
My Werewolf System

Author: JKSManga
Ongoing · 7M Views
  • 962 Chs
  • 4.4
    259 ratings
  • NO.43

What is My Werewolf System

Read ‘My Werewolf System’ Online for Free, written by the author JKSManga, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, SYSTEM Light Novel, WEAKTOSTRONG Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: What would you do if you were to wake up one day to the message?[You have 5 days until the next full moon][Your bloodlus...


What would you do if you were to wake up one day to the message? [You have 5 days until the next full moon] [Your bloodlust is increasing] Gary Dem is a person with a secret. While coming back to school appearing as a whole new person, he does everything he can to keep this from the people he cares about. For his path is one that led him to become part of the underworld. The world has changed, and gangs rule the streets sponsoring big corporations. Bribing politicians behind the scenes and controlling the decisions people make without them knowing it. Using a new breed of humans called the Altered, a mixture of man and beast. It was only meant to be a side job, he was never meant to dig in too deep, but on a mission for his gang, something went wrong, something changed him. [You have 5 days until the next full moon] [Your bloodlust is increasing] The lone wolf... is about to go on a hunt!

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Volume 1 :1

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Hey Guys author of My vampire system here. This is my Third system book! Set in Modern day time , based around underground fighting and gang crime. This is under a non exclusive contract so had to upload on a different account


MVS is still one of my best reads and jks is already an expert for giving his readers a cliffhanger after every chapter.Now it's time to start a new system book!!!!


MVS is one of my top book so I have had wanted to read this for quite some time and voila....Its finally in WN!! And I love the start haha🤣🤣quite diff from MVS's start🤡


another mediocre story just like the 'My Vampire System' and I am sure it will be popular again coz that's the standard/bar for the readers of this platform. Had to drop this after reading some 30-40 chaps coz I just just couldn't get into the story. The quality that 99% of the novels here lack is 'Immersion' and that's the same for this novel too. Let's see of this review stands or will it be deleted to like the ones on MVS ! Delete it even if you want, I won't be bothered to give another review nor the story another chance.


This is a sci-fi/action series where characters have the opportunity to evolve using special serums and mutate with traits of other animal creatures for combat. Society is largely ruled by gangs, and not just anyone can live just anywhere. The main character himself is a gangster, but this isn’t explored fully. Although he has a family, there has been little world building or time spent with his family members or at his home, so he comes across as a rather shallow character. The other characters suffer from lack of depth as well, and they are quite forgettable. My Vampire System has a similar problem with character depth and making readers feel emotionally attached to and sympathetic toward the characters of the series, but it’s even worse here. The character designs are overall quite weak and forgettable. The story development largely makes sense so far, although not too much has happened yet. Some of the characters don’t make the most logical choices, especially the main character, but neither do real people. Even when there are some clearly important and critical things for the main character to explore, such as experimenting with his physique or testing out his abilities, he ignores these things altogether. He doesn’t make the wisest choices, and some of the planning in the plot is odd but may make sense later on. The world background is in desperate need of being filled up and shown, not told. Although some details have been explained to the readers, little has been shown to them to let them experience this world through the senses of the main character or other characters. This series could improve in quality dramatically by fleshing out the world and characters themselves. Although this is a series about werewolves, it’s clear by this point that the author didn’t do any research on wolves themselves due to obvious errors in describing wolves’ behaviors. If you’re here because you like wolves, then you will be disappointed. If you are here for werewolves and not the animal they’re based on, then you may still enjoy the series. If you are here for wolves and want to learn more about wolves by reading this series, then you should make a hasty retreat. Overall, some people may still like this series, but I don’t like it’s worth spending spirit stones or fast passes on with its current level of writing. That said, the writer could dramatically improve the quality of his series by trying to build the world and characters more.


I feel like I'm reading tern wolf. I just started reading the book but it's similar to teen wolf in lot of ways i hope in later chapters it will change.


the author doesn't even have the ability to put the tags that the novel has... you can already know that it will be a mid-level novel... Sigh


At the beggining i thought this story was just a copy paste of teen wolf but it's not. Teen wolf was a lot better than this. Seriously, am i the only one that thinks that the plot is too slow moving and the story is boring, i guess it's my fault since i expected more action and excitment but the author should have put tags in place so readers can know what to expect.


another disappointing novel by jks manga it looks like you have lost your touch with how bad you novels MC characters are being created ...I have to say except from dragon system the rest have not been up to the task maybe you should try stand up comedy bro


A great book from JKSManga, a very hardworker author that has been cooking this book for some time. You can already expect based on his other books that this one will be filled with intrigue, great action, well writen characters and interactions, and a plot that keeps getting better as the novel world's expands, give it a try withtout thinking it twice, you won't regret it!


I’m sorry, ot seems like a great book but no one, and I mean NO ONE, is that dense or stupid. It just completely lost me. I get trying to create a story but it really just feels forced.


For a "modern" story, the world this takes place in is still future dystopian. The world building is somewhat there, but it seems that organized crime is the true government in all the cities. The focus on the MC has distracted from better character development of any of the peripheral characters leaving the story to feel unbalanced. This could get better over time. I've really enjoyed MVS and think it had better direction and focus from the start. This story needs more of both.


This absolute POS site. I can not not see my 1-star review that should stand in second place, unless I'm logged in with this account. Any other account hides that. I've looked deeper and as it turns out this mfking site hide 1-star reviews that reach top. fk you webnovel, fk you.


Wanna read a good book? This isn't better, you've stumbled upon the best, I swear! 😊 When I arrived here, I thought I'd be seeing the setting, plot and characters to be resembling something like MDS or MVS (JKS Manga's other books), and I was thrilled (trust me, those books are top of the notch as well), but that didn't happen at all because I got blown away, literally!!! Well ..... almost literally 😂😂. It's not the usual werewolf stories available on webnovels. Truth is, I don't think you'll find anything close to this anywhere else. You get to feel the characters emotions, the pain, the anger and even the hunger 😂. I won't be giving any sneak peek. Go check it out for yourselves and thank me later


I apologize for not being a fan of the “SYSTEM” crutch. My Werewolf System doesn’t copy and paste pages of “system” data, instead it is woven seamlessly into a few paragraphs with amazing skill and forethought. The story is unsurprising about a werewolf protagonist from a poor background. Like many werewolf teen stories, it centres around Gary, his social problems and his friends. What keeps this novel from leaving my grip is the world of gangs and gang violence that the author draws us into. Organized crime that has insinuated itself into every corner of alternate earth society, from the upper echelon‘s of government to school yards. If this doesn’t get your attention, did I mention the Marvel Universe Mutations, humans altered with Animalism DNA modifications? I guess I should have lead with that and not wasted your time better spent reading this thrilling story.


I can’ wait until vampire system ends so he will focus more on this book. It has a huge amount of potential and honestly with its more down to earth theme it makes it more enjoyable.


The only thing I dont like in this story is how slow he progress in mastering his abilities. .. its been 200+ chapters and he is still so weak.. .


Next one what? Ghost system? Demon system? Frankenstein system? God system? Human system? Insect system? Religion system? Sin system? Farm system? Isekai system? Netore system?


The novel is interesting and well written. Just a heads up though like most of the authors novels it starts slow and builds up to the action. That being said in his other books once the action gets started it pretty much keeps going for the rest of the novel. My only disappointment is that by reading MVS you already know that the werewolfs have gone extinct.


It's a pretty interesting novel, give a chance! Oh I also posted this review just for the daily exp! But i was serious about the novel. Have a great day! (now I'll just start to type some dots to get the minimum 140 characters,so you should stop read this!) ....................................................................................................................................


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