
My Vampire Neighbour

It didn't take Arvela long to realise he was no ordinary boy next door. She wants to avoid him, he won’t leave her alone. ... ‘I couldn’t help but feel a superficial yet intense attraction towards him’....

MarenPluto · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 10: The City

By the time I processed everything that just happened, we had arrived at the destination. Lutswae centre, crowded but not bustling. The city was fairly small with no more than a hundred thousand residents. It was a one hour drive away from the capital, London. We were standing next to a few shops in the outside centre, the smell of the crepes and donut stands made me realise how hungry I was.

'Why bring me here' I looked to him.

A few eyes looked in my direction with concern as soon I had finished the sentence.

'Speak to me again..' he said

'About what..exactly. Look I need to go home soon' I looked down at my wrist watch 'it's quarter to 4 I only got a few hours to spare before my mum comes bac-' I had noticed that a few people around me started to whisper in each-others ears whilst looking in my direction when walking past. It had then dawned on me, he was factually and utterly what he had said to be.

'They- they must not be able to see you, can they' I said pitifully, also feeling stupid that I had not taken his word as seriously as I should have.

He nodded.

'Come' he demanded.

He walked a few feet infront of an old man heading our pathway. He stood exactly still in front of him, waved and even spoke to him to say 'hello', to which the old man ignored completely, still walking and looking ahead as if Edris wasn't there. Then it happened, the old man walked straight through his body, it was like as he had said... nonexistent, in simpler context, a ghost.

I was stunned with what was happening before me, suddenly empathetic with his obsession of the fact I can see him.