
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Becoming a hunter (2)

Goblins Den held its reputation as the lowest-ranked gate, making it an ideal training ground for young, aspiring hunters seeking valuable experience.

Gates varied widely in form, from expansive terrains to confined spaces like caves, leading to different dimensions populated by various races and monstrous creatures.

These gates were classified from F-rank to S-rank, with an exceptionally rare occurrence—the Great Catalyst, rated SS—having pushed humanity to the brink of extinction.

Goblins Den, an F-rank gate fashioned as a cavern, harbored cunning and vicious goblins. While individually easy to defeat, they proved troublesome in groups.

Before entering the cavern for their final challenge, Sylvetta offered advice to Maria on utilizing her magic effectively.

"Maria, try using your magic in this gate. It's a simple spell called magic missile. Imagine channeling your mana into your staff and shooting it out like boom. Simple, right, my dear?"

She winked at Maria and bid her farewell. Although Maria appreciated the guidance, the challenge that lay ahead remained daunting. As Maria ventured into the cavern, she glanced at her staff and then at her teammates.

With determination, she uttered, "I must do my best not to be a hindrance. Magic missile, go!" The boys turned to look behind them after hearing her exclamation.

Maria, feeling a bit awkward, walked past them without saying a word but reassured, "I will protect you." Klauss, deeply moved by her statement, swiftly took the lead, shooting an arrow through his heart.

"Let's go," he said, eager to rally his team and face whatever challenges awaited them in Goblins Den.

As the team ventured deeper into Goblins Den, the cavern's damp walls echoed with the eerie sounds of scurrying creatures and distant whispers. The air grew heavy with tension, and the narrow passages demanded constant vigilance.

Suddenly, the team found themselves in a vast chamber teeming with goblins. The cunning creatures, with their sharp teeth and malicious glints in their eyes, swarmed forward.

Klauss took the lead, brandishing his samurai blade with precision, while Roger unleashed powerful punches to clear a path. Maria, though initially nervous, began to find her rhythm, casting magic missiles to repel the oncoming goblin horde.

Though not as powerful, her magic missiles were very useful in dealing with the goblin mobs.

The teamwork between the trio proved essential as they navigated through the labyrinthine passages, facing ambushes and traps set by the crafty goblins.

Klauss's swordsmanship, Roger's brute strength, and Maria's burgeoning magical prowess complemented each other, creating a synergy that kept the goblins at bay.

As they progressed deeper into the den, the challenges intensified. They encountered larger goblin variants, armed with crude weapons and reinforced armor.

The teamwork between the hunters was put to the test as they adapted to the evolving threats. Klauss, in particular, showcased his strategic thinking, leading the team through tight spots and devising tactics on the fly.

Amid the chaos, Maria, gaining confidence in her magical abilities, unleashed more potent spells, creating dazzling displays of arcane power that illuminated the cavern's darkness.

The trio faced moments of adversity but persevered, each challenge strengthening their bond as a team.

Finally, after overcoming numerous trials, they reached the heart of Goblins Den. There, guarded by a massive goblin chieftain, was the coveted Hunter's Mark.

The imposing creature roared, signaling the final showdown. Klauss, Roger, and Maria, battle-weary but determined, prepared for their ultimate trial.

In the heart of Goblins Den, the air was thick with tension as Klauss, Roger, and Maria faced the formidable goblin chieftain, a towering creature adorned with crude armor and wielding a massive, jagged club.

The cavern echoed with its menacing roars, setting the stage for the ultimate showdown.

The goblin chieftain charged forward with surprising speed, swinging its club in powerful arcs. Klauss, ever the agile swordsman, adeptly dodged the initial strikes, while Roger positioned himself as a sturdy shield against the onslaught.

Maria, standing a bit farther back, prepared her magic for the opportune moment. As the battle unfolded, Klauss took the initiative, launching a series of swift and calculated strikes at the goblin chieftain's exposed flank.

The chieftain, however, proved to be a cunning adversary, parrying Klauss's attacks with its club and countering with sweeping blows. Roger, with his gauntlets, focused on deflecting the chieftain's strikes and creating openings for Klauss to exploit.

The communication and synergy was on point between the tank and the damage dealer.

Maria observed the flow of the battle, waiting for the right moment to unleash her magical prowess. The goblin chieftain, sensing a formidable opponent in Klauss, turned its attention towards him, leaving itself momentarily vulnerable.

Seizing the opportunity, Maria unleashed a barrage of magic missiles, striking the chieftain and disrupting its momentum.

The chieftain, enraged by Maria's interference, redirected its focus toward her. Roger, ever the protector, stepped in, absorbing the brunt of the chieftain's attacks with his gauntlets.

Klauss, seizing the distraction, circled around and delivered precise strikes to the chieftain's exposed back.

However, the goblin chieftain was not easily subdued. It unleashed a devastating shockwave with its club, knocking back the hunters and creating a momentary disarray.

In the chaos, Maria felt the need to do something that could change the flow of the battle.

She tapped into her magic reserves, taught deeply on how to protect her teammates, she conjured a protective barrier to shield them from the chieftain's next onslaught.

With a collective effort, the hunters regrouped and prepared for the final push. Klauss engaged the chieftain in a swift dance of blades, exploiting the openings created by Roger's strategic maneuvers.

Maria, channeling her magic, cast a potent spell that momentarily disoriented the chieftain.

In that crucial moment of vulnerability, Klauss delivered a masterful strike, aiming for the chieftain's weak point. The samurai blade pierced through the armor, and with a powerful thrust, Klauss toppled the formidable goblin chieftain.

The cavern fell silent, the echoes of battle dissipating.

The trio stood victorious, breathing heavily but triumphant. The goblin chieftain defeated, they approached the fallen creature to claim the Hunter's Mark.

As they held the symbol of their success, the weight of their accomplishment filled the cavern, they let out a big roar.

Exhausted but victorious, they exited the cavern, their camaraderie strengthened, and their skills proven. As they emerged from the gate, Sylvetta awaited them, a proud smile on her face.

The team had successfully navigated the challenges of Goblins Den, marking the end of their initiation into the ranks of hunters.

The team wasted no time and headed straight to the association, their excitement palpable.

Eager to obtain their hunter licenses, they insisted on completing the process the same day, reminiscent of restless kids on a road trip. Victor, the seasoned hunter supervising them, maintained a stoic silence, his face wearing a frown as the continuous chatter echoed in the car.

Suddenly, unable to bear the incessant noise, Victor erupted, "Enough already! I like to drive silently. If I hear another beep, I'm walking to the association!"

The threat hung in the air, and the car fell into an awkward silence. Klauss couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Wish you'd just be happy for once, old man."

The car came to a halt, engine still running, as Victor abruptly exited without closing the door, marching towards the association in silence. Confused, the trio exchanged glances.

Without missing a beat, Roger, ever the carefree one, calmly got into the driver's seat, put on his seatbelt, and took control.

The car moved smoothly, passing by Victor, Sylvetta, with a mischievous smile, leaned out of the window, calling after him, "See you at the association, Victor."

The three friends and Sylvetta arrived at the hunters association ahead of Victor, heading straight to the main desk to claim their hard-earned hunter licenses.

The licenses signified their success in the initiation and granted them various privileges within the hunter community. As they received their licenses, a sense of accomplishment filled the air.

The ranking system within the association became apparent, with both Roger and Klauss holding E-rank licenses, while Maria, due to her unique abilities, was elevated to D-rank.

Though a hint of jealousy lingered, the boys were genuinely happy for their friend, knowing they now had a formidable D-rank mage in their team.

Along with the licenses, they received a rulebook outlining the responsibilities and code of conduct for hunters. Sylvetta emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive image for the association and abiding by the rules.

The association, known as THA, held considerable authority, and any breach could lead to severe consequences.

Sylvetta concluded with a reminder of the various paths their hunter careers could take—joining a guild, becoming part of the association's team, or even creating their own guild.

With a final piece of advice, she bid them farewell, "You may leave and go rest, young hunters."

Bowing respectfully, the trio expressed their gratitude and exited the building, officially bearing the title of hunters.

As they stepped out, proudly holding their hunter licenses, they encountered Victor once again.

This time, he acknowledged their achievement with a simple yet sincere, "Well done." It was a moment of shared pride, and the trio was elated to finally call themselves hunters, ready to embark on the adventures that awaited them.

The trio parted ways to wash up and rest, each finding solace in the familiarity of their own spaces after a day that proved both challenging and rewarding.

After a long and invigorating shower, Klauss, still buzzing with excitement, leaped onto his bed, proudly clutching his hunter license.

With a grin, he exclaimed, "Ahh, how I've dreamt of this day to come. I am now a hunter. I can enter gates, defeat monsters, earn fame, and riches. Can't wait for my life to officially start, hehe. I might not sleep with all this adrenaline."

As exhaustion began to catch up with him, Klauss succumbed to a peaceful slumber, cradling his hunter license as if it were a cherished treasure.

Little did he know, this marked only the beginning of Klauss's grandest dreams—a journey that promised adventure, challenges, and the discovery of what it truly meant to be a hunter in a world filled with mysteries and wonders.
