
Chapter 5


Ryū have decided to help Xiao Ning Er to change her fate for the better and then he gone and go to the holy orchid institute training grounds where he knowns(and we too) that Xiao Ning Er would be there cultivating since the changes in the story quite somehow sublime and when he got there he cured Xiao Ning Er 'cursed disease' and also told her the he train her to make her strong enough to change her fate as she so wish

End of flashback

Deep into the holy orchid institute training grounds

Ryū:hmm since your still developing you'll start

building your foundation..hmm do you perhaps

known martial arts ? Since your a defendant

of a noble family

Xiao Ning Er:hmm yes I use to have my father

teach me when I was 4(suddenly

recalled the happy times with her

father just before her become the

pathriach of the winged dragon

family. she becomes emotional


Ryū:then show me your fighting stance

(said with a small Bamboo rod)

Xiao Ning Er immediately get into her fighting stance

Ryū:hmm do you use a soft fist or hard fist

Xiao Ning Er:erm...I use soft fist (feeling kinda a bit

nervous seeing the bamboo rod Ryū

was swinging)

Ryū:hmm it okay but your flexibility and stamina

needs to be improve a lot and you with your

stance you should make every part of your

body flexible like water while keeping your

hips,shoulders,and feet strong and hard while

also being mildly flexible since from your

stance I have concluded that you excel at

mid to long range fighting

He then open his bag and brought a 2 pairs of bracers, a white gi, a wooden pole with a very intricate carving, four white pill bottles, and a necklace that have features of 5 carve dragons in the outer layer forming a circle and in the middle layer is a big round slab of an unknown metal and in the there a two colorless or transparent gem that if you insert even a minuscule of soul energy or soul force the owner of that necklace will be transported to Ryū's location and then after taking those items out Ryū explained to Xiao Ning Er what are those items he took from his bag. And when time hits midnight Ryū left but not after he set some inscriptions on the area and then went to go sleep in his room