
Mystreet: Inverted Personalities

Hey there, this is just gonna be a short description. So, in this story, most of the character's personalities either get swapped with another character's, or get changed entirely, and our main character this time, is Aaron. And that's all you really need to know. (And, of course, credit for the characters and the original version of the story goes to Aphmau/Jessica Bravura. Also, art credit for the cover goes to... Naeinks, I think. Also, some major and minor moments change in the story. Thus, making people look slightly, or even majorly different. For example, Ein's eyes are light brown here, as you can see from the cover, and Aphmau is taller here. And the ages are different, as well. Also, I know Jess confirmed that Ein is not Aphmau's brother, but I started writing this before I knew that, and I don't feel like rewriting it. Anyway, hope you enjoy!)

KempCarr · Others
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20 Chs

Father Knows Best

Derek and Elizabeth had also managed to get tickets to Love ~ Love Paradise through certain means, and they were now talking on the roof of where they were staying. "So, how have things been with Katelyn, Liz?" Derek asks. "Oh, she is just an angel! I haven't talked to her in a while, though." Elizabeth says. "Yeah, it's like that sometimes. Melissa and Aaron haven't talked to me in a while either. Maybe it's because I can be a bit over-" Derek starts to say, before noticing Aaron and Aphmau on a balcony. "AARON?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT DEMON?!" He exclaims. Aaron was freaking out, as Aphmau ran away. "Oh boy... Here we go again..." Elizabeth says, placing her thumb and index finger on her head, as she closes her eyes.

Aaron and Aphmau were talking in front of the place where Derek and Elizabeth were staying. "Okay, it's okay... All we gotta do is get my dad to like you." Aaron says. "You make that sound so easy! Your dad hates me!" Aphmau says. "Hate... is an understatement." Aaron says. "There you are, Aaron!" Derek says coming down the stairs and hugging him. "And... you..." He says, glaring at Aphmau. "Um, hey dad! I can't believe I ran into you here of all places!" Aaron says. "I know! It's so great to see you, kiddo!" Derrek says, looking back at Aaron. "Now, come on. Let's continue this conversation upstairs." Derek says, leading them up to the roof. They then sat down. "So, how did you guys manage to get tickets to this place?" Aaron asks. "Well, that's a-actually quite simple! We... uh... we-" Derek starts to say. "I got these tickets from a friend." Elizabeth says, calmly. "Really? Wow! That was cool of your friend!" Aaron says. "Very much so." She says. "Yeah! And isn't that place just wonderful? The air feels so clean, and have you seen the view from the roof? It's just so beautiful, isn't it?" Derek says. "Yeah! It is! Speaking of... the roof... I wanted to ask you something. Are you two... dating?" Aaron says. "What?" Derek says before laughing. "No, no... Liz and I are just here as friends. Though, that may not be completely off the table." He adds. "Oh, okay... Sorry for misunderstanding." Aaron says. "It's fine, Aaron. I can see why you would think that, and who knows? Maybe in the future!" Derek says. "Anyways, is Katelyn here by any chance? I know you used to call her your "not alone buddy" when you were younger, so I figured that you two were still close enough for you to ask her to come here!" Derek says. "Yeah! She's here, and so are some of my other high school friends!" Aaron says. "I can see that..." Derek says, giving Aphmau a death glare. "Good to see you too." Aphmau says. "Um... Hey, how about I go get some lemonade?" Elizabeth says. "Sure, that sounds nice!" Aaron says. Elizabeth then starts to walk downstairs, when Derek says: "Hey, why don't you also try making some of those "Strawberry Puffs" as well, hm?" "Of course! I know how much you like them." She says, continuing to walk down the stairs. "Now, Aaron... I'd like to have a very serious discussion with you." Derek says. "What? What's wrong? Have you fallen on hard times? Are you sick? Are you dying?!" Aaron says. "No, calm down! Hahah! I'll just spit it out. I want grandbabies... from you." Derek says. "What?!" Aaron exclaims, as Aphmau's face turns bright red. "Well, I don't see why Melissa can't do this, but... I'd love to have babies." Aaron says. Aphmau then falls off the couch, fainting. Derek sighs. "I'm glad you two are just friends. Look at how immature she is. Can't even handle talking about babies." Derek says. "Uh, I don't think that's why... Nevermind... Regardless, I'm not ready for that sort of thing yet, dad. Plus, I'd need a girlfriend for that." Aaron says. "I know, but I'm not getting any younger, and I want to be able to meet my future grand children!" Derek says. "Dad!" He says. "Derek, please stop. If the boy isn't ready yet, just let him be." Elizabeth says, coming up the stairs. "Anyway, here's your lemonades." She says, placing them on the table. "Thank you, Liz, but listen to me, Aaron. You need to get a girlfriend. You've been single long enough." Derek says, completely ignoring Elizabeth's first statement. She facepalms. "Girlfriend, huh?" Aphmau says. "Got a problem with that, missy? You already had your chance when you took him to prom! I won't let you get in my way again!" Derek says. "Dad! I told you this before! I don't need a girlfriend!" Aaron says. "I know what you said before, and even if you think you don't, I know you do!" Derek says. "You do?" Aaron says. "Of course, I do! It's in the way you say it! So full of loneliness!" Derek says. "Uh-huh. Yeah." Aaron says. Derek sighs. "Aaron, you're just too handsome to not have a girlfriend at this age. I'm only trying to help!" Derek says. "Out of curiosity, what happened to the dad that used to chase any girl he saw away from our house?" Aaron says. "I remember him." Aphmau says. Derek groans in frustration. "Regardless, I'm going to find you a girlfriend, Aaron!" He says.

"Ugh! I can't believe your father is forcing you to find a girlfriend." Aphmau says. Aaron giggles. "It's not like I'm actually going to be looking! You know you're the only girl I'd ever have eyes for, right?" He says. "Hmph!" She says, as she looks aways. "Are you getting... Jealous?" He asks. "Maybe..." She says, looking away from him. "Aw, Aph. Look at me." He says. She doesn't respond. "Look at me!" He yells. She still doesn't respond. "Hmph, fine! I'll make you look at me!" He says. "Heh, good luck with that, Cherry." She says. "I don't need luck." He says, grabbing a chair and placing it in front of her. "I just need a chair!" He says, standing on top of it. "Ugh, fine. You win." She says. "Listen, I know you don't like any of this, and frankly, I don't either, but don't worry! Nothing is going to happen. I'm only going to play my dad's game, because I want to give him time to warm up to you. Besides, this is my dad we're talking about. He literally flirts with a poster of a video game character sometimes." Aaron says.

"Oh, hello Ms. Valentine! What brings you to Love ~ Love Paradise? I assume you needed a break from killing all those zombies?" He says. "Derek, please tell me you aren't flirting with that poster again!" Elizabeth yells. "What? Pfft! No, of course not! Hahah!" Derek says, nervously, as he takes the poster down.

"Really? Jill? He seemed more like an Ada kinda guy to me." Aphmau says. "Yeah, he's uh... never mind. My point is: you have nothing to worry about! I only have eyes for you, baby~!" He says. "Oh wait! I just realized, I'm late!" He says. "Love you, Aph!" He says, kissing her cheek. He then runs out of the room.

Aaron then runs up to Derek, who was in front of the Shoppe. "Finally! What kept you so long, Aaron?" He says. "Sorry, I was a bit... preoccupied." Aaron says. "Well, that doesn't matter. What matters now is finding that girlfriend and getting me some grandbabies!" Derek says. "Dad, do you really need to do this?" Aaron asks. "Of course, I do! Now, let's split up and find Ms. Right!" He says. Aaron then sighs, before walking into the Shoppe. He was looking around, when he heard Aphmau's voice from behind him. "Hello sir." She says. "A-aphmau? What are you doing here?!" He exclaims, as he turns around. "Oh, I was just wondering if you needed any help looking for anything... A sexy girlfriend maybe?" She says. Aaron giggles. "Sorry ma'am, I already have one at home." He says. "Well-" Aphmau starts to say, before Derek says: "Oh Aaron, where did you go?" "Ugh, stop being adorable!" He says, pushing her away. "I think I found the perfect girl!" Derek says. "Look at her! She's cute and she's a meif'wa! That's a great combination!" He says, pointing at Michi. "Dad, wait, that's-" Aaron starts to say. "Hello Ms., Would you like to date my stunning young son?" Derek says. "Aaron? Well, I mean, I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind, but isn't he-" Michi starts to say, before Aaron makes a gesture for her to stop talking. "Isn't he... um... He isn't quite my type, yeah! Um, why don't you try the beach?" She says. "Oh right, of course! Thank you, young lady!" Derek says, before walking away. Aaron then walks away. "Seriously, thank you so much, Michi." Aaron says. "Any time." She says.

They then go to the beach, and after a couple of mishaps, Derek sees another girl and says: "How about her? She seems pretty sexy!" He says. She then turns around, and turns out, it's Aphmau. "Wow, I never thought you'd say that about me, Derek!" She says. "You! What are you doing here?" He says. "Picking up seashells for a special someone." She says. "Awww, I'm sure that "special someone" would really appreciate that." Aaron says, walking up to her. "Oh, hey you two!" Ein says, running up to them. "Oh, and Mr. Lycan! It's good to see you again." He adds. "Ein, you're an adult now. You can call me Derek." Derek says. "Speaking of being an adult. Um... Dad... I want to tell you that... I already have a girlfriend." Aaron says. "Oh, why didn't you say so sooner! Where is she? I'd love to meet her!" Derek says. "Well, she's right here! Tada!" Aaron says gesturing toward Aphmau. Derek's smile quickly turns into a look of anger. "I-I know what you're thinking but... look at those abs! Not to mention the fact that she gives the best kisses!" Aaron says. Derek then starts grunting. "I think that just made it worse..." Aphmau says. "ARE YOU TELLING ME MY SON IS DATING THE DEVIL?!" Derek exclaims. "Uh, I should probably start running, shouldn't I?" Aphmau says. "Yep." Aaron says. Aphmau then starts to run away, as Derek chases after her, screaming. "Some things never change." Ein says. "Yeah, unfortunately." Aaron says.