
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

First Mission

After Klauss received his first solo mission from Sylvetta, he spent the coming days organizing himself and letting his friends know about his next steps.

Eager to hear from their enigmatic friend, they set up a rendezvous point at the park, a convenient location for Klauss.

As they gathered, exchanging normal greetings, Klauss began with a passive tone.

"Okay, guys, listen. I have decided to work for THA as a mercenary agent."

Shocked by the unexpected news, Roger, with a straight face, asked him, "Wait, what? How can you accept such a job without informing us?"

Feigning ignorance, Klauss replied, "They made a good offer, and it was the fastest way for me to grow."

Maria responded sadly, "But what about us? I thought we were going to stick together even more after we became hunters."

Adding to the sentiment, Roger said, "Yeah, bro, we were gonna make a guild and grow together."

Klauss, scratching his head, nonchalantly replied, "Um, we can still go on missions together from time to time."

Discouraged and shocked, Maria couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You're not being fair to us, Klauss. You didn't consult us before making such a decision, and now you won't even stay with us."

Remaining indifferent, Klauss replied, "Well, you can still create your guild, and when I'm done with being a mercenary, I'll join you guys."

Reacting to Klauss's cold response, an angry Roger looked at him and said boldly, "Look, bro, if you're not taking being a hunter seriously, we don't want you in our guild."

Klauss replied rather coldly, "Okay, then."

A cold and silent moment settled over the conversation after Klauss's last remark.

For Klauss, this situation provided an opportunity to distance himself from them, even if just a little.

He followed up by saying, "Look, I think this is best for me. I get to be close to THA and grow stronger, which will then be beneficial for us and our future."

Klauss wanted to portray an image of benevolence, suggesting that he would use his influence in the association to help his friends and potential guild.

However, it was all just a facade.

Roger glanced at Maria, then shifted his gaze to Klauss, uttering, "Hmm, this isn't unfolding the way I envisioned it. If you believe it's the best path for you, then fine. But remember, you better get stronger, or you won't be welcomed into the guild, got it?"

Maria remained silent, a mix of disappointment and confusion on her face.

Klauss chuckled at Roger's remark and responded, "Sure, sure. We'll see about that. And as a gesture of goodwill, I've decided on the guild name—Wakers Guild."

Klauss strategically chose the name, aware that it held sentimental value from their past lives.

Roger grinned, saying, "Wakers Guild, huh? I like it, bro. It's like you predicted I would haha. Smart move, it seems you bastard."

Klauss, feigning surprise, scratched his cheek and replied, "Haha, come on, I can't see the future."

Maria, however, found solace in the guild name.

To her, it signified that Klauss wasn't abandoning them but opting for individual growth, with the intent of becoming stronger for their shared future and personally for her.

Blushing, she sweetly asked Roger to leave her alone with Klauss.

After giving them some space, Maria approached Klauss, her voice innocent, "Um, Klauss, make sure to get stronger. I will too. Let's stay together forever."

Internally, Klauss smirked at the sentiment, deciding to play along with her feelings and said to himself "Look at this bitch, she gets really close to me and says this. Haha lets play along for a bit".

With a gentle smile, he locked eyes with Maria and replied in a smooth voice, "I promise."

Placing his hand romantically on her cheek, he sealed his words with a sweet, passionate kiss.

Having been a couple in their past lives, Klauss knew how to manipulate Maria's emotions, perhaps better than he initially thought.

Ironically, he never saw the betrayal coming.

After their romantic interlude, they parted ways on good terms despite the initially rough start.

Klauss couldn't care less about how it ended. As long as he got his message across, it was sufficient for him.

He refrained from informing them about the mission he had already secured from the association; otherwise, they would have insisted on tagging along.

Returning to his dorm, Klauss diligently prepared for the upcoming mission.

For the next two days, Klauss engaged in continuous and rigorous training, leaving no aspect untouched—mind, body, and spirit.

While it wasn't his first mission as a hunter, it marked the inaugural mission in this life with his current body. Fully prepared, the day of the mission finally arrived.

On his way to the designated location, approximately two hours from his place, Klauss had to take a bus and then a train.

The scheduled time was noon, and he reached the location ten minutes early.

To his surprise, he spotted a black saloon car with tinted windows nearby, a luxurious vehicle only the wealthy could afford.

It irked Klauss, who had always desired a personal car, especially considering the inconvenience of using different modes of transportation to get here.

Suddenly, the back door swung open, revealing a pair of fine and majestic legs emerging one after the other.

It felt like witnessing a celebrity stepping onto the red carpet. The person got out of the car, and those legs belonged to Sylvetta.

She was adorned in a stunning, tight-fitting black one-piece dress that accentuated her alluring figure.

Klauss was taken aback by the scene; he had never seen Sylvetta outside the association, neither in this life nor the previous one.

"Did she always have such a nice figure? I always only saw her in her lab coat." he mused, watching her approach him

"Glad to see you're punctual, Klauss. Are you ready?" she said confidently.

Klauss quickly snapped out of his trance and replied, clearing his throat, "I'm always prepared. Why are you here? You could have sent someone else."

Sylvetta personally came to ensure Klauss completed his mission and to be the first person he saw upon returning.

"Why? Do you not want to see me?" she said, smirking. "Anyways, I made this deal, so it's only right I be present. I'm taking a significant risk by betting on you, so do well, okay?" she added.

"You have nothing to be worried about; I'm fully prepared, so let's go", Klauss replied confidently.

Sylvetta accompanied Klauss until they reached the gate entrance, wished him good luck, and said, "I'll be in the car taking care of some paperwork, so come see me when you are done. Better not meet your end in there! And take this, it's a dimensional bag where you can put the rewards in."

Klauss stood alone, in front of the gate, confident and courageous, ready to enter Tarantula territory.

"I will be the first to clear this gate and reap the rewards from the secret dungeon," he declared menacingly. 

Tarantula Territory sprawled out before Klauss, a spooky forest with tall trees draped in spider webs.

The air carried a damp, earthy scent, and everywhere he looked, enormous spiders crawled over webs that covered the ground.

The forest floor was a tangle of underbrush, and the massive arachnids moved with an eerie grace.

The spider nests, hanging like chandeliers, added to the creepy atmosphere.

As Klauss ventured deeper avoiding as much confrontation as possible with the creatures, he had to navigate through these sticky threads, making the whole place feel like a spooky obstacle course.

The occasional glow from fungi lit up parts of the forest, giving a ghostly glow to the webs. Every rustle and movement heightened the sense of danger. 

Klauss advanced cautiously through the Tarantula Territory, coated his blade with mana ready to slice anything that approaches him.

The forest was alive with skittering sounds, confrontation with these spiders became inevitable as spiders of various sizes emerged from the shadows, their multiple eyes reflecting the intensity of Klauss's mana-infused blade.

With swift and precise strikes, Klauss cut through the spider horde.

The spiders lunged at him from all directions.

Klauss's movements were fluid, agile, a deadly dance of evasion and attack. His mana blade sliced through the air, leaving trails of aura as it connected with the arachnids.

The spiders' webs proved both a hindrance and a tactical advantage in this situation.

Klauss skillfully used the sticky threads to his advantage, swinging between trees and launching surprise attacks.

As the battle intensified, Klauss's mana blade glowed brighter, its power fueled by his determination and skill.

The forest echoed with the clash of steel against spider silk, the occasional burst of mana, and the eerie sounds of the creatures he faced when being cut to pieces.

Klauss danced with grace, his every motion a calculated step in the deadly choreography of the battle.

In the heart of the spider-infested forest, the Archdread Monarch loomed.

Its eight glowing eyes fixated on Klauss, and the battle escalated to a new level of intensity.

Faced against a last spider horde, Klauss unleashes his dancing sword art, the first form, fast slash multiple times and cuts right through the mob.

A final powerful strike, leaving him face-to-face with the monstrous boss.

The Tarantula Territory held its breath as the ultimate showdown between hunter and creature unfolded.