
My Vampire Experience

Eren has lived as a vampire for over 100 years in a town in boredom. It all changed when a family of 6 moves in next door.

Shadow_King_4496 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Girl

Eren woke up feeling somewhat excited thinking of the girl he met. She had blond hair, bright smile. Eren got up at a vampire speed brushing his teeth, eating food, and packing his backpack. He got out of the house and saw a note on the floor. It was a letter from the neighbours. "Hello, Eren we are wondering if you would join us for dinner in the evening. It would be a pleasure." Eren put the note down and went to school. He didn't feel great about the invitation.

Eren went to Jeroston high school when Eren crossed the street he met up with Yu. "Those people that are moving in next to you, they're weird," Yu said shocked. "Wait you saw them? Where?" Eren replied. "I've seen them when they were in the car, the car was driving slowly and all of them looked strangely at me but not this one girl," Yu questioned himself when he said that. "Yeah Yu sorry to break it to you but they are vampires in Jeroston again," Eren said slowly. Yu stopped walking. "Well can you tell if they're good or bad?" "The five of them, their eyes were red and had black scars near them which means they fed on a human within twenty-four hours," Eren says. "Eren those people, we can't go near them, it's dangerous." Yu replies. "They invited me over for dinner tonight, they don't know I'm a vampire do who knows what tricks they might pull on me," Eren says. "Although the comforting part of the family is one of the girls in the family isn't a vampire." While Eren said that they were in shock. The bell rang and Yu and Eren went their separate ways.

While in language class mid-way through the class a girl came in, a transfer. Eren's golden eyes lit up as he saw the girl. "Well class, please welcome our new student Riley." The teacher said proudly, Riley waved at the class. Eren was the only one who waved back, the girl sat next to Eren as that was the only seat available. Class resumed, while class was still going on Riley wrote a note, and passed it to Eren. "Still coming to dinner." Eren smiled back and nodded yes. They both smiled at each other.

Soon enough school was over, Eren walked home straight to his bedroom to the closet and got the sharpest knife he could find and put it in his pocket. Eren is worried the family would sneak up on him and kill him. The only person he could trust was Riley even though they don't know much about each other. It soon became nighttime, Eren put on his suit and tie and went on the door to the neighbour's house, before Eren could knock on the door a boy opened it. "Just in time come in." The boy said. Eren smiled and went into the house, to the dining room. The food was already made which everyone sat down. Riley got up and hugged Eren. "I'm so glad you're here, everyone's on edge today," Riley whispered. They all sat down at the table. "I didn't get to introduce myself properly, my name is Ray but call me, Mr. Zidon. My wife is Mrs. Zidon, the two boys are Authur and Light and my two daughters are name Elizabeth and Riley." Ray said.

Eren smiled and they talked about sports, news and more. The food was close to being finished and Mrs.Zidon was putting the dishes away. Everyone seemed uptight even Riley, even though she didn't know what was going to happen. "Riley you still have to pack the books upstairs please do that now." The father said. Riley nodded and went upstairs. "Now our real food, Authur take it away," Mr.Zidon looked at Authur while talking. Authur's eyes went completely black as vampires do when they are in attack mode. Authur sprinted towards Eren at full speed, Eren got out of his chair and threw Authur into the wall cracking it up. Authur got out and hit Eren into his table. Eren got up and took out his heart. Authur fell to the floor. "I've been doing this for too long," Eren says while looking at the father. The wife started to laugh while cleaning the dishes. "We knew he wasn't going to last long." Eren walked over the body to the door and looked back. "Thanks for the dinner."

As soon as Eren got home he called Yu to come to his house to explain what happened. Yu finally reached the house. "Eren, please tell me the dinner went successful?" Yu said. Eren shook his head no. "What's even worse I ripped the son's heart out in front of their parents and they didn't even care" Eren spoke slowly. Yu looked shocked and sat down on the couch. "I don't know what to do now. I feel as if I created enemies. " Eren spoke to Yu. After the talk, Yu left the house and the night was over. The next day started, Eren had everything packed and ready to get out of his house. When he did the father was washing his car by himself. The father waved at Eren, Eren ran in vampire speed down to the father. "What are you doing all this for? You had lots of chances to kill me." Eren said seriously. The father put his hand on Eren's shoulder and said "How about you worry about your best friend first in the meantime?"