
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs


"Betrayal doesn't only break your heart, but also darkens your soul".

Klauss pondered those words, a quote he had once encountered during his time as a hunter.

At that time, he didn't pay much attention to it, unable to imagine himself in such a situation.

Yet, here he was, betrayed and killed by those closest to him, his dying mind grappling with the worst of betrayals.

In his unconscious, dead state, he found himself questioning the authenticity of his existence, wondering:

"Have I lived a life filled with deceit and lies? When did things go wrong? Ahh, I hate this. I want to kill them, I want to strangle them. They have to feel my pain and suffering, fuck!"

As his mind spiraled into the abyss, a light appeared deep within his subconsciousness.

The light drew closer, casting its warmth upon him. In that moment, whether he was getting closer to the light or the light to him became indistinguishable.

It shone brighter and warmer until, like a flash, he briskly opened his eyes, awakening from the depths of unconsciousness.

His eyes remained fixed on the ceiling, struggling to grasp the surreal nature of the situation.

Lying there for about 30 minutes without moving, he suddenly rose, his eyes darting around the room as if trying to confirm his surroundings.

Klauss had spent his pre-hunter days in a student dorm, a small single room that accommodated only one person, with a bed and a working desk.

The room felt stuffy, and in a still-fazed state, he opened the window.

A strong breeze brushed against his face, momentarily making him feel like he was on a luxurious penthouse terrace rather than the second floor of a run-down building.

The weather was delightful – bright sunshine, chirping birds, and distant sounds of children playing – and that's when the weight of reality struck him.

Hurriedly, he ran to the bathroom, staring at his reflection in the mirror.

To his astonishment, he discovered that he had become younger.

Unable to believe what was happening, he touched his fresh and handsome younger face, bursting into laughter and exclaiming, "What sort of spell is this? Is someone playing a prank on me? Was I always this handsome, hehe? Wait, wait a second, what day is it?".

His hair went from black to white, as a proof of his regression.

The young man searched for his phone, a device bearing the scars of time with several cracks.

To his bewilderment, he discovered that he had time-traveled ten years into the past, on the day of his graduation, a day before his awakening and a year after

The Great Catalyst.

This revelation left him in a state of both confusion and curiosity as he tried to grasp the situation he was in.

Seated on his bed, Klauss crossed his arms, attempting to piece together his memories.

Although the recollections were still hazy, the core events stood out – his demise at the hands of his once-trusted allies, Roger and Maria.

His mood shifted, teeth clenched, head bowed, and tears streaming down his face.

Yet, the tears transformed into laughter as he gazed toward the ceiling.

A madman's laughter echoed in the room.

Putting his right hand on his face, he collapsed onto the bed, still chuckling. "Haha, they really killed me, haha, but I returned to the past, haha. I bet they didn't see that coming, haha. Are the Gods telling me something right now, to get revenge, right, haha?"

The gayety abruptly faded, replaced by a serious demeanor.

Sitting back on his bed, Klauss declared, "Of course, I will get revenge. Who wouldn't after receiving such an opportunity? But looking at the bigger picture, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance at something bigger."

Despite the situation, Klauss's decision-making abilities and composure remained intact.

He contemplated further as he entered thinking mode once again. "I still have my memories from the past, though. Yes, I was the vice-leader of my guild, and I was really strong."

He stood up, pacing around vigorously, still in thinking mode, he mused, "With my past experience as a hunter and my memories of the events that are yet to occur, I can grow even more, right? Whoa, I can be the strongest, right? Calm down, Klauss, let's not be too excited, there are steps to this." 

Klauss, his excitement gradually fading, returned to the window, captivated by the enchanting scenery that unfolded before him.

In the midst of contemplating the whirlwind of changes in his life, he received a text from Maria inquiring about their meeting point before heading for their graduation.

Staring at his phone with a mix of emotions, Klauss debated whether to reply or entertain more drastic thoughts.

He clutched the device, his gaze fixed on it without blinking, then turned back to the window, inhaling a deep breath of the invigorating breeze.

With a nonchalant attitude, he tossed the phone aside without responding. "Ah, being in a relationship sure is stressful. I've already graduated once, let me enjoy this soothing air, ah."

In the quiet sanctity of his room, Klauss embarked on a journey of introspection, contemplating the significance of the day.

A realization dawned upon him: "If today marks my graduation, tomorrow should foretell my awakening as a hunter. But can I sense mana in my current state? Let's focus on that."

Assuming a meditative pose, Klauss whispered, "Mana emanates from all living beings, an invisible force that surrounds us. I just need to sense it, visualize it weaving through the air, embracing my body, and delving into my deepest essence. Concentrate, feel the mana, Klauss."

Immersed in the profound stillness of concentration, the ambient mana responded to his beckoning, gradually enveloping him like a gentle embrace.

It wasn't until he opened his eyes, aglow with excitement, that Klauss realized his success: "This sensation is incredible. Enveloped in mana, a decade's worth of experience condensed into a single moment. What an unexpected blessing!"

This breakthrough held immense significance, particularly for Klauss, who had grappled with minimal mana sensitivity in his past life.

It marked the genesis of his quest for revenge, with every surge of mana carrying the promise of newfound potential.

"With this ability, acing the hunter exam is just the start. My journey now begins !"

The room, now cloaked in the tranquil embrace of night, bore witness to Klauss's transformative moment.

Ignoring the passage of time spent in deep concentration, he noticed the missed calls on his phone—a testimony to the uneasy day experienced.

With a resigned sigh, Klauss momentarily set aside the calls, opting instead for a symbolic shower.

The refreshing cascade of water in the shower served as a purifying ritual, washing away the uncertainties of the past.

Emerging from the soothing bath, he returned to his room, still draped in the newfound aura of mana, and prepared for what lay ahead.

As he began to dry himself, the phone rang once again, this time bearing the name of Maria, casting a fleeting shadow of uncertainty across his face.

After a brief pause, he decided to answer. "Hello," he said, his voice steady and deliberate.

"Klauss, where have you been? I've been trying to reach you all day, we missed you at the graduation today" Maria's voice, tinged with concern, reverberated through the phone.

"I needed some time alone to think. Something unexpected happened," Klauss replied, choosing his words carefully, aware of the weight they carried.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Maria's concern was palpable.

"I'm fine, Maria. Just needed space to process things quietly. I'll explain everything soon to you and Roger" Klauss reassured her.

There was a moment of hushed silence on the other end, broken by Maria's sigh. "Alright, but don't keep me waiting. I've been worried."

"I promise," Klauss replied, and they exchanged parting words before ending the call. As he lay on his bed, contemplation and anticipation mingled in his thoughts. 

"How do I avoid their prying eyes without raising suspicions?" Klauss sighed, his thoughts wondered through the labyrinth of deception.

Nonchalantly, he contemplated the notion of putting an end to them immediately.

"It's amusing how casually I talk about ending people. Well, they do deserve it, but dispatching them too early would be a waste and unsatisfying. Let's focus on my progress without them catching wind. With my memories intact, they should be waking up soon, and I'm not sure I want to take the hunter exam with them.

I need a good excuse to push them into the exam without me. Time's on my side; I'll think of something. For now, I have to train this puny body. The one perk is my handsome face, but that can only get me so far. Ugh, I can't sleep like this. Need to clear my mind," he muttered.

Klauss, clad in nothing but boxers, the proper way for a man to sleep, rose from his bed, embarking on a stretching routine.

His body effortlessly assumed a fighting pose, a reflex born from his past. Contemplating ways to elevate his swordsmanship with the newfound ability to wield mana, he grappled with the absence of a name for his formidable skills.

"My swordsmanship was top-tier in my previous life, even if I sucked at mana. Today, it's a different story. I'm smart; I can think of something. Come to think of it, my swordsmanship doesn't even have a name. I should give it a cool name like in those murim novels. Oh, I just had an idea," he grinned.

Engaging in a swordless sword dance, his mind's agility was evident.

In the midst of his routine, as mana swirled around him, he burst out:

"I've got it! I shall call my new swordsman style: Klauss Dancing Sword Art!" 

In the solitude of his room, Klauss embarked on a night of self-discovery, navigating the flow of thoughts, fueled by the prospect of revenge and personal growth, went to bed soundly.