
Mythological Legacy

Release: Monday and Friday Isiah 14:12: "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!"

DiBltzy · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 15

Walking out of the principal's room I started thinking about what just happened. When Max had summoned the snowstorm, I had fainted.

And from what the principal said, it seems like an entity took over my body, but that's not possible.

The only explanation was that I had another consciousness.

Looking back, it seems my power/legacy had a consciousness. Maybe mines always took over when I was in danger.

Balling my fist I almost punched the wall and I walked down the stairs.

Was I that weak?

Lucifer himself, the prince of hell bowing down and fainting during a fight with a human boy that hadn't even gained his own concept.

And yet I had lost. I needed to start training seriously.

The inner grade tournament was about to start, every grade of every year had to participate.

This was also a good chance to get promoted to another grade or even skip years.

I didn't wanna stay here for another 7 years. Even though it was the top academy in this country, it wouldn't compare to the average schools in the other countries.

Especially The Azure Dragon Academy. the top academy in the continent.

But that was only for high school, I wanted to go to its college too but to continue to college you had to have some insane shit in your arsenal to help them fight invader's, or your talent had to be unlimited, or else they aren't taking you in.

But that was in the future, first I had to discover everything the power of lucifer had to offer. But something that bothered me was that being in the mist.

Why would he choose a prideful shit like lucifer to become a being that would be the end of all things eventually even chaos if it wanted?

This didn't stack up, but I couldn't think about that right now.

Entering class, I stop as I could see everyone staring at me.

I mean all I did was beat up someone, it felt weird getting attention like this.

B-but I liked it. The attention, the way some looked in fear and even adoration at beating someone invincible like Max.

Even James the snub noble looked away unable to meet my eyes

Walking to my seat I flash a grin at Lulu and taking out my book.

Even though we were the top school in this country, we didn't have the top tech stuff.

No one in this country did, we still used textbooks and notebooks.


__Scatach P.O.V__

As the boy walked in I could see a flash in his eyes. Like a predator looking at prey.

I knew he was something extraordinary when he had shook off my pressure on the first day of class, but I didn't think he was this much of a monster.

I could feel myself getting excited, maybe once I train this recruit, I would be able to fight him once he grew stronger.

After all, the queen of the shadow realm was feeling lonely.

Maybe I could marry him and he would rule my desolate kingdom with me.

Shaking that thought out of my head, I stare at him for a second.

He had something more to him, something sinister.

His string of fate was unique compared to the others.

Gae Bolg shuddered with excitement. Maybe he was the foe I had looked for this whole time.

Haha, I would love to see what would happen when my brother finds him. I almost sported a grin. Things will be interesting with this recruit.


__Mael P.O.V__

Finally class was over, I couldn't stand being in a room with everyone staring at me like a man with briefs on eating ice cream on a kid's bicycle.

Tapping my watch twice my hoverboard appears, it had always fascinated me how humans have evolved this much.

From Luci's memory, man had fought with spears and swords, even though some still did.

The majority used some tech that an ancient human would've considered alien.


Walking into the mansion I yell "Im Home Wifey".

A knife flew at me, it almost broke the sound barrier.

Even though I couldn't dodge it, my instinct screamed whoever threw that was so powerful me trying to fight would be useless.

Hellfire appeared, incinerating the knife, even though it wouldn't listen at times, it still protected its master.

Summoning Rhitta I close my eye's to try and use my senses to locate the person.

Opening my eye's I circulate star energy into my muscles, without any prior warning or body movement suggesting it, I rush at the up left of me.

Even though the knife looked like it came from the right, the person had silently moved from there.

Swinging Rhitta at full force, the wind starts to pick up.

The force of my swing could cut wind itself, the target had dodged last second, leaving half of the hallway was destroyed.

Smirking I grinned, as I start walking to my bedroom. The target was after all only a child.

To be specific, she was sensei's adopted daughter, Li-Fen.

Walking away I said, "Fen Fen no need to try and kill me, you know you would never kill me even if you tried."

Li-Fen took after sensei in some aspect, She was a cold ruthless killer.

She currently worked for the Azure Academy Shadow guard. The only reason I knew that and I'm still alive was because I was sensei's student. Also because if I died, the Azure continent would suffer since sensei would most likely rampage and no one except The Elite of the Elite's but they only had a chance if that came to be.

That didn't mean they protect me, just as long as someone from the military or shadow guard or any organization kill me, they die.

They didn't protect me from gangsters and bullies. But that was fine, I didn't need them fighting my battles.

"Mael, if you ever call me Fen Fen again and I'l filet your brain, oh and I heard you got into the trash Legacy High"

"Yes I did, you spoiled brat, now please leave unless you wanna see me undress, I never you that you were into me that way Fen Fen"

Clicking her tongue she leaves, not before she fixes the wall, her legacy was time reversal for up to 10min. It could be pushed further with training however it wa ver difficult even getting to 10 minutes was terrifying by itself.

It was a terrifying ability, but it had a range. If not, every time she turned time the entire verse would stop which was something only Old man Time could do.

Changing into the shirt and basketball shirt, I went into my mind space, but not before fen fen to tell sensei il to be asleep for a while.


I had entered my mind space again, sitting down on the meadow I start absorbing and refining star energy.

My Datain had a limit to how much it could hold, but the leftover energy could be used to permanently refine my muscles.

After a while of absorbing energy from the Stars, I get up.

The Primordial Star Body had some moves to it.

Calling upon Rhitta, it appeared in a wave of fire, I started circulating star energy through Rhitta. I was surprised, it didn't seem to reject the star energy.

In fact, it seemed happy like it had met its old friend. Concentrating I swing Rhitta.

A wave of hellfire was injected with star energy.

My jaw dropped. Why in the hell did a twenty-foot wave of fire come from. I hadn't even attempted to put all my energy into that.

Deciding it was time to wake up, I open my eyes. Time for another day to start.


It's been 4 months since I had beaten up max. I have really upgraded a lot in terms of power.

My body strength alone could rival a level 93 alone. Once I started using Rhitta my level jumped to rank 2.

If jumped approximately level 243. That's not even counting my The One mode.

My star energy also went through a major upgrade, I could now use it easier without any resistance.

Not only that, I could now shape my energy into weapons if I wanted.

I could also feed Rhitta to upgrade her blade. It was interesting to say the less seeing a blade eats energy.

My hellfire now listened to me instead of doing whatever it wants. I could also shape it into objects and when it's injected with star energy, it further increases its heat.

My height had reduced though, it seemed when I had gone through a transformation, the extra energy was stored in my body thus made me 6'10.

But I had now decreased to 6'5. Although I grew shorter, I was still taller than most of the population, not counting orcs, minotaur, etc..

The Inner Grade tournament was about to start, and I was prepared.

This tournament was important, not only would you get the chance to upgrade your grade, different freelance teacher's in the academy could notice you and take you as a student.

Even some colleges would come and seek talents out that could be recruited into the college early.

I Mael...

Swear on my pride, that I will win this tournament.

I was ready to show them why Lucifer was so feared in the Bible, and second only to his father.




Also should i update less but write more chapters because current i write around 1.5l -2k chaps every 2 days