
My Vampire Experience

Eren has lived as a vampire for over 100 years in a town in boredom. It all changed when a family of 6 moves in next door.

Shadow_King_4496 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

I wouldn’t kill him if I were you

"What the hell did you do to him! Tell me where he is!" Eren screamed at the father. "I don't know, try to see if you can hear him getting his ass kicked." The father said to Eren referring to how vampires have a sense of super hearing. "I swear if he dies. I will kill you and- Eren pauses. "Riley? What a cruel monster you are." The father said. Eren dropped his backpack and start to run at a vampire speed into the forest to hear if Yu would scream. Eren decided to search in the forest because the brother wouldn't beat Yu in plain sight. A scream came from the left, Eren ran as fast as he could to see Yu's glasses on the floor and his face full of blood. "Eren help me." Yu pleaded. Eren looked the brother in his eyes. "Listen I'm sorry I killed your brother, your father is manipulating you and your sibling to do his dirty work. He won't stop making you and your siblings do his dirty work until all of you are dead." Light laughed. "Enough with your nonsense, you killed my brother now I'll kill your friend. That's a fair trade." Light went to take out Yu's heart "I wouldn't kill him if I were you." Eren says as he heard a wolf Howells from the distance. 5 wolves surround Light. All we're different colours. One was grey, white, light blue to grey, black, and a dark red colour. The black-coated wolf launched to Light ripping his handoff. Before Light can scream the red-coloured wolf took his head off. Eren raced to Yu. The wolves turned into a human, "Eren, we will take it from here. Thank you." One man said. They picked him up and went into the forest.

Eren raced back to his house to see the dad with a serious face. "2 dead, 3 more to go." Eren picked up his backpack and started walking. Riley walked out of the house with her backpack, "Where is Authur and Light father?" Riley asked. "They went to college early and I think they will be renting an apartment." The father said while smiling. Riley smiled back and started to walk to school. She eventually caught up to Eren. "Collar shirt today, how fancy," Riley said smiling. "Thank you," Eren said. The shirt had blood on it from Yu leaning on Eren. "Why is it red, is that blood?" Eren tried to wipe it away. "I ate jelly today and it went on my shirt." Eren laughed it off. Riley stops and pauses, "I think my family is hiding something from me, they keep to themselves and keep me out of some family reunions." "It's probably nothing my family used to do that all the time when I was with them. don't worry." Eren says as they both start to walk. "So she doesn't know." Eren thinks go himself. Hours go by and school ends. "I have to see if Yu is doing all right." Eren gets away from school and dashes into the forest. He finally reaches an area with a big wooden lake house in the forest. Eren thinks to himself "This is where the wolves and tribe members of this area live."

BANG BANG BANG! Eren starts slamming up the door. "Where is Yu." A girl opened the door. Curly black hair with glowing light brown eyes. Eren thought to himself "wow". "Come this way." the girl said to Eren. They both walked upstairs where Yu was surrounded by wolf pack members. "Will he be okay?" Eren whispered. "Why did you let a vampire in the house." one member said. "Jack not now!" The girl said in a strong voice. "It's fine, Yu told me he never had any other family other than his dad," Eren said. "Yu is one of us, a wolf." The girl said. "The pack hesitates when they're in the same room as vampires I'm sorry they might not accept you fully. My name is Elliott." She whispered. "Great well I'm Eren, I've lived in this town for hundreds of years, I knew your great-great-great-grandfather. He was a nobleman. He was the first person to accept me for who I was." Eren said. "Why did you get Yu involved in this." The leader in the pack said. "They wanted revenge because I killed their son, they wanted me to be there dinner but they didn't know I was a vampire," Eren said with a serious voice. The leader stands up and pushes Eren to the wall. "Don't come here back." Eren pushes the man onto the floor, "He's my friend werewolf or not." The pack eyes glowed at Eren as the leader was pushed down. "Let's not start a fight, he just wants to see Yu," Elliott said.

Eren dashes out of the house in vampire speed angry, filled with rage and upset. "I will kill everyone in the house." He stops to hide behind a tree, he sees the mom water the plants outside but Eren can't sense anyone else in the house, Eren launched at the Mom dragging her into the house by her neck and slamming her into the painting hanging up on the wall. "You know, I thought to myself killing your son was enough but no, you deserve more for making your son try killing an innocent person that didn't do anything to you!" Eren screamed at the mom. Eren threw here on the stairs breaking it. The mom got up and tried attacking Eren but all her punches missed. Eren slit her throat and took her heart out. The door opened it was Riley and her vampire sister.

Riley dropped her shopping bags. "What have you done!"