
Mystery of the Stars

A 17-year-old teen boy dejects himself in guilt of losing his beloved family member. Unknown to him a new world awaits him and someone else he didn’t expect joins him on his journey to the magical world. Except something was different about this new world, something he didn’t expect, or was it in fact him that was different. A mysterious family and source of magic not from this world, it was powerful and otherworldly. He ventures into the world unveiling its secrets and explores his passion of the violin with magic. Current Word Count: 43.73K Average Chapter Word Count: 2.27K Spoilers Below |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| First World: Harry Potter Other Worlds: Witcher, Cyberpunk and Elden Ring MC will have powers from Elden Ring |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| MC x ??? No Harem or Lemons |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| PATREON: If you'd like to support me: patreon.com/ArtoriasFTW |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| NOTE: I don't own any character other than my OCs The cover image is not mine

ArtoriasFTW · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

New Spell

3rd Person:

In the Ravenclaw common room. The sound of a violin filled one of the prefect rooms. Zooming in you could see a young boy practicing a new piece. Putting down the violin he proceeds to put it in a case. Looking around the room there were many books stacked on the floor as if already read and a fennec fox running around with a tennis ball in its mouth, as it knocks over another stack of books. The boy is unbothered by this as if being used to the event. The boy walks over to a desk stacked with notes, as he picked up his latest paper a knock comes at the door.

"Art! We need to go to the Great Hall the Headmaster just announced that the school is on lockdown," said the boy at the door. Art hearing this walks over to open the door seeing his friend with a worried look. "Come on, let's go," said his friend.

Artorias Pov:

This event came sooner than I expected. I'll just have Ben send Dumbledore a note, I already know Sirius is no longer in the castle so there's no point in going. The note read, "Dumbledore, don't worry about me, I will just be in my room studying. P.S. I already know Sirius Black has left the castle, I used divination to predict this."

While that whole event was going on I was studying the elements. There was a book on light and air elements that were torn and old. I found them on the bookshelves in my room, there were many books like this. There were a few books that were very descriptive of the element's origins and their effects on the world. I picked up my notebook flipping through it, to find the page with all the theories I had on elements. It read:

| You can skip this little bit if you don't like theories or just speed read it |

(Air is one of the pure elements, the roots of all primal magic, but combining it with other elements can create further and varied specializations. The possible amount of combinations is endless.) These are all the possible combinations: (Heat: Air combined with Fire, it becomes a sheer flame, or heat, the ability to produce and manipulate invisible blasts of searing heat.) (Glacial: Air and Water can combine into ice, the ability to create crystalline shards of ice and snow.) (Lightening: Light combines with Air to make lightning, the electrical energy of the Heavens. Manipulators of lightning can spawn blasts of golden electricity from their bodies.) (Cloud: Air combined with Water, it becomes a Cloud, with the ability to levitate and fly as well as manipulate misty blasts of nimbus cloud.) (Smoke: Air combined with Fire, it becomes Smoke, the ability to manipulate and produce heavy clouds of billowing ash and cinders as well as wafts of smoke.) (Sand: A combination of Earth and Air that creates Sand, which can be manipulated into swirls and storms of sand grains.) (Plague: Combined with Air, Dark becomes plague, the ability to create and manipulate deadly diseases and toxins through the air.) (Crystal: Air combined with Earth, it becomes Crystal, the ability to manipulate shimmering shards of quartz or other crystalline materials with a touch.) (Madness: Air combined with Dark, it becomes the extremely unpredictable element of Madness. Sorcerers using Madness as an element have no control over which elemental combination they cast, although they have the potential to cast any and every element.)

| Stop skipping here |

(Virtue: Air combined with Light, it becomes Virtue, the ability to affect the soul of others and influence them with the Seven Cardinal Virtues; Temperance, Chastity, Charity, Patience, Humility, Diligence, or Kindness.)

In my research, I figured out I was already subconsciously using Virtue with sound waves and light. When I played the violin.

Overall, those were just the combinations I can think of for air as the base element, there were around fifty other possibilities using other elements as a base I could think of. I started jotting them down in the notebook my sister gave me. After a while, I picked up a book on quantum physics I got from the muggle world. I was researching into it a little so that I might understand my gravity magics limits and other possible effects. Flipping through my notes I stop at the page with failed theories and write: (Gravity seems to be about four billion times weaker than the electromagnetic force that drives electrons in circuits and has absolutely no effect on electricity.) I was checking the possibility of me being able to combine elements with gravity, but it seemed to be impossible from what I've found.

After a few minutes, I flipped to the page I had on lightning and started thinking of how I can improve the spell called Baubillious, it was an incantation of a charm that precipitated a jet of white sparks from the tip of the wand. It could be used as an offensive dueling spell. I learned it from Flitwick, as he was impressed with my mastery of 1st—3rd-year spells. He learned that my magic was different from normal. I just let him see instead of hiding it, as I didn't see a point in doing so. He was obviously dumbfounded upon learning this and saw how all my spells turned bluish and were more potent than some of the best duelers he's seen in his past. He told me that they were like Dumbledore's potency in spells and this surprised me.

Mastering the spell Baubillious didn't take long as per usual. My spell was a stream of bluish lightning, however, I noticed the spell still lacks power. Thus I started researching how to improve upon it and to try to create an entirely new spell out of it. I tried adjusting the elements in the spell, increasing the amount of wind and I also added water to the process. I kept testing the spell with different wand incantations and movements, getting different results. One of the spells could have killed me as it exploded, fortunately, I was prepared and set up a ward that would absorb the damage. I learned about this protective enchantment from Mr. Webb, it was one of the wards my father had created, and it was fascinating as it was actually fairly simple to cast. The ward would absorb up to a class A explosive once, so you would have to cast another to block multiple explosions, it takes about five minutes to set up properly.

After about twenty minutes of testing different movement patterns and incantations, I cast my most recent spell chanting, "tonitruum," as I wave my wand in a zigzag line at a downward motion. Nothing happens. (he used splash, lol just kidding). Thinking it was just a fluke, I was about to try it again. Suddenly, I hear a loud thunderblast strike above me at the castle roof. It scared the absolute sh*t out of me, as I jumped. Recovering from what just happened, I think to myself, did I just create a thunder spell? I didn't want to test it again to find out, it might cause too much commotion, so I decided to hold it off for now.

A few seconds later, I'm greeted by the Grey Lady floating through the wall yelling, "what was that? I saw thunder strike the castle!" I just whistled at that and walked towards my desk ignoring her. Before I could sit down I'm greeted by a translucent Helena Ravenclaw five inches in front of me. "What?" I asked. She stares at me with narrowed eyes answering, "don't ignore me, surely you didn't miss that obviously loud thunder that just struck here."

"Fine, I'll tell you, it was an experimental spell of mine, however, I'm not 100 percent certain that was the cause. Happy now?" I said. Sitting at the desk, I start jotting my newfound discovery in my notes. As I was writing I was interrupted, "your just like your father, always creating crazy experiments." When I finished my writing I turned around to ask her about what she just said earlier, however, she was already phasing through the wall while saying, "you should go to bed, I don't know if you noticed but it is 2:36 A.M." Glancing down at my watch to confirm this I see it was as she said. I sighed preparing to go to sleep, after calming down Theo, because he was on high alert with the thunder earlier.

Mid-Morning, I look at my watch reading 8:48 A.M. I sighed saying, "Looks like I won't have time for breakfast." Leaving my room, I see the common room pretty much empty, it's mostly vacant at this time of day. Today my first class is with Griffindor in D.A.D.A. class. I think this is when Snape takes over as the professor, as professor Lupin is occupied with his werewolf issues. After an 8-minute quiet walk, I arrive at the D.A.D.A class. It looks like I'm the last to arrive, not surprising. Walking towards my desk, I notice a lot of stares, in fact, more than the usual amount.

One minute before class started something unusual happened. Ron walked up to me, followed by Harry. "Where were you yesterday, I didn't see you in the Great Hall when Sirius Black broke into the castle," asked Ron. I see so that's what this is about, I did expect something like this as it was a bit suspicious of me. "Hmm, well, I was busy experimenting on Sirius Black in my evil lab" I answered jokingly. Ron getting annoyed by my sarcasm toned answer, opened his mouth and then shortly after shut it, as he noticed Snape walk in. He rushed back into his seat along with Harry.

Snape opens and closes the door violently. As he walks at a fast pace pointing his wand at the windows, and closing them without any chant, darkening the room. Harry is just about to get to his seat when Snape pushes him into it, with an annoyed expression. He lets go of his shoulder and then walks to the front of the students pulling down a plain white sheet, used as a projector screen. Turning his attention to the class he commands, "turn to page three hundred and ninety-four." All the students obey and start turning the pages in their D.A.D.A. Book. Snape walks to the middle of the class observing the students. A student interrupts speaking aloud, "Excuse me, sir. Where's Professor Lupin?" Hearing this Snape comes to a stop, narrowing his eyes at the student.

"That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching.. at the present time. Turn to page three hundred.. And ninety-four. Noticing Ron wasn't paying attention Snape flips his page using magic. Ron glanced at the book saying aloud, "Werewolves?" Hermione appears from thin air in one of the desks. "But sir, we just learned about red caps and hinkypunks. We're not meant to start that for weeks," said Hermione. Snape having none of it replies, "Quiiiet." And Ron looks over at Harry saying, "When did she come in? Did you see her come in?" Harry shakes his head 'no' at the question. I noticed Snape kept taking glances at me, thinking to myself, what does he want?

Walking slowly back to the front of class, Snape asks the question, "Now, which one of you can tell me the difference.. between an Animagus and a werewolf? No one? How disappointing." As he turned around to face the class, only Hermione's hand was raised, he didn't even bother picking her. Hermione cuts in without Snape's acknowledgment, "Please, sir. An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon… he no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend. The werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind." Malfoy responded with a howl, mocking her.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. That's the second time you've spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" Said, Snape. Leaning over to Harry, Ron whispers, "He's got a point, you know." As Snape addresses, "Five points from Gryffindor. As an antidote to your ignorance, and on my desk, by Monday morning.. two rolls of parchment on the werewolf, with emphasis on recognizing it." Snape continues to pace around the class as the class becomes filled with upset whispers and groans. "But sir, It's Quidditch tomorrow," said Harry.

Snape hearing this leans against Harry's desk, with each of their faces 10 inches away from one another. Snape replies, "Then I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter. Loss of a limb will not excuse you.. Furthermore.. you think I didn't notice you and Mr. Weasley, out of your desks when the bell rang. Another five points from Gryffindor for being tardy. Now.. turn to page three hundred and ninety-four." Turning around Snape continues his lecture, "The term 'werewolf'... is a contraction of the Anglo-Saxon word 'wer'... which means 'man,' and 'wolf.' Werewolf, man-wolf. There are several ways to become a werewolf. They include being given the power of shape-shifting and being bitten by a werewolf…"