
Mystery of the Stars

A 17-year-old teen boy dejects himself in guilt of losing his beloved family member. Unknown to him a new world awaits him and someone else he didn’t expect joins him on his journey to the magical world. Except something was different about this new world, something he didn’t expect, or was it in fact him that was different. A mysterious family and source of magic not from this world, it was powerful and otherworldly. He ventures into the world unveiling its secrets and explores his passion of the violin with magic. Current Word Count: 43.73K Average Chapter Word Count: 2.27K Spoilers Below |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| First World: Harry Potter Other Worlds: Witcher, Cyberpunk and Elden Ring MC will have powers from Elden Ring |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| MC x ??? No Harem or Lemons |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| PATREON: If you'd like to support me: patreon.com/ArtoriasFTW |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| NOTE: I don't own any character other than my OCs The cover image is not mine

ArtoriasFTW · Book&Literature
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Quidditch Game

Artorias POV:

A storm was approaching. The cheers caused the quidditch stadium seating to sway, and the temperature dropped unexpectedly. The moon was obscured by dark clouds. They were as black as a Raven and churned grimly in the night sky. Thunderheads painted the moon's mercury flush silver, casting down shivers of light with a ghostly glow.

The rain moved toward me like a wraith's sorrowful veil beneath the moon. A winnowing wind fermented and sighed, rippling the quidditch stadium banners. I could see Harry flashing around on his broom, and the snitch flew aloft, straight into the sky, followed by Harry. Then he vanished as the moonlight was obscured by the cloudy sky.

The rain shroud passed by, its tears spitting at him. It soaked his sleek black hair into a mop. Rain fell like crystal nails and streaky lightning adorned the sky. As the north wind blew and sped at him, the clouds moved and the rim of his glasses froze. As he continued upward, the stinging rain stinging his bare arms like ice burn, his hand reaching for the snitch.

Dark-cloaked creatures passed by him, and he sped up his broom in fear. His broom bobbed like a cork in the vast sea, and for the first time in his life, he was aware of his own mortality. The snitches' wings brushed against his finger. His broom suddenly keeled and tilted like a fish's death flop. The maple wood squeaked and shuddered as it buckled and bulged. Dementors approach him as he falls through the night sky, taking turns stealing his happiness as he falls from his broom.

Seeing Harry fall I stood up, pointing my finger, and whisper "arresto momentum." Back in the hospital, I was thinking to myself, why didn't Dumbledore show up, did some butterfly effect happen? When I checked the future it showed me instead, what a pain fate is, I didn't want to take the risk and decided to let fate win this time. In the Hospital Tower, I step up to Dumbledore, and ask, "Headmaster, I can't help but be curious, why didn't you come to the quidditch game?" Hearing my question, Dumbledore turns to me and answers, "Ah, young Starscourge, I'm sorry to say that I was preoccupied with the minister, so I wasn't able to attend the game. Nevertheless, I am thankful you were there to aid Harry or I'm afraid he would not be alive today." He had a saddened look as I think, right… classic Dumbledore line, with the fate of this world I'm sure a lot would completely change if he did die. To be honest, I'm not afraid of change, in fact, I welcome it. However, I'm not gonna just sit by and let an innocent man die when I can do something about it. It wouldn't sit well in my conscience.

Glancing over at Harry's bed I see he is surrounded by his friends and the Weasley twins. Dumbledore noticing my glance says, "Ah.. I almost forgot to ask, Art I can call you that right?" I nod my head and he continues, "Don't worry, it's not about the note you sent me that day, I am aware of your Seer ability. Your ability to see the future, that's what I'm curious about, could you explain it to me a little, for example, how far exactly can you see." Hearing the question I answer with a hand under my chin, "Hmm, I'm not sure exactly myself, memories come to me in my dreams of future significant events. Truthfully, I can't control it, I can only use divination methods to see the future. However, they take up a lot of my magic and I'll feel drained for a few hours, so I just use the method of observing the movement of planets, moons, and stars. It takes a lot of time to understand anything from it, but it doesn't come at the cost of my magic. Anyway, why are you suddenly interested in divination Headmaster?"

He smiled at me the whole explanation, it was kinda creepy. "Ah thank you for telling me about this Art, no need to worry, it was primarily my curiosity that led me to ask you. However, I wanted to ask you, I know it may be selfish of me. Despite that, it's for the greater good, I hope you understand. Would it be possible if you can alert me about any significant events that may danger the world? I would greatly appreciate it." I nod my head thinking, well, not like he doesn't already get prophecies from Professor Trelawny the divination teacher. I saw Harry waking up and decided to leave since I wasn't interested in the thanking the savior moment.

On the way out, I was stopped by Dumbledore's words for a second as he asked, "Art, remember, do come by my office sometime. I'll tell you what I knew about your father." I nod and turn to leave the Hospital Tower.

Dumbledore Pov:

During the quidditch match, I had a meeting with the minister. "Headmaster Dumbledore, why did you call me on such a day as this?" Said, Cornelius Fudge. "Ah minister, have a seat… As a court judge, I was curious and went through the documents we have on Sirius Black." Hearing that name Fudge stands up from his chair with wide eyes replying, "Sirius Black! Why would you as the Headmaster be interested in this mass murderer on the loose?" I shake my head answering, "Why wouldn't I be Cornelius, it's for the safety of my school, I thought someone like you would understand this." Cornelius replies, "Ah, I see, my mistake, it does make sense. So.. why did you call me here Dumbledore, did you find Sirius Black?" I shake my head answering, "Unfortunately not, to get the main point I wanted to talk to you about Sirius's trial. In the documents, it shows he never had one, isn't this an illegal process? What I want to know is how it came to pass, without anyone noticing."

Fudge nervously replies, "Sirius Black's trial? I'm not sure… I only remember passing that off to the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Bartemius Crouch (Sr)." My eyes go wide hearing that and after a few minutes of discussing a few more details on the matter, the minister takes his leave in the flu network as if he was in a hurry to end this meeting.

So that's how it is, I'll need to have a discussion with Bartemius about this, it's been a long time since we've had a talk.

| Small Time Skip |

In a hospital bed surrounded by young Gryffindor students lay an unconscious boy with a lightning scar.

When I blacked out I had a dream about a woman screaming, then getting hit by a green flash. I couldn't make out much in the rest of the dream. Groggily opening my eyes I see that I'm surrounded by my friends and teammates looking at me in concern.

"You scared me there Harry, I thought.. for a moment there you were a goner," said Ron.

"Ron's right Harry what happened anyway? We saw you chasing the snitch and we lost sight of you when you passed the clouds. Not long later you suddenly just appeared falling from the sky. Dumbledore suspects the cause was dementors, is it true?" asked Hermione.

Looking down I meekly reply, "Yeah it's true." My friends all go silent for a minute and I speak what's on my mind. "Who saved me?" As if predicting those words Hermione answers, "We don't know.."

I reply, "Well surely Dumbledore kno-"

"He won't say, we already asked him," cuts off Hermione, whilst shaking her head. Confused, I ask, "What do we mean he won't say?" As if predicting my words again she answers, "Apparently the Headmaster believes that your savior wants to be anonymous and respects his privacy."

Privacy? why would… Could it be my mother? Was that a dream, or was it a reality, I don't know anymore. I only remember a flash and a scream. Everything seems hazy.

After my worried friends finally gave me a breath of fresh air, I looked to the right and saw Dumbledore talking seriously with a familiar-looking student. I could only see his backside. Shortly after the conversation ends the student walks away from the hospital wing.

Suddenly I see the student turn around in response to Dumbledore's words and I could see clearly who it was now. Confused, I could only ponder why that student was even here, did he come to check on me? As the student finally left, I noticed something strange in this whole interaction.

Hermione was staring at the student the whole time, almost as if she was trying to analyze him. Weird, does she perhaps like him? Ron's brother and I still can't tell the two apart. He told me a lot about a relationship between a man and a woman after I asked him what that was and after he asked me if I was dating anyone.

Curiosity getting the better of me I ask aloud, "Hermione.. Do you like that guy?" Not expecting my words she turns around quickly at me and answers, "Huh, I.." Cheeks reddening she catches her composure and continues, "Harry, what are you even saying, I was only a little interested. I mean who wouldn't be? He suddenly entered our school in the third year, there's nothing like that in the books and he's at the top of our classes besides only learning about magic a few months ago. Dumbledore won't say anything else about him, it's like they have both been friends for a decade, with the amount of respect Dumbledore gives him."

"There must be a secret behind that guy and the closest I've gotten is a fairytale." With a dumbfounded expression Ron butts in asking, "Hermione you don't honestly believe that book is actually true?" Unamused, Hermione replies, "No Ron I don't, however, don't you know all legends are based on a true story, and besides there are already three suspicious things that connect with the story."

"Three? What are you bloody on about? Don't tell me you have been investigating a bedtime story. Are you going bonkers?" Replied Ron.

"Honestly Ron, sometimes you're a bit of an idiot. Don't you remember during magical beasts class, when he just controlled gravity like that and without a wand?"

"Just like how the story describes in chapte-" Embarrassed Ron continues, "Yeah it's a little like the story with his name and the magic, in the story he's supposed to glow purple but I didn't see that and so wha-"

"what it just a coincidence that he can use magic like that?" cuts off Hermione. Ron angrily shouts while leaving "Sorry Harry, I'm not gonna be in the same room with this lunatic any longer."

Before I could say anything more Hermione looked at me and said, "Sorry Harry you had to see this, it's obvious that Dunce is just jealous."