
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Different Agenda

As Klauss exited the association building and strolled through the city's bustling streets, a stream of thoughts cascaded through his mind, each echoing with the footsteps that traced his path.

The recent twists of fate didn't ruffle the calm pose he wore; instead, it felt like the natural course of his enigmatic journey.

His contemplation focused mostly on the proposition from Sylvetta, its charm weighed against the unsettling notion of the THA as his overseer.

The word "mercenary" danced in his thoughts, a tantalizing yet precarious proposition that begged meticulous consideration.

"A mercenary's life huh? It could offer intriguing opportunities, but the strings attached to the THA... I can't afford to trust them completely," he mused, his furrowed brow a testament to the internal struggle.

The offer to shield his rank until he deemed fit for revelation added a layer of complexity, a double-edged sword that could cut both ways.

"Decisions, decisions," he muttered, "I have to think long and hard about this one", his steps punctuating the rhythm of his contemplation.

The city's kaleidoscope of lights painted the streets, but Klauss's monochrome presence cut through the vibrant tapestry.

To those around him, he was an enigma—tall, silver-haired, and carrying an air of a detached celebrity, a wanderer lost in his own thoughts amidst the urban sounds.

The weight of choices and the ambiguity of the path ahead were, for a moment, camouflaged by the city's night.

As he approached a dimly lit alley, a sudden rustle behind him caught his attention. Klauss, ever vigilant, turned around to find a figure emerging from the shadows.

Mysterious Figure: (voice echoing) "Impressive display at the Hunter Association, Klauss, if i may call you by your first name. You've caught the attention of more than just Sylvetta and Victor."

Klauss: (guarded) "Who are you?"

Mysterious Figure: (stepping into the light, revealing a hooded cloak) "Call me Shade. I've been watching you since you stepped foot in the association, and I'm intrigued by your potential."

Klauss: (raising an eyebrow) "Potential for what?"

Shade: (smirking) "For something beyond the mundane life of a hunter. You have ambitions, don't you? I can offer you a path to power, a way to achieve your goals without being shackled to the Hunter Association."

Klauss's eyes narrowed, his stoic expression undisturbed. The offer hung in the air, tempting yet enigmatic.

Shade: (leaning closer) "Think about it, Klauss. I'll be around."

With that, Shade seamlessly dissolved into the shadows, leaving Klauss alone in the dimly lit alley with a tempest of thoughts and decisions.

"Who was that guy?" he mused, "What does he know about me and my goals? He said his name was Shade; I have to remember that name."

Physically and mentally drained, Klauss found himself too fatigued to delve deeper into the mysteries of this enigmatic stranger.

Opting for a respite from the complexity, he changed his course and set his sights on the familiar refuge of the sauna.

In this redo second life, the sauna had become Klauss's haven for mental clarity.

The intertwining steam and the solitude of the sauna formed a sanctuary for him, akin to an old man finding solace after a day's toil on the farm.

"Why didn't I make use of this facility earlier in my life?" he pondered, seeking the warmth and seclusion to unravel the complexities within his mind.

The gentle warmth worked its way into his muscles, easing the physical strain from his recent endeavors.

The rhythmic sound of his own breath, synchronized with the subtle hiss of steam, became a meditative backdrop.

In this private retreat, Klauss found clarity amidst the haze, unraveling the tangled threads of his thoughts.

The sauna's solitude provided an invaluable escape.

Enclosed within the comforting walls, Klauss could sift through the events of the day, separating the vital from the trivial.

The silence of the sauna allowed his mind to echo with its own reflections, untethered from the external clamor.

As he reclined in the sauna's warmth, Klauss's mind, like a sponge, absorbed the rejuvenating heat, and with each passing minute, he felt the fog lifting.

The sauna, with its therapeutic embrace, became a reliable companion in navigating the complexities of his life, offering a respite where he could gather his thoughts and forge a path forward. 

Klauss, after his rejuvenating sauna session, returned to his dorm for some well-deserved rest.

As he arrived, he decided to engage in a brief meditation session to refine his mana utilization—a practice that had become a standard part of his night routine.

Feeling the need to maintain a façade of normalcy for his friends, he sent a message to their group chat, offering a simple yet encouraging "Good luck guys for tomorrow."

It was a subtle gesture to alleviate any suspicion about his recent activities.

Satisfied with his final act of kindness for the day, Klauss retired to bed, anticipating the events that lay ahead and the critical days that were about to unfold.

The following day marked the hunter exam for Roger and Maria.

As they headed to the association, Maria expressed a wistful desire for Klauss's presence, to which Roger responded with reassurance, "Haha, do not worry, Maria. He is with us in spirit, cheering us on."

Maria, mustering a smile, found courage in Roger's words and nodded, ready to face the challenges of the exams.

The association's lobby buzzed with activity, with whispers circulating about the events of the previous day.

Passersby couldn't help but share the intriguing tale of a rookie who had managed to defeat Victor, a well-respected and seasoned hunter.

The news rippled through the air, piquing the curiosity of onlookers, but the impending exams demanded Roger and Maria's undivided attention.

True to the original script, Roger and Maria excelled in the exams and the final trial which was the Goblins Den which they passed without much trouble.

Roger's mana sensitivity fell between 10% and 30%, securing him a rank D hunter status.

On the other hand, Maria's exceptional mana sensitivity ranging from 60% to 70% set her on the path to becoming a rank C hunter and eventually a witch.

Thrilled with their success, they eagerly decided to share the momentous news with Klauss, anticipating his reaction to their achievements.

Before Roger and Maria could reach out to Klauss, a message from him appeared on their screens, inviting them to a nearby bar as it was time for happy hour, not far from the association to celebrate.

It was almost as if he had anticipated their success, orchestrating a meetup immediately after their exams.

The timing was impeccable, and the invitation resonated like music to Roger and Maria's ears, aligning perfectly with their desire to revel in this achievement together.

Excitement filled the air as they eagerly made their way to the designated bar, anticipating a joyous celebration in the company of their friend.

Klauss decided to celebrate their achievements at a lively bar with an open and inviting atmosphere.

As the clock struck 6 PM, they entered a place that buzzed with the energy of people looking to unwind.

The bar had an open layout with a mix of high and low tables, creating an ambiance that balanced casual and vibrant.

The bar was illuminated with a warm glow from hanging pendant lights, casting a cozy and welcoming aura.

The sound of laughter and clinking glasses merged with the background music, setting the tone for a relaxed evening.

Behind the bar, a skilled bartender, dressed neatly, crafted an array of colorful cocktails, and the shelves displayed an impressive selection of spirits.

The trio found a comfortable spot, the air filled with the mingling scents of various beverages and the hum of animated conversations.

It was a perfect setting for a celebration, where they could toast to their achievements and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the bar. 

Roger and Maria shared tales of their successful exams, the trials they faced, and the thrill of achieving official rank as hunters.

Laughter echoed as they reminisced about the journey that led them to this celebratory moment when, in a surprising twist, Klauss casually dropped the news that he, too, had become an official hunter.

The revelation hung in the air, momentarily freezing the celebratory atmosphere.

Roger and Maria exchanged wide-eyed glances, stunned by this unexpected turn of events.

Roger: Wait, what? You became a hunter too? Why the heck didn't you tell us earlier

Klauss, sipping on his drink with a smug smile, leaned back in his chair.

"Well, my friends, I thought I'd keep it under wraps for a bit. You know, add a little suspense to the big reveal. Plus, I didn't want you two to worry about me or get distracted during your exams. I wanted the spotlight to be on you guys."

Maria, with a playful punch to Klauss's shoulder: Seriously, Klauss? You could have at least given us a hint. We thought you were just being mysterious again. What rank did you get then? 

Klauss: Mysterious, indeed. A D rank, like Roger, guess you are the boss amongst us haha. But hey, now we can all celebrate together. You both becoming hunters is a big deal, and I didn't want to steal your thunder.

Roger, grinning: Go fuck yourself Klauss hahaha. Well, thunder stolen or not, this calls for a toast. To us, the trio of official hunters! To our long awaited dream!

They clinked their glasses, the surprise slowly turning into excitement as they realized the significance of the moment.

The aim for that knight was to get totally wasted. 

As the night unfolded, Klauss skillfully maintained the facade of celebration, engaging in laughter and toasts, all the while harboring his hidden agenda.

The air of deceit masked beneath his seemingly joyous expressions, he reveled in the company of his friends, knowing that the more convincing the act, the better his chances at executing his long-term plan.

Amidst the clinking of glasses and the laughter of the trio, Klauss couldn't help but internally mock the ease with which Roger and Maria had fallen for his staged narrative.

"You fools," he mused to himself, "I might just win an award for this marvelous performance."

Deep down, the charade weighed on him, but he pushed aside his discomfort, focusing on the immediate task at hand.

As the night wore on and the alcohol flowed freely, Klauss made a mental note to intensify his meditation later to cleanse himself of the intoxicating effects.

In the midst of the revelry, he muttered, somewhat tipsy, "No matter what, I shall... hic... meditate after this. Fuck, I'm drunk."