
My Vampire Experience

Eren has lived as a vampire for over 100 years in a town in boredom. It all changed when a family of 6 moves in next door.

Shadow_King_4496 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

My Name Is Eren

Eren lives on his own, in a house in a town with a population of 5,000 people. He doesn't do much but feed on animal blood, he doesn't feed on humans as guilt feeds on him after. He goes to high school but leaves for a couple of decades and returns so people don't notice him. Eren has one friend that knows about his secret and Eren would like to keep it that way. Eren has brown hair with glowing golden eyes.

"Hey, Eren wait for me!" Eren's best friend yells at him as the school bell rings for them, to go home.

Eren stops and meets up with Yu. "It's the weekend! Let's go to the movies." Yu have black hair and are tall. Yu says excitingly. Eren looks at Yu with a straight face. "I can't, I gave to go hunting for rabbits and deer."

"Well, you can do that later! Let's have some fun for once." Yu says to Eren as they both cross the road.

"The last time you had fun was probably 50 years ago," Yu says jokingly. "Enough with the old jokes. They're not that funny." Eren smirks.

They both walk to Eren's home as they plan to do homework together. They both go into Eren's room. Eren has a tall house that looks creepy from the outside. Eren lives without his parents but bought the house out 100 years ago. Yu drops his backpack on the floor and jumps into a chair. "I wish I had a big house like you." Yu says while relaxing. Eren dropped his bag on the floor and went to the fridge in his room, he took out some animal blood. He started to drink it while looking out the window. "Eren that's disgusting." Yu says while looking the other way.

"Not when you're a vampire," Eren says while still drinking the blood. Eren puts down the bag of blood and begins to tell Yu about his experience. "I would never harm any human anymore. They're innocent." "I know, we've known each other for a while now but I still can't wrap my head around witches, werewolves and vampires," Yu says while holding his head. "I know it could be confusing but you'll get used to it." Eren smiles while speaking. Yu stopped smiling and asks Eren a question, "How come you're the only supernatural being in the town of Jeroston." Eren looks down at the wooden floor while speaking, "It's complex, at one point this town had more supernaturals than humans but they went away."

Yu gets up from his chair, "That doesn't make any sense, why?" Eren looks at Yu and spoke "They was men who came with weapons and started to destroyed supernatural out for nowhere. That night hundreds of us died, we didn't fight back. Yu looked confused holding his head "Why didn't they fight back?" "We wanted peace with the humans. Although now it looks like people say we're myths and I'd like to keep it that way." Eren says.

Yu and Eren began on their homework after the conversation, and as it was already night. Yu left Eren's house as they finished their homework. Eren closed the door, and went through the back door to the woods, to find animals. Vampires like Eren have different abilities, super speed, super strength, super hearing senses, and more but those with more are called Specials. Eren ran into the woods with such speed collecting 3 rabbits in seconds. In no time he ran into a deer snapping it's neck off. Each time he killed something, he ran back into his house to put it there. Eren had his dinner ready. He got the blood from the animals and put it in bags. He cleared up the mess and everything was fantastic.

"Get out the car already you boys!" Someone yelled from outside. Eren was surprised how fast the new neighbours moved in as it had only been sold a couple of hours ago. Eren ran with speed to the windows to peak outside. It was a family of 6, unloading boxes from the trucks. "Maybe I should lend them a helping hand." Eren thought would be a good idea. He threw his rabbit bloody juice box away and stepped outside. As soon as Eren walked outside, the dad and him locked eyes. The father's eyes were black with red around the eyes. Eren knew right away they were not a human family. Eren nodded his head to the dad and smiled. He did the same back. Eren knew when he saw the man with the black eyes he's been feeding on human blood. "Let me lend you a hand." Eren smiles and says. "Well thank you, it will be needed." The father said back. Eren took the boxes and started placing them in rooms the father said to place them. He ended up in a library room. They had old books and much more, Eren found a book that documented the year 1903, the year which Eren turned into a vampire. Before Eren could even turn a page, two older teens brothers walked in on Eren, they're eyes were somewhat black and red. It seems as if the whole family is vampires, Eren knew he had to leave before something bad happens.

"Hey, guys! I think I will be going." Eren said to the boys. Eren walked out of the room and bumped into a girl with books in her hands. She dropped all the books. Eren went and picked up all the books. It was a girl who was still human. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth." "Hi, I'm Eren." She smiled at Eren and went another way. Eren went down the stairs in a hurry. The father was at the door. He smiled at Eren, it seems like they have no idea that Eren is a vampire themselves. Eren and the father both smiled, Eren went out the door into his house slamming the door locking all windows and doors. He senses bad vibes from this family. What must he do?