
Myprevious life was full of healingmagic, now reborn to vampire family

On the edge of the ethereal dawn and the earthly world, there was once a healer named Alison. She possessed rare and powerful healing magic, and any terminal illness could find hope of life under her golden light. However, in the midst of an attack by evil forces, Alison fell while protecting the villagers. She thought that was the end of her life, but then the gears of fate turned again, and she was surprised to find herself reborn, and in a family full of vampires. This family is unique and mysterious, they have an ancient and pure bloodline. And Alison, the once powerful healer, is now one of them, a newly awakened vampire. In addition to her incredible healing abilities still being present, she also finds herself with some new, unique abilities concerning the Bloods. Faced with this new identity and power, Alison must learn to adapt. She is confused and scared, but also curious. Gradually, she unravels the secrets of the vampire family and their inextricable connections. At the same time, she begins to search for her place in the family and how she can use her powers to protect the family from outside threats. Alison's story is filled with adventure, love, and a journey to discover her own identity. She is reborn into a world where she not only faces challenges from both human and vampire societies, but also fights against dark forces that seek to exploit her powers. Will Alison be able to find her own path in this new world that is both quirky and fascinating? How will she use her healing light and newly acquired vampiric abilities to create a future that protects both herself and those she loves? Formerly Full of Healing Magic, Now Reborn into a Vampire Clan is a fantasy novel about rebirth, growth, and the exploration of identity that takes readers on a journey into a world full of magic and mystery, and a quest to discover the true meaning of love and power.............

DaoistVKg0n8 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: The Final Chapter of the Cure

Section 1: The Haze of War

The wilderness was covered with dark clouds, heralding the coming storm. The thunder in the sky was like ancient war drums, echoing in every soldier's taut heart. The bitter wind, carrying the smoke and blood of war, blew through the lonely villages and desolate grasslands.

Alison stood on a small hill, her eyes gazing at the horizon through the heavy mist. She wore a simple white battle robe with shimmering healing runes embroidered on it. The robes hunted in the gusty wind, as if whispering of impending doom.

Despite being a healer and highly respected in peacetime, when war came, she became the most needed person on the front lines. The children of the village surrounded her, and though they were all too young to feel the tension in the air, they looked at her with admiration in their eyes. She was their guardian, the last barrier against the darkness.

She was well aware of her mission, and each soldier who was about to go to war had a healing and protective rune bestowed upon them by her. These runes were created by Alison with sleepless nights and dedication, they were given to all and cherished by all. Alison knew that once war broke out, she would have to heal more than just physical wounds.

As the horn of battle was about to blow, Alison closed her eyes and prayed silently in her heart. She asked the gods to bless every soldier, every civilian, and more than that, she prayed that her strength would be enough to dispel the shadow of death.

As the first drops of rain fell from the storm, the heavy pounding of war drums sounded in the distance. Alison opened her eyes, her hands gently placed in front of her heart, a golden glow escaping from her palms, the source of her healing magic. She knew that this could be the last battle of her life, but she didn't hesitate, even if the battle required everything she had.

'Alison!' A call broke her musings; it was her dear friend and fellow warrior, a brave knight who was riding up. Alison turned and smiled bashfully, a subdued smile that belonged to a warrior-soldier about to go to war, 'It is time to go and witness our destiny.'

On her way to the camp, she kissed each child lightly on the forehead, leaving a golden mark of blessing - her truest protection. She set off on her journey to the battlefield, leaving behind her the longing and worried eyes of the children. In the vicious battle that followed, Alison knew that her blessing would guard not only flesh, but their fragile hopes.

This is my first novel, please support me, any comments please leave a message I will see it!

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