
Myprevious life was full of healingmagic, now reborn to vampire family

On the edge of the ethereal dawn and the earthly world, there was once a healer named Alison. She possessed rare and powerful healing magic, and any terminal illness could find hope of life under her golden light. However, in the midst of an attack by evil forces, Alison fell while protecting the villagers. She thought that was the end of her life, but then the gears of fate turned again, and she was surprised to find herself reborn, and in a family full of vampires. This family is unique and mysterious, they have an ancient and pure bloodline. And Alison, the once powerful healer, is now one of them, a newly awakened vampire. In addition to her incredible healing abilities still being present, she also finds herself with some new, unique abilities concerning the Bloods. Faced with this new identity and power, Alison must learn to adapt. She is confused and scared, but also curious. Gradually, she unravels the secrets of the vampire family and their inextricable connections. At the same time, she begins to search for her place in the family and how she can use her powers to protect the family from outside threats. Alison's story is filled with adventure, love, and a journey to discover her own identity. She is reborn into a world where she not only faces challenges from both human and vampire societies, but also fights against dark forces that seek to exploit her powers. Will Alison be able to find her own path in this new world that is both quirky and fascinating? How will she use her healing light and newly acquired vampiric abilities to create a future that protects both herself and those she loves? Formerly Full of Healing Magic, Now Reborn into a Vampire Clan is a fantasy novel about rebirth, growth, and the exploration of identity that takes readers on a journey into a world full of magic and mystery, and a quest to discover the true meaning of love and power.............

DaoistVKg0n8 · Fantasy
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Glory in the Melee

The battlefield was like a reincarnated purgatory, with the instantaneous alternation of life and death enacting a brutal drama at every moment. Iron and fire, swords and blood, formed the background of this tragic stage. Alison, dressed in a battle dress stained by wind and dust, travelled through the chaos of the army, her petite figure as if a gentle lighthouse, leading the lost lives back to hope.

In the midst of the chaos, a soldier groaned in pain, his leg was torn by a sharp blade, blood was pouring out, and his life was rapidly draining away. Alison immediately knelt beside him, her hands covering his wounds. Light gushed from her palms, washing away the blood like a clear spring, and the wound slowly closed in unbelief. Under her soft healing light, the soldier's pain eased and his breathing steadied.

Alison did not stop, her eyes scanning the battlefield for the next person who needed her. With each stroke of her hand, each dip of light, a soldier and civilian on the brink of death was pulled back from despair. However, with each release of light from her heart, the fire of her own life diminished. Her face flushed with a tired pallor, but her eyes remained steadfast and warm.

As time progressed, Alison was pushed to her limits. Her healing magic made a dazzling trajectory on the battlefield, but the harsh battle conditions caused her power consumption to accelerate. There was a moment when she even needed to rely on a breath of air to support her standing. She knew that if she continued like this, she could fall at any time.

But even so, every time she saw the eyes that had fallen into despair rekindle a spark of hope, a surge of strength would flood Alison's heart again. Countless times, as she saved a wounded man, she turned around to a new round of bombardment and attacks that swept more lives into misery. But no matter how poignant the battle cry was and how fierce the enemy's attacks, she always stood on the front line of the greatest danger, the patron saint of the soldiers and the symbol of hope for the civilians.

In this way, Alison became the most dazzling presence on the battlefield. Her light not only healed wounds, but also warmed morale. Though her strength was gradually being consumed by the cruelty of war, her commitment to protecting life and her spirit of sacrifice ignited an unquenchable flame in the hearts of everyone who saw her or was saved by her.