
Mystreet: Inverted Personalities

Hey there, this is just gonna be a short description. So, in this story, most of the character's personalities either get swapped with another character's, or get changed entirely, and our main character this time, is Aaron. And that's all you really need to know. (And, of course, credit for the characters and the original version of the story goes to Aphmau/Jessica Bravura. Also, art credit for the cover goes to... Naeinks, I think. Also, some major and minor moments change in the story. Thus, making people look slightly, or even majorly different. For example, Ein's eyes are light brown here, as you can see from the cover, and Aphmau is taller here. And the ages are different, as well. Also, I know Jess confirmed that Ein is not Aphmau's brother, but I started writing this before I knew that, and I don't feel like rewriting it. Anyway, hope you enjoy!)

KempCarr · Others
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20 Chs

My New Neighborhood

I'm moving into my new house with my friends: Zane~Kun, Ein, and Travis. Zane~Kun was in his usual pink outfit, and Ein was wearing his trademarked baby blue shirt with the words, "BUFF BOI" written with a blue marker on the middle of the shirt. He was also wearing black shorts and blue tennis shoes. Travis was also wearing his usual attire, as well. "So, this is our new house, huh?" Ein says. "It looks amazing!" Zane~Kun says. "It's just a small two-story house, Zane~Kun. It's not that amazing..." Travis says. "Regardless, it still looks like a great house!" I say. "Anyways, let's take a look inside you guys!" I say. I'm using a moving company, so we don't have to take our boxes in, which allows us to explore the house sooner rather than later. Ein gasps excitedly and says: "Movie night!" In a whisper-like voice, with a twinkle in his eyes, as he sees the living room. "Wait, do you know what this also means?" Ein asks. "What Ein?" I ask, somewhat humoring him. "We. could have. GIRLS OVER! Especially you, Aaron." Ein says, and then winks. "Ein, you know me and Aph said we'd wait!" I say. "I know! I know... You two were just so cute together... and it was nice to see her smiling for once in a long time..." Ein says. "Zane~Kun doesn't know about the smiling, but he totally agrees that you two were really cute together!~" Zane~Kun says. "Zane~Kun, please don't start shipping me and Aph again..." I say. Then, Zane~Kun giggles. "No promises, Aaron~Kun.~" Zane~Kun says. I sigh, and ask myself under my breath: "Why did I expect any other kind of response?" "What was that Aaron~Kun?" Zane~Kun asks. "Nothing!" I say quickly. "Anyway, how about we go pick rooms?" I say, trying to change the subject. "Of course!" Zane~Kun says. "Sure!" Ein says. "Fine by me." Travis says.

We had finished picking our rooms, and we met back downstairs. "Now that we've picked our rooms, Zane~Kun has another idea!" Zane~Kun says. "What's your idea, Zane~Kun?" I ask. "Let's go meet the neighbors!" Zane~Kun says. "I'm fine with that!" Ein says. "I guess I'm fine with it too." I say. "Eh, you guys go on ahead. I'd rather just stay inside." Travis says, as he sits down on a couch. "Well, okay then! Suit yourself, Travis~Kun!" Zane~Kun says, as he walks out the door, while me and Ein follow him.

As I walk out, I see Aphmau walking on the sidewalk. She was wearing a dark purple jacket, with the zipper completely unzipped, and she had a black sports bra on underneath the jacket. She was also wearing black fingerless gloves, black shorts, and black shoes. "Aph!" I yell. This gets her attention, and she walks over to me. "Hey Aaron, how've ya been?" Aphmau asks. "I've been pretty good... How about you? I know you've been having a rough time, with your living situation, and all." I say. "It's fine, Aaron! I'm getting by! You worry too much!" Aphmau says, as she playfully punches me. "I can't help it. You're one of my best friends, and I want you to be happy..." I say. "I am happy, okay? So, there's no need for you to worry." Aphmau says, while smiling. Somehow, seeing that smile just makes my troubles go away. "As long as your happy, honey." I say, not thinking. I blush, and quickly cover my mouth with my hands. Then, Zane~Kun starts going crazy over his ship. Suddenly, Zane~Kun blasts off into the sky, somehow. "Frick! I'm sorry, it slipped!" I say, my voice muffled by my hands. Then, Aphmau chuckles a bit. "It's okay. Accidents happen." She says, putting her hands in the pockets of her jacket. "Well, I better get going. Work starts in about an hour. See you later, Aaron!" Aphmau says, before she waves at me. Then, she walks off. I take my hands off my mouth, still blushing. "You still love her, don't you?" Ein asks. "It was just a slip of the tongue, Ein." I say, dismissively. "Yeah, it was just as much a slip of the tongue as hers would be while kissing you." Ein mumbles. "Hey! I heard that!" I say, while blushing more. "Let's be honest here. You're way too adorable for any girl to resist you. I mean, remember.... Lucinda...?" Ein says. He seemed to be hiding anger when he said "Lucinda." "Yeah, I remember..." I say. "E-e-exactly! That proves my point." Ein says, trying to have a calmer tone after thinking of Lucinda. Suddenly, Zane~Kun comes crashing down, and makes a hole in the concrete. "MY SSSSHHHHIIIIIIPPPP! Huh? Where did Aphmau~Chan go?" Zane~Kun says. "She had to go to work, Zane~Kun." I say. "Awww man, and Zane~Kun was just starting to think of art for his... shipping... gallery...." Zane~Kun says. "Zane~Kun, please don't put anything creepy in our house." I say. "Oh, Zane~Kun won't put anything creepy in the house! Zane~Kun promises!" Zane~Kun says. "Thank you, Zane~Kun." I say. Then, we decide to greet the neighbors in the house that was directly in front of our house.

I knock on the door and see a familiar face. It was Lucinda. "Lucinda?" I ask. "Aaron?" She responds. "Oh my Irene! It feels like it's been forever since I've seen you! How've you been?" Lucinda says, planting her hand on my shoulder and smiling. Suddenly, Ein slaps Lucinda's hand. "Personal space, Lucinda!" He says strictly, with an angry tone. "What's got you so sour?" Lucinda asks. "You think I'd forget what you did all those years ago?" Ein asks angrily. "It was one time! I didn't even know he had a girlfriend!" Lucinda says. "Yeah, well that "one time" ruined my sister's relationship with her boyfriend, and she might not have shown it, but she was depressed for weeks!" Ein says. "Listen, I'm sorry, okay?! I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings!" Lucinda says. Then, I hear footsteps. I look behind Lucinda and see another familiar face sprinting towards the door. It was Kim. "Hey, hey, what's going on out here?" Kim says, in a voice that was unlike the one she had back in high school. "Just the outcome of a stupid mistake I made back in high school..." Lucinda says. "And it's one that you'll never hear the end of!" Ein says angrily, and stubbornly. "Oh my Irene, Ein! Calm down!" I say. Then, Ein sighs. "Fine... I'm going back to the house..." Ein says, as he walks back to the house. I sigh. "I'm sorry about that, you guys... Ein gets very... emotional... when it comes to Aphmau." I say. Lucinda doesn't respond, so Kim decides to respond for her: "It's fine!" Kim says. A moment of silence passes, and Lucinda finally speaks again. "I'm sorry for coming onto you so hard in high school, Aaron. I should have listened when you told me to stop." Lucinda says. "It's fine, Lucinda. It's in the past. Ein just has a hard time forgiving people that upset his sister. I'm sure he'll come around... eventually." I say. "Well, if you say so..." Lucinda says. "Anyway, after that disaster, I just wanna get back to playing my video games. See you later, Aaron." Lucinda says. "See you." I say, before Lucinda shuts the door. Then, me and Zane~Kun, who was quiet the entire time, since he doesn't like to get involved in this type of conflict, decide to go back to the house for the rest of the day.