.

There were some new faces though, a woman with white hair and red eyes. You could almost feel the coldness radiating from her.

Standing up and looking down on the confused students below she says "The unexpected situation drives people into a panic...

"and a few common reactions take place"

Below some students started arguing

"Whatcha looking at"

"What did you say baldy"

On the other side, some started flexing their knuckles.

"Wanna die?"

"I should be asking you that"

The woman continued speaking "Some threaten others"

Another student started looking around, saw a weak timid boy, and figured he was weaker than him.

She continued "Some calculate who is stronger and weaker than themselves"

"Some unite to fight other but these types of students never make it to the finals"

"Some trust in their strength without trying to figure out the strength of others, these are the ones who make it to the finals"

Below, a buff guy suddenly appeared behind the child from earlier, punching him, he seemed confident.

The child suddenly sent lightning at the buff guy, roasting him in and out.

That attracted the attention as they stayed away from the child.


On another side of the arena, a girl with pink clothes stood.

Most guys started going after her, but then she flexed her aura.

Her hair floated as she started disappearing and reappearing, thrashing all the guys around her.


The guy floating on the sword sighed as he flicked his hand, instantly thousand of swords appeared from nowhere and they stabbed all the students around him. He made sure not to his their vitals.

He was an expert with his legacy it seemed to the others.


In another place of the arena, you could see a snowstorm gathering and freezing the surrounding students, a guy with blonde hair came out with another guy, and they seemed to be laughing.

The snowstorm soon disappeared as a firestorm was summoned melting the students and burning them a little.

The fire then turned into thousands of weapons and started raining down on the arena.


The woman in white smiled at the events below.

"We seem to have some interesting recruits"

The tournament had started, now it was time to sit back and watch the show


DiBltzycreators' thoughts