
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Contemplation & Friends

The Great Catalyst emerged as humanity's ultimate challenge, overshadowing wars, famine, and disasters, becoming the most unimaginable catastrophe of any era.

However, amidst the chaos, it bestowed powers upon humans, turning the tide in their fight for survival. The dream of becoming a hero, a hunter, gripped the aspirations of all.

Yet, Klauss, in a stark departure from the collective yearning for heroism, declared, "Nope, screw all that. My dream is beating the daylights out of my so-called best friends and pursuing my own gains and desires. Thank you," he blurted out abruptly during the chapter briefing.

Undergoing a profound transformation, Klauss's mentality shifted dramatically.

Once kind and beloved, he morphed into a cold individual, driven by a desire for conquest and personal victories, devoid of trust in others.

A mere week after his regression, Klauss refrained from venturing outside his dorm, avoiding encounters with his treacherous friends and continuously postponing any meetings.

This solitary week was dedicated to the meticulous reorganization of his memories and intense training. However, the solitude was disrupted when a knock echoed at his door.

"Bang, bang. Guess who?" a voice called out. The protagonist pondered on who could be disturbing him at this hour and headed to answer the door.

Just as he was in the process of opening it, the person on the other side pushed it open forcefully.

To his astonishment, he found Roger and Maria standing at the entrance.

The two friends had come to give Klauss a surprise visit in his cramped dorm, as they hadn't seen each other since the graduation a week ago.

Maria screamed, "Whoa, when did you dye your hair, looks hot, anyway, let us in, we have something to say."

Before they could enter, Klauss told them casually, "Hey, wait for me at the nearby park, my room is small and I have to shower. Give me 20 minutes."

The pair exchanged glances, and Maria spoke first, smiling, "Hmm, hurry up then because we have big news for you hehe."

Klauss could discern the nature of their surprise and simply nodded, "See you in a bit." Closing the door, he sighed and chuckled before returning to his training.

About an hour later, around 3pm, he strolled to the park in joggers and a hoodie, hands in his hoodie, projecting an air of nonchalance.

Observing Roger and Maria seated closely, he mused to himself, "Look at those two, anyone passing would think they were a couple. I can't believe I didn't realize their bond much earlier. What a fool I was. Not anymore."

Approaching silently, like an assassin on a mission, he smirked, "Hey, hope I didn't keep you lovebirds waiting for too long."

Roger burst into laughter, stood up, and playfully grabbed Klauss by the neck, downplaying the situation, "What are you talking about, buddy? Everyone knows Maria is yours haha. Anyways, come and listen, we have something to tell you."

To an onlooker, Klauss's expression during that interaction with Roger wasn't that of a friend, but more like a wolf eyeing his prey, ready to strike, just silently staring.

Maria, with a smile, exclaimed, "We awakened, Klauss! How awesome is that! I can't believe we are going to be hunters soon. Hope you awaken soon so we all take the hunter exam together."

Roger: Yeah, buddy! Can you imagine? We're going to be hunters soon!

Klauss (feigning surprise): What? No way! Are you serious?

Maria: (grinning) Absolutely! We both felt this incredible surge of power, and we could sense mana around us. It's like a dream come true!

Roger: (nodding, arms crossed) Yeah, and they say that awakening is a rare and remarkable thing. We're lucky, man!

Klauss (playing along): Wow, this is unbelievable. I mean, who would have thought? I never saw it coming…

Maria: (teasing) Come on, Klauss, don't act so surprised. You're next in line. I can feel it!

Klauss (smirking): Well, I guess we'll see about that. But hey, congrats to both of you. This calls for a celebration!

Roger: Absolutely! Let's grab some food and talk about our plans for the future. The three awakened amigos!

Klauss (smiling): Sure, why not? Let's make it a memorable night.

The trio dispersed with plans to reconvene later for drinks, leaving Klauss alone at the park.

Seated on a swing, he gazed skyward with a mix of frustration and contemplation.

"This is going to be trickier than I anticipated," he muttered, wrestling with an undeniable urge to strangle his inseparable friends.

"Why burden me like this? Are you testing my patience?" he mused, directing his thoughts to the heavens, greeted only by a chilly breeze which felt surprisingly good.

Extending his arms, enveloping them in mana, he pondered his dilemma.

"Tell them about my awakening now, or wait a few days? No, I'll wait a week, right before I take hunter trials as planned. I need time to prepare and come up with an excuse to distance myself," he decided, the park's solitude providing a canvas for his internal deliberations.

"Ah, I don't want to celebrate with them tonight though, if I don't show up it will be very suspicious", he added.

As he headed back to his dorm, a sudden decision struck him: a run to clear his mind.

"Exercise, sweat, the best remedy for troubles," he declared, embarking on a four-hour jog, the rhythmic pounding of his heart echoing the intensity of his thoughts.

Drenched in sweat, he couldn't help but exclaim, "That felt good, wow!"

Foregoing a conventional shower as per his normal night routine, Klauss opted rather for a nearby sauna as a change of pace.

Thankfully, its prices were very convenient for him as he was poor and depended on what was provided to him by an association for orphans.

Klauss arrived at the sauna, a dimly lit place with a quiet ambiance.

The warmth enveloped him as he entered, immediately easing the tension in his muscles.

He found a quiet corner and settled onto a wooden bench, his mind still buzzing with thoughts.

As he sat in the sauna, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, mirroring the turmoil within him.

The rhythmic sound of dripping water echoed through the room, adding a calming touch.

Klauss closed his eyes, allowing the heat to penetrate his skin and the steam to cloud his troubled thoughts.

As he sat there, his mind shifted between the past, the present, and the plans for the future. "I need to be strategic about this," he thought. "Timing is crucial."

Lost in thought, Klauss let the sauna work its magic.

The heat, the steam, and the solitude provided him with a temporary escape from the complexities of his life.

In that small space, surrounded by warmth, he felt a momentary respite, preparing himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

After the sauna, Klauss reluctantly made his way home to prepare for the evening plans with his friends.

The location, chosen by Maria, was a modest yet cozy cafe tucked away in a quiet corner of the city.

The cafe atmosphere grew tense as they waited for their drinks.

Klauss appeared fatigued, and an unspoken tension lingered in the air.

Sensing Klauss's unease, Maria attempted to break the ice, "Klauss, is everything alright with you? Is anything troubling you?" she asked softly.

Klauss, with a sharp look, glanced at Maria and then at Roger, boldly asking, "If Maria and I weren't dating, would the both of you have been in a relationship?"

The weight of his question hung in the air just as the waiter arrived with their drinks, saying, "Here you go, three Starlight beers and a pack of chips."

The tension persisted, accompanied only by a faint jazz melody in the background.

Chilled beer glasses and an intense stare from Klauss created an atmosphere thick with unspoken thoughts.

Breaking the silence, he said, "Come on, why so serious? Roger is my best friend, he would never date the girl I love, and the same goes for Maria. Haha, we are here to celebrate your awakening, so let's cheer for that!"

Klauss raised his mug with a confident toast, encouraging Maria and Roger to join in.

Though still taken aback by the question, they clinked glasses and uttered a collective "Cheers" before taking sips.

Klauss downed his drink in one go and exclaimed, "Whoa, that felt refreshing. Can I get another round, please? My friend here is paying."

As the drinks flowed, the tension gradually eased, and they seemed to revert to their usual camaraderie, at least on the surface.

After Klauss's fourth round, he decided to part ways, stating, "I'm really tired and a little tipsy, I have to leave before I embarrass myself. Congrats again to you both, and we will hold another celebration for me soon, hehe. Roger, make sure Maria gets home safe. Goodnight, you two."

With a tipsy swagger, Klauss embraced Maria, playfully hit Roger on the head, and exited the cafe in a cool manner.

Maria and Roger sat in the lingering silence after Klauss left the cafe, the weight of his question still hanging in the air.

Maria, breaking the quiet tension, sighed and said, "That question really caught me off guard. I never thought about it that way."

Roger, with a contemplative expression, responded, "Yeah, it was unexpected. I mean, we've always been close, but dating? That's a whole different story."

Maria nodded, "True, we've been friends for so long. I can't imagine things being any different."

Roger took a sip of his beer, "I hope Klauss doesn't think we avoided the question on purpose. It's just... it's not something we ever considered."

Maria agreed, "Exactly. Besides, he knows we're together. He was probably just messing around."

Roger chuckled, "Yeah, Klauss and his weird sense of humor. Anyway, let's not dwell on it. We should be happy about our awakening."

Maria smiled, "You're right. We're going to be hunters soon. That's something to celebrate."

As they clinked their glasses, the awkwardness of the moment began to fade, replaced by the excitement of their shared future as hunters. 

Klauss, on his leisurely stroll back to his dorm, still tipsy but not enough to make him stumble, left abruptly because the situation had become uncomfortably tense.

"Ahh, I couldn't hold back; that question just slipped out. I didn't expect them to stay silent," he pondered.

"Thank goodness the drinks arrived on time, thank the heavens for alcohol. I should do some meditation when I get back to cleanse my body of this wonderful poison."

In his sleek one-piece black coat, he walked with a calm and deliberate pace, resembling a model gracefully preparing for a photoshoot.

His mind continued to churn with thoughts until he reached his dorm.

Upon arriving, he seamlessly transitioned into his meditation pose, concentrating for about an hour to expel the alcohol from his system.

When he finished his meditation session, it was already 11 PM.

He completed his evening routine with a shower and prepared to conclude a day filled with contemplation, a regular occurrence for him since his regression, to be honest.

"I should aim to become an official hunter quickly, earn some money, and treat myself to a car and a nice apartment. Ahh, the journey is long, but I'm in no hurry, rather excited. By next…I should…be a…hunter," he mumbled as he dozed off.