
Mythological Legacy

Release: Monday and Friday Isiah 14:12: "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!"

DiBltzy · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 17

Looking up to the booth at the top of the arena I feel someone staring at me. As I glanced there, I could see a woman with white hair and red eyes.

What kind of fuckin Chuuni appearance is that.

As if reading my mind, the woman looks at me with disgust, turning her head the other way she flips me the middle fingers.


Who the hell is that lady, too bad I can't focus on her at the moment.

Most students in our area decided to team up on us, seeing the waves of students from all classes, ranging from F-B class students rushed at us.

Each class was composed of 31 students so if my quick calculations were right, there were around 150 kids our age that decided it was a good idea to attack two boys who just summoned fire and snowstorms.

Shaking my head at their stupidity, I turn to max asking "I take the right, you take the left?"

Grinning he turns at me saying, "You know me too well"

He dashes to the left of the crowd as he summons his sword and jumps into the horde.

Laughing I summon Rhitta and flick my wrist as a star energy-infused flame wave appears.

It cut through the crowd as they all yell at the sudden temperature increase.

__Max P.O.V__

As I feel the temperature increase, I frown as a flame wave cut through the right side of the horde we were facing, not wanting to feel left out.

I summon a faint fighting Mecha made of enchanted devilish ice.

Since the time Mael handed my ass to me, I've been talking to my ice demon legacy.

According to him, Mael was a special being.

As the 3rd general of his past life army, I had a duty to protect him.

Although in the beginning this felt like something I wanted to part of, my legacy reassured me, knowing my own ancestor wouldn't want to harm me, I agreed to protect my soon-to-be king.

The Ice demon taught me a lot of things about my legacy, my power's weren't something a normal person could fathom.

His ice seems to be something demonic, a sinister Aura enveloped Max as he summoned the Ice Mecha.

The Mecha wielded two swords, on its back was a shield with a Vikings helmet engraved on it.

Although I didn't wanna show what my power could do, I couldn't let my best friend show me up.

Letting a battle thirsty grin form on my face, I enter the Mecha and start my slaughter- I mean giving students a pep talk.

__Mael P.O.V__

As I continued my fight with the horde, I sense max's energy raising till it stopped at a level 92.

It seems in the four months he has been training, looking in his direction my jaw drops.

What greeted my view was a horned giant, it had horns made out of some strange material, it had ice armor on with runic enchantments on it.

The runes looked similar to the ones on my weapon Rhitta. During the four-month training I had studied runes and it read

"The Ice Demon Shall Arrive and freeze the columns of hell over, leading the army of his lord, the firmaments of fire shall shiver in fear"

My eyes widen, memories, max...

It seems we really were destined to meet, who would've thought that Khutsomier the great ice demon who had lead my army before I became death was on this run down planet.

'It seems little Khut decided to follow his prince to oblivion' An unexplainable feeling of pride swelled my chest, maybe just maybe life is getting better

Grinning I grip Rhitta and mutter the words "Ghost step"

__Crowd P.O.V__

Feeling confused the crowd looks around for the student that had just disappeared.

Then a loud cry of pain was heard as someone's fingers were cut off. It seems as if the student had become a ghost, disappearing and reappearing.

Every time he appeared someone suffered a casualty.

He was fast and precise, like an experienced assassin.

__Mael P.O.V__

After getting rid of the cannon fodder, only about 120 or so remained from my elimination process.

Everyone was staring at me, I mean who else got rid of more than half the students that were here.

Grinning I walk to the middle of the arena and sit.

The next event was gonna start soon and I needed to refill my reserves. Watching me the other did the same thing.




The tournament's free for all was to weed out the weaklings before they even started the real thing.

The first real main event was weight lifting or strike testing. Next was a speed test and it ended with a seer contest.

A seer like the author explained in Chapter 6 was a bell-like structure that tested a student's level.

{.....Wait a min.....}

Anyway, the seer for this competition was used to get rid of all those using illegal substances to increase their strength and aura to seem like one of a higher level.


As we all exit the arena, we were told to rest.

The next tests were gonna be harder, well frick.