
My Vampire Neighbour

It didn't take Arvela long to realise he was no ordinary boy next door. She wants to avoid him, he won’t leave her alone. ... ‘I couldn’t help but feel a superficial yet intense attraction towards him’....

MarenPluto · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 9: Meadow Field

I turned my back to him so he could get a better reach of my untamed hair. I didn't have time to condition it for the day and was embarrassed by the dryness to it, he must have noticed the fact. He grabbed it to form one big chunk and with caution, which I was able to pick up on, gently looped the bobble around it.

'Thank-you' I then turned to face him.

'You have the most beautiful eyes, they match your golden hair' he spontaneously commented.

I smiled at him, but also felt insecure to be accepting the compliment . He was utterly beautiful. For once, I felt my demeanour around a man belittle. This has never happened before and not with a man. It was then I knew, I subconsciously felt certain feelings towards him.

'Tell me.. why is it that you still hang..around. Did you want to possibly build a friendship from knowing me.'

He thought for a moment before answering and then admitted,

'I had been meaning to talk to you since the first day we ever bumped into each-other.. I-, in fact I wanted to run up to you right there and then but..' he paused.

'As you turned back round to apologise, I felt like a teenager in school again, who was in the company of a beautiful women and no longer knew what to say or how to act.' He then stopped his sentence, without looking at me. Suddenly his figure struck up and he was now standing up a few feet away from me.

He then came forth, leaned down, gave me his hand and said 'come..let me show you what it's all like.'

I was still mentally processing what he had just said about me. Feeling delighted but also simultaneously in shock. I gave up my hand to him unthinking, and the next thing I knew I was like a rabbit that got swept by an eagle.