
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs


In the aftermath of the booze-filled celebration, the trio's night had come to an end.

Roger, still eager to continue the revelry, reluctantly accepted the decision to call it a night by the others.

In Klauss's inebriated state, he managed to summon a cab, recognizing that the temporary discomfort of spending on the fare would be outweighed by the future wealth that being a hunter promised.

It was 10pm and as Klauss stumbled into his dorm, the challenges of the seemingly simple journey to his room emphasized the extent of his intoxication.

Nevertheless, he reached his room, a modest space on the second floor.

The neat and tidy interior stood in stark contrast to the disheveled state of its occupant.

Entering his meditation pose, Klauss contemplated the lengths he went to maintain a facade of normalcy.

The session extended longer than usual, a silent acknowledgment of the toll the night's charade had taken on him.

In the midst of his meditative trance, he muttered, "The things I have to do to maintain such normality, have to end this charade asap."

The clock ticked on, marking the passing hours of Klauss's detoxification.

Around 12pm, he concluded his session and surrendered to the embrace of sleep, his mind set on the challenges that awaited him as an official hunter.

With the break of dawn, a new day unfolded.

Nature's rhythm resumed its course with chirping birds and bustling pedestrians.

Amidst this normalcy, Klauss, now sober and focused, went about his morning routine, blending seamlessly with the mundane activities of others.

Post-training and a refreshing shower, Klauss contemplated the day ahead.

A visit to The Hunter Association loomed on the horizon, where discussions about the mercenary offer awaited with Sylvetta.

Determined to mold the proposition to align with his own plans, he prepared himself for the journey ahead.

"Time to see what being an official hunter truly entails," he thought, setting the tone for the day's endeavors.

He wore his hoodie, his same black coat, a pair of black jeans and his black trainers. A simple outfit fit for a chilling day.

As Klauss entered The Hunter Association, a sense of déjà vu lingered in his mind.

"Seems like I'm becoming a frequent visitor in this life," he muttered to himself.

His expression remained stoic and unwavering as he strolled towards the lobby, drawing curious glances from those around him.

To the onlookers, Klauss seemed to exude an undeniable aura, effortlessly capturing attention.

Approaching the reception, Klauss leaned in and addressed the attendant with an air of casual authority, "Let Miss Sylvetta know that Klauss is here."

His words were delivered with a cool confidence that left no room for negotiation.

The receptionist, recognizing him from a previous encounter, promptly relayed the message without a hint of hesitation.

Minutes later, Sylvetta, donned in her characteristic lab coat and an air of alluring confidence, emerged to greet Klauss.

"You've arrived sooner than expected; it seems my proposition hit home. Let's continue our discussion in my office," she remarked, her tone carrying a bright enthusiasm that contrasted with Klauss's composed demeanor.

With a subtle nod, Klauss acknowledged her invitation, trailing behind as they made their way to the inner sanctum of Sylvetta's domain.

Sylvetta, a prominent figure within The Hunter Association, possesses an air of sophistication and professionalism that commands attention.

With an elegant demeanor, she often exudes a confident presence as she navigates the bustling halls of the association.

Under the lab coat, her attire is a seamless blend of style and formality, reflecting her position within the organization.

Sylvetta may be seen in impeccably tailored business suits or chic ensembles, always tasteful and subtly highlighting her fashion sense.

Accessories, such as subtle earrings or a statement necklace, complement her ensemble, adding a touch of personal flair.

Sylvetta's eyes, possibly framed by stylish eyeglasses, exude intelligence and a shrewd understanding of the hunter world.

The occasional glint in her eyes hints at a sharp wit and a keen awareness of the complexities that come with her role.

While her overall look may vary depending on the nature of her duties, Sylvetta consistently maintains an image that effortlessly balances authority, sophistication, and a hint of intrigue within the dynamic realm of The Hunter Association.

Sylvetta's office within The Hunter Association is a reflection of her refined taste and commitment to professionalism.

Situated on one of the higher floors, it offers a commanding view of the association's surroundings, allowing Sylvetta to stay attuned to the activities within the organization.

Large windows allow natural light to stream in, revealing a panoramic view of the association grounds.

Bookshelves line the walls, filled with tomes on hunter history, magical beasts, and various other arcane subjects.

A display cabinet might showcase a collection of rare artifacts or mementos from her extensive career within the association.

The overall ambiance is one of sophistication and efficiency, a space where important decisions are made and plans are set into motion.

Sylvetta's office is not just a workspace; it's a testament to her role as a key figure within The Hunter Association, where every detail reflects her commitment to excellence and the pursuit of the association's goals.

As they entered, the door swung shut behind them, muffling the hum of activity outside and cocooning the room in a sense of confidentiality.

Sylvetta gracefully took her seat, motioning for Klauss to do the same.

"Now, let's get down to business. I hope you've had time to consider my offer," she said, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and professional intrigue.

The meeting was poised to unfold in this sanctuary of strategy and decision-making, as Klauss and Sylvetta delved into the intricacies of his potential role as a mercenary for The Hunter Association. 

"I have," Klauss affirmed confidently, his gaze unwavering.

"But I have some conditions before accepting anything," he added, maintaining his assertive tone.

Intrigued, Sylvetta reclined in her chair, crossing her legs, and responded, "Conditions, you say? Very well, I'm listening."

Klauss, with an intense stare, stated boldly, "Firstly, I want complete freedom as a mercenary. I won't be at the beck and call of the association, and I reserve the right to choose which requests from THA I accept. Secondly, I agree to the other benefits, such as access to gates under the association's authority, a monthly salary, and, most importantly, I claim all the loot from clearing a gate. Those are my conditions."

These conditions, boldly laid out by Klauss, were not just requests; they were a test. He aimed to gauge the association's response, probing to see how far they were willing to accommodate a rookie, even one with the stature of a B-rank hunter.

Tension gripped the room as Klauss laid out his conditions.

Sylvetta, maintaining her bright smile, looked at him skeptically and retorted, "You must be joking, right? THA has nothing to gain from those conditions. Even for a B-rank hunter like you, who hasn't proven yourself to anyone, such requests are unacceptable."

She concluded her statement with a firm tone.

A brief silence hung in the air before Klauss responded with an air of confidence, "What if I clear a gate of the association's choosing solo, and you guys keep the rewards?"

His words dripped with arrogance.

Sylvetta burst into laughter, amused by Klauss's audacity.

"Haha, this boy has no chills. You must be either very confident in your abilities or just crazy," she chuckled before continuing, "If you can successfully clear a rank C gate by yourself, I'll ensure all your conditions are met."

The proposition was undeniably daring.

Clearing a rank C gate solo, where the boss always held a higher rank, meant Klauss had to overcome the challenge of facing a rank B boss alone.

The task was daunting.

"A newly-formed gate, identified as Tarantula Territory, has caught THA's attention" Sylvetta added.

"Although it has been categorized as a low-tier rank C gate, it should be a good opportunity for you to prove yourself. The boss of this gate, as per our investigations, is known as the Archdread Monarch".

"Tarantula Territory?" Klauss uttered with a hint of confusion but promptly accepted the request.

The name triggered a memory from his past life, reminding him of the fame associated with that gate.

As he recalled, it was well-known for housing a dungeon, making it especially significant.

Excitement stirred within Klauss, hoping for the reappearance of the dungeon.

While gates inherently offered rewards and loot, the presence of a dungeon inside was a rare occurrence, promising even greater treasures.

Klauss agreed to hand over the standard gate rewards but intended to claim any additional loot he found within the dungeon without informing Sylvetta.

"I'll accept your request and clear this gate. You better keep your word, Sylvetta, as I always keep mine," Klauss declared confidently as he rose from his seat.

Sylvetta assured him that she would fulfill her part of the deal as long as he did the same.

She finalized the meeting by providing Klauss with the details for the gate: it was scheduled in three days at noon.

This timeframe allowed both parties ample time to prepare.

"I'll see you in three days, Klauss. Make sure to be on time, and I'll use this time to talk to the higher-ups. Don't let me down. The receptionist will provide all the details," Sylvetta informed him as he exited her office.

Klauss made his way to the lobby, where he picked up a note from the receptionist outlining the date, time, and address for the gate instance.

With a clear mind, the young hunter was nearly ready to embark on his journey as a hunter.

However, one final detail needed attention—his troublesome friends.

Upon leaving the association, he retrieved his cracked phone and messaged his friends in their group chat, stating, "Hey! I have some news. I will be working for THA as a mercenary agent."