
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Untimely death

In the span of 10 years since Klauss embarked on his journey as a hunter, he had transformed into a formidable force within the hunter community.

As the vice leader of The Wakers Guild, a guild founded by him and his comrades, Klauss's influence extended far beyond his initial dreams.

Roger, with his charismatic personality and fearless approach to combat, held the position of the guild's leader.

However, behind the scenes, it was Klauss's strategic brilliance and quick-witted nature that guided the guild in most aspects.

His leadership extended to both the battlefield and the guild's organizational structure, making him a revered figure among his peers.

Klauss's reputation wasn't confined to the guild alone; he had earned respect and admiration within the Hunter Association (THA) as well.

Known for his calculated decisions and charismatic leadership, Klauss was a figurehead in the hunter community, recognized for his dedication and contributions. Despite choosing not to be the official leader, Klauss's unwavering work ethic drove the guild to impressive heights.

The Wakers Guild secured a position among the top 10 guilds in the country, and their strategic prowess arguably placed them within the top 5.

While they might not match the sheer numbers and power of some larger guilds, The Wakers Guild stood out due to the influences of Roger, Klauss and Maria as they were well respected and admired by many hunters and regular humans.

Roger, with his headfirst tanking style and overpowered gauntlets, arguably became renowned as one of the best hand-to-combat hunters globally.

His confidence and brute strength were akin to a lion charging into battle, making him a force to be reckoned with.

He was just your typical overgeared tank with the body of superman, although not as handsome. Maria's journey had taken her on the path to becoming a prominent witch in the new age of hunters.

Although she didn't hold a specific title, her role as a pillar in both The Wakers Guild and the Hunter Association was undeniable.

Her magical prowess and mana sensitivity ranked her among the top 100 mages globally, and she proudly held the title of the only female witch in her country.

Her fame not only brought recognition to herself but also significantly elevated the influence and popularity of The Wakers Guild.

Maria became an idol for many young aspiring women who aimed to become hunters. Despite frequent attempts by major guilds to poach her due to her unparalleled skills, Maria's loyalty to her friends and guild remained steadfast.

Her only aspiration was to grow stronger for the sake of her guild, friends, and her boyfriend, Klauss.

Klauss, the ever-present figure in the guild, had carved a name for himself as a prominent swordmaster.

Despite his low mana count, he defied expectations and secured the position as the second strongest in The Wakers Guild. His exceptional swordsmanship ranked him among the top 10 swordsmen in the country and potentially within the top 50 globally.

Klauss's journey was marked by hard work, determination, and the unique distinction of excelling in a discipline that wasn't the first choice for every hunter.

Together with Roger, the fearless tank, and Maria, the renowned witch, the trio's blend of skills, camaraderie, and unwavering reputation solidified The Wakers Guild as a prominent force in the hunter world.

Their individual accomplishments and collective success had not only made them respected figures but also future leaders in their generation of hunters.

An urgent call from The Hunters Association had disrupted the routine of The Wakers Guild, thrusting them into a mission to clear a stubborn rank C gate near their headquarters.

Maria and Roger, together at the time, quickly sought out Klauss, who was immersed in his training. Maria, catching her breath, relayed the situation to Klauss, emphasizing the need for immediate action.

"Klauss, get ready. We just received an urgent call from the association to clear a rank C gate. I'll give you the details on the way, so move your ass," Maria urged.

Klauss, with a swift response, grabbed his black coat and trusty blade before rushing to the waiting car. Roger, already behind the wheel, honked impatiently, eager to get to the gate's location.

Sweating from his intense training, Klauss hopped into the car alongside Maria. As the car sped toward the mission site, Maria provided more details on the task at hand.

"The gate we were tasked to clear is Lamia Nest. Major guilds turned it down due to inadequate rewards and reluctance to exhaust their manpower. It's been almost a month since its appearance," Maria explained calmly.

Klauss, surprised and angered by the negligence of other guilds, questioned, "How can the guilds leave a gate open for so long without clearing it? And why is the association only informing us now?"

Maria responded, "That's what I asked them. They mentioned another guild had initially scheduled to clear it but kept rescheduling and eventually abandoned the mission.

It was the Stormbringers guild." Klauss, fueled by frustration said "Those useless fuckers", as expressed his disdain for the Stormbringers and urged Roger to speed up.

"We need to move quickly before the gate rush," he asserted.

A gate rush, a phenomenon where monsters poured out of a newly formed gate, was a significant concern.

The timing of gate rushes varied, with recorded instances ranging from ten minutes to an entire month after a gate's formation.

With the clock ticking, The Wakers Guild aimed to reach Lamia Nest swiftly and prevent any potential complications arising from a gate rush. 

They arrived at the mission site, and a man dressed in a suit who seemed to be a representative of the THA awaited us.

He greeted us and guided us to the gate entrance, and wished us good luck as he bowed down in appreciation of our quick response.

As they embarked into the gate, the atmosphere shifted from the familiar daylight to an eerie darkness.

The passageways, illuminated only by the faint glow of magical crystals embedded in the walls, twisted and turned like a labyrinth.

The air carried a musty scent, a blend of dampness and the distinct odor of the serpent-like Lamias that inhabited the nest.

The winding corridors revealed nesting areas where Lamias had made their lairs, creating a network of interconnected chambers; occasional hiss echoed through the tunnels, signifying the presence of Lamias hidden in the shadows.

The team was in battle formation led by Klauss, they pressed forward, their blades at the ready and magical spells prepared for any sudden confrontation.

The Lamias, with their thick and resilient scales, presented a formidable challenge for The Wakers Guild.

These creatures were neither weak nor overly powerful, requiring a delicate balance of accuracy and strength to overcome.

However, the team, well-equipped and skilled in various aspects, rose to the occasion as they navigated the narrow corridors of Lamia Nest.

Maria, having honed her control over the fire element, played a crucial role in the battle.

Her flames licked at the Lamias, exploiting the weaknesses in their scales and creating opportunities for her comrades to strike.

The dance of fire illuminated the darkness, casting a dynamic display of magic amidst the confined spaces. Roger, with his gauntlets imbued with mana, delivered powerful and precise punches.

Each strike packed a formidable punch, denting the thick scales of the Lamias and disrupting their coordinated attacks. The combination of magical and physical prowess in Roger's blows proved instrumental in breaking through the creatures' defenses.

Klauss, wielding his sharpened blade with expertise, demonstrated unparalleled skill as he sliced through the Lamias with precision.

His movements were calculated, and the edge of his blade found the weak points in the scales, effortlessly cutting through the creatures like butter.

The trio's synergy and individual strengths seamlessly complemented each other, creating a formidable force within the tight confines of Lamia Nest.

As the battle continued, the guild members adapted to the challenges posed by the Lamias' scales, showcasing not only their physical prowess but also their strategic acumen.

The relentless assault pushed deeper into the nest, The Wakers Guild pressed forward with determination as they arrived in the boss lair, where the Twin headed Lamia inhabited.

This monstrous abomination stood as a grotesque fusion of serpentine and humanoid features, boasting two heads, six arms, and a formidable frame reminiscent of the Statue of Liberty.

The mere sight of this creature signaled a significant escalation in the challenge they faced, as it was revealed to be a formidable rank B monster.

The lair itself was a cavernous space, with the Twin-Headed Lamia coiled at its center, its multiple heads hissing menacingly.

The guild members strategically positioned themselves, ready to engage in a battle that would test their limits and teamwork.

The confined space and the monstrous stature of the Twin-Headed Lamia added an extra layer of complexity to the already challenging encounter.

The battle against the Twin-Headed Lamia unfolded in a chaotic dance of magic and steel.

Maria's flames lashed out onto the creature, Roger's mana-charged punches ready to strike with precision, and Klauss's blade sliced through the air.

The rank B monster retaliated with ferocious attacks, using its six arms to fend off the onslaught.

In the midst of the intense clash, the Twin-Headed Lamia exhibited surprising agility for its size, evading some attacks while absorbing others with its thick scales.

The confined space of the lair added an element of challenge, forcing the guild members to adapt quickly to the creature's movements.

As the battle reached its climax, Klauss found himself momentarily distracted by a sudden change in the Twin-Headed Lamia's pattern.

In that crucial moment, one of the serpent heads lunged forward with unexpected speed, catching Klauss. Its venomous fangs sank into Klauss's shoulder, causing a searing pain and leaving a deep wound.

Despite the injury, Klauss gritted his teeth and continued to fight, unwilling to let his comrades down.

Maria intensified her magical assaults, creating openings for Roger to land powerful blows. The Twin-Headed Lamia, now wounded and disoriented, struggled to maintain its formidable defense.

The combined efforts of three members from The Wakers Guild proved triumphant as Roger delivered a final, thunderous punch that sent the Twin-Headed Lamia crashing to the ground.

Maria unleashed a surge of flames that engulfed the creature, sealing its fate as it burned continuously.

The lair fell silent, the echoes of battle fading away.

With a sudden turn of events, Klauss, standing amidst his victorious comrades with bloodied shoulders and a visible grimace, was unexpectedly struck.

Slowly turning his neck to comprehend the unimaginable, he found Maria—his girlfriend—holding a knife that seemed to have pierced his back.

In his disbelief, he coughed up blood and went down on his knees, the venom from the previous Lamia attack still coursing through his veins.

Desperately, he uttered, "Why…?"

Roger's words cut through the heavy silence in the lair, each syllable falling like a lead weight.

With an unsettling calmness, he addressed the dying Klauss, "That attack from the boss should have killed you; why did you have to put us in this position? Tsk. You just had to die for our sake and the guild's. Oh, for our sake, I meant Maria and I. You see, we've been together for a while now. In fact, we've always had feelings for each other since high school, but as a good friend, I let you have her. Now, with your death, we can be together, and I can rule the guild as I see fit. Haha."

Klauss, eyes wide open in shock and agony, sought a sense of hope in Maria's gaze.

However, Maria remained unbothered, calmly walking towards Roger.

She put her arms around him, and to Klauss's horror, she gave him the most sinister of looks, coupled with a chilling smile that sent shivers down his spine.

The betrayal unfolded before Klauss's weakened form, a cruel tableau of deceit and heartbreak. 

Alas, Klauss, the Vice-Leader of the Wakers Guild, met his inglorious end, a victim of his unwavering trust and faith in the very individuals Klauss had considered his closest allies.

As the venom continued to course through his veins, Klauss grappled not only with the physical pain but the emotional wreckage of the bonds shattered in the dimly lit lair and died.