
Chapter 4


An unexpected event occurred that not even the original story have happened as The confrontation between the MC of TDG should supposed to be with Shen Xiu and Nie Li but it was Change as Our MC of MTW confronted Nie Li instead and another change is that Lu Piao the friend of the MC of TDG didn't have the scene in the first confrontation between Sacred Family and the MC Nie Li of being in pain and laughed by his fellow classmate

End of flashback

Still in the holy orchid institute

Shen Xiu still continued her lesson until class ends

She then assigned assignments to the students in which each one was different from the other. She then proceeded to go an unknown place meanwhile all the students left except Ryū our MC

He just sat there waiting for something as the night

was approaching he then left for the holy orchid institute training

Inside deep into the holy orchid institute training ground soul energy can be seen fluctuating and increasing in every second and the midst of all that young beautiful girl can be seen with a skin white porcelain a figure like a chiseled jade and brownish orange hair the gently like s calm river as smooth as silk shine like a polish gem

Ryū:(hmm just as like in the story so maybe I

cause much change in the story yet if that's

the case I'll help her out as I was saddened by

her fate but I'll not take advantage of her as

she is in overall a good person to good in fact

for her own good hmm and maybe train her

also since there are a lot of threats here both

inside and out)

And then Ryū approach her slowly but like in the story she quickly throw a throwing dagger at Ryū and of course Ryū did not dodge it as the dagger can not even put a scratch on him but as to get much closer to her without being branded as a hostile he made a very small clean cut in his face and blood trickled from the cut area

Ryū:whoa don't kill me I mean you no harm

(acted like a scared boy who seen freedy or

Jason from the Nightmare on elm street and

Friday the thirteenth horror movie)

???:who are you? Oh your Shen Ryū my classmate

...but wait why are you here and why you here?

Ryū:oh miss Xiao ! Auh I was thinking training here

since I need to grow strong and of course

away from my family prying eyes

Xiao Ning Er:hmm did you been ordered by

Shen Fei or your family to me ?

(asked with a lot hostile our focused

on Ryū emitting from her)

Ryū:no I swear in the name of my ancestors as well

as my own that have given to me by my

parents that they did not order me or anything

but me wanting to train and of course cure

your illness and train you also as I have been

sent here by the almighty father on a quest

(In which is all true and we known he is telling

the truth but for people of the different world

it is something like a borderline of a lie)

Xiao Ning Er:hmm are deceiving me ?

(she didn't believe the whole thing but

since he knowns about her illness just

maybe this guy maybe telling the

truth or he is deceiving and have

ordered to do something or he is

plotting something)

Ryū: I am not deceiving you or I am plotting

something. Don't you feel excruciating pain

as if your being burned by searing heat and

on a specified areas in your body and those

area have colored mint green and when

it have been a week or so it turns light Blue-

green and then the pain you feel have

increase by tenfold and also you feel chilled

every night especially when you cultivate

hindering your progress ? And it's just now

still a light case and is not life threatening

but once you become a bronze rank

continuing with you usual thing you'll

be bedridden but in your case you can still

still go on and cultivate to silver but you

will die after that since your illness will

enter worst case scenario where you will


Xiao Ning Er:how how did you known and can you

cure my illness ?

Ryū:like I said earlier I will cure your illness I'll make

sure it's gone like you were never been ill

and of course help and train you to become

strong enough to change your fate for the for

as of right now you have a very very cruel fate

awaiting you if it weren't for me being here

Xiao Ning Er stayed silent for a while and then

Xiao Ning Er:can you really cure me ?

Ryū:now just sit there and stretch over your feet

so that I can use the yin&yang cure restoration

technique to cure you

Xiao Ning Er nodded and sit down while stretching out here feet while she became red as this was a normal reaction for a pure maiden who even or hasn't even touch by anyone of the opposite sex even her father and brother

Ryū:[Yin&Yang Restore](Activate)

Xiao Ning Er:mmh ? I didn't feel a thing but the pain

is gone now except(blushed)

Ryū:oh there is another one huh well let just do this

since it'll only took an instance

When Xiao Ning Er heard Ryū said she blushed so hard that steam can be seen coming out from here entire body and was very red

Xiao Ning Er thought that he is genuinely helping her out and besides it for the sake of being cured so what. She then mustered every bit of courage inside her and started to unbutton her clothes in which showed here beautiful paradise like upper body in which Ryū did find it very attracting but he didn't do something more since his not yet finished curing her illness and added to that he himself is mentally old fashioned for such things

Ryū[Yin&Yang Restoration](Activate)

Xiao Ning Er felt relived and started buttoning her clothes on and the Ryū spoke

Ryū:miss Xiao as you already have been cured I'll

now explain why you have gotten that illness

Ryū then proceeded to explain on how Xiao Ning Er have gotten ill

Ryū:you become ill due to your action of cultivating

at night where yin energy overflows as such

with you being a girl your body has infinite

amount of yin energy in which led to your

body having an imbalance such as that you

at most zero to nil of yang energy inside you

i which gave way to you arctic disease

combined the fact that your cultivation

method is not compatible with or at worse

the method in itself is flawed so much that

instead of making you firmly strong it'll make

you strongly weak but also remember that

soul force quantity doesn't make firmly strong

but you must also have a soul force quality

Xiao Ning Er:hmm okay but what kind of method

should I use and that is also

compatible with me I supposed you

to have one or you known how to

make one ?

Ryū:hahaha yes I do have and can create one

but the ones I create are only at Mythical

1 - star but the I have here is an origin 7 - star

so which do you choose ?

Xiao Ning Er:hmm What's the difference between

the two ?

Ryū:hmm the difference is that the oringin rank is

more powerful than mythical rank cultivating


Ryū:cultivating methods are rank from










With ranking also 1 being the highest and 100 being the lowest

Xiao Ning Er:ehh! then why would you be willing to

give me such wayyyy to valuable as if

they are like sand ?

Ryū:I already told you that I am doing this so that

you'll not have same over and over tragic fate

I don't known for certain on why are fated like

you are now but mark my words your fate if

I have not been here would just only get worse

Xiao Ning Er:Thank You Very Much(blushed)

Ryū:don't worry bout it as it is both my job and

my code hehehe well now then shall we

begin your training ?

To be continued