
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Double Victory

It was now time for Klauss's battle against the Arhdread Monarch, a colossal rank B spider of unparalleled size, who exuded frightening aura.

The Archdread Monarch commands the fearsome respect of all lesser spiders within its domain. With eight monstrous legs that span an imposing width, the Archdread Monarch moved with an unsettling grace that negates its immense build.

Each leg is imbued with razor-sharp, venom-dripping pincers, capable of piercing through both flesh and armor with ease.

The creature's entire body is covered in a sleek, obsidian-black exoskeleton, adorned with intricate patterns that seem to shimmer in the eerie light of the forest.

The Archdread Monarch's head, positioned atop a long, sinuous neck, boasts eight piercing, luminescent eyes that radiate a malevolent glow.

These eyes, each one a harbinger of doom, fixate on its prey with an unnerving intelligence, showcasing the creature's strategic prowess in the art of predation.

In this case the prey being Klauss as he stood confidently in front of this monstrosity.

Its fangs are massive and designed for injecting potent venom into its victims.

The venom, concocted by nature to induce paralysis and excruciating pain, serves as a formidable weapon against any who dare challenge the creature's dominion.

An aura of darkness surrounds the Archdread Monarch, and silken threads extend from its body, controlling the smaller spiders in the territory.

When provoked, the Archdread Monarch emits a bone-chilling roar, echoing through the forest. 

For Klauss, facing this monstrous spider alone is a true test of skill and courage, a battle which could lead to grandiose achievements if he is victorious.

With a calm breath, his aura blade ready, he enters his fighting pose, unfazed by the menacing aura. 

Klauss knew underestimating such a foe would lead to a perilous death, he opted for a defensive strategy in the initial stages of the battle.

Analyzing the creature's attack patterns and movements, he skillfully evaded its venom-laden fangs with acrobatic finesse, conserving his stamina for the challenges that lay ahead.

The monster, undeterred, launched a relentless assault, spinning and unleashing silk threads in a barrage aimed at ensnaring Klauss.

Displaying unmatched agility through his mastery of blurry steps, Klauss deftly maneuvered through the sticky trap, a testament to his honed combat skills.

Transitioning into the second form of his dancing sword art, blurry steps, Klauss demonstrated improved control over his mana consumption, a result of rigorous training and meditation.

While he couldn't sustain the move continuously, the refined technique allowed him to navigate the battlefield with enhanced speed and precision.

As the battle unfolded, Klauss maintained a vigilant stance, observing the Archdread Monarch's movements with analytical precision.

Opting for a strategic approach, he focused on systematically targeting the creature's legs with calculated strikes. Each precise cut aimed at the vulnerable joints weakened the monstrous spider, hindering its mobility and resilience.

The forest resonated with the symphony of battle—a clash of steel against carapace, roars of frustration from the Archdread Monarch, and bursts of mana from Klauss.

Severed spider legs scattered across the terrain, evidence of Klauss's methodical dismantling of the formidable foe.

However, as the battle reached its climax, the Archdread Monarch, now struggling on fewer legs, resorted to desperate maneuvers.

It unleashed a rapid web raccoon that enveloped Klauss, trapping him within the sticky silk. The creature, believing victory was imminent, approached wobbly with menacing intent.

Panting but undeterred, Klauss, drawing on his experience and determination, summoned a surge of mana and broke free.

"That's a rank B boss for you," he remarked, acknowledging the creature's resilience. "Even with careful observation, surprises can arise. I need to remain on guard," he added, his resolve unshaken in the face of the escalating challenges. 

With a final calculated strike, Klauss severed the last remaining leg of the Archdread Monarch.

The once-mighty creature now lay crippled on the forest floor, surrounded by its dismantled limbs.

As the creature struggled in its final moments, it countered with a venomous spray that filled the air, letting out a dreadful roar.

In response, the remaining lesser spiders, summoned by the dying monarch, started making their way toward their fallen leader.

However, facing the fearsome glare of Klauss, the atmosphere shifted.

Exuding a menacing aura superior to that of the Archdread Monarch, Klauss sent chills through the lesser spiders, causing them to cowardly keep their distance.

Chuckling at the creature's futile attempt to survive, Klauss declared, "Haha, you may be formidable, but I am scarier than you."

With a determination to end the creature's suffering, Klauss prepared to unleash a new technique.

Pointing his sword at the dying Archdread Monarch's head, he announced, "Klauss Dancing Sword Art, third form, aura blast."

A beam of mana shot from the tip of his sword, obliterating the entire head and neck of the crippled monster.

The forest fell silent as the colossal spider bled headless, defeated.

Victorious but exhausted, Klauss stood amidst the remnants of the battle.

The Tarantula Territory, once ruled by fear, was now a testament to his strength and resilience. This battle not only showcased Klauss's combat skills but also highlighted his ability to assess and exploit the weaknesses of powerful adversaries.

After the battle, Klauss meticulously searched the body of the defeated Archdread Monarch.

In the world of hunters, each boss in a gate dropped rewards and loot for the victor, ranging from valuable mana stones to accessories and other items. Among them, mana stones held paramount importance in this age of monsters and hunters.

Mana stones were categorized based on a color grading system.

For D rank and lower bosses, black mana stones were common; C rank bosses dropped yellow mana stones; B rank bosses, like the Archdread Monarch, yielded purple mana stones.

As for A rank and S rank bosses, the color remained red, but the brightness indicated the boss's higher rank.

The purple mana stone Klauss obtained was a valuable trophy from the rank B boss he had just defeated and proof of his undeniable victory.

In addition to the mana stone, the Archdread Monarch's loot included a potion, a fang, and some silk. These materials had crafting potential, allowing skilled artisans to forge potent equipment and gear.

Klauss collected these rewards and stowed them in the dimensional bag Sylvetta had provided for the mission.

However, his focus wasn't on these modest rewards; his sights were set on the hidden dungeon, rumored to offer even greater treasures.

Surveying the area where he had vanquished the boss, Klauss noticed a space concealed by spider webs.

The intricate pattern of silk hinted at the entrance to the hidden dungeon.

Intrigued by the promise of superior spoils, Klauss approached the concealed entrance, ready to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Tarantula Territory.

The hidden dungeon within the Tarantula Territory was a compact and confined space, a stark contrast to the sprawling forest above.

The narrow passages and low ceilings created a sense of claustrophobia as Klauss ventured further into the labyrinthine depths. The dungeon's limited size intensified the challenge, forcing him to navigate through tight corridors and cramped chambers.

The dungeon's design deviated from the organic chaos of the forest, featuring structured pathways and calculated traps. Various mechanisms, from concealed pitfalls to triggered snares, sought to impede Klauss's progress.

Each step required careful scrutiny to avoid falling victim to the dungeon's ingenious obstacles. "I wonder who designed these dungeons and how they came to existence," Klauss pondered, venturing forward.

Successfully evading the traps, Klauss eventually reached the heart of the dungeon.

There, he encountered a colossal door, its surface adorned with intricate runes and symbols. This imposing barrier seemed impervious, demanding a unique approach for entry.

In a moment of realization, Klauss understood that the key to unlocking the door lay in his mastery of mana.

With a focused intent, he channeled and ejected mana into the runes, activating the ancient mechanism. As the mana infused the door, the symbols glowed with ethereal energy, and with a resounding creak, the massive entrance slowly began to open.

Beyond the threshold awaited the true treasures of the hidden dungeon, promising rewards that would befit his challenges till now.

As Klauss stepped into the heart of the hidden dungeon, the anticipation of untold treasures surged within him.

His keen eyes quickly discerned a familiar sight, a poach, reminiscent of the one bestowed upon him by Sylvetta. 

This newfound dimensional bag, a rare acquisition, sparked a sense of fortune within Klauss.

"Not everyone gets their hands on these dimensional bags, but fate seems to favor me," he mused, recognizing the immense practicality this item would offer in the challenges that lay ahead.

The chamber revealed an assortment of items and accessories, each shrouded in mystery.

Uncertain of their properties, Klauss relied on his instincts to select those that could enhance his capabilities.

In a shadowed corner, his attention was drawn to an enigmatic egg cocooned in spider silk. Considering the dungeon's eerie atmosphere, Klauss hesitated for a moment before deciding to claim the egg.

"A large egg within a dungeon—quite peculiar. Into the dimensional bag you go, for now. One never knows what secrets it may hold," he murmured, his gaze lingering on the mysterious prize.

Further exploration led Klauss to a substantial piece of material, which, upon closer inspection, revealed itself to be Orichalcum—a metal of formidable strength.

A grin crept across Klauss's face as he contemplated the possibilities.

"Finding one of the strongest metals in this unlikely place is a pleasant surprise. With the right blacksmith, I could forge a remarkable sword that complements my mastery of mana," he thought, envisioning the potent combination of his skills and the newfound material.

Amidst the discoveries, Klauss stumbled upon a box containing black mana stones, each emanating a subtle aura. Recognizing their value, he decided to secure the box.

"Selling these can fetch a decent sum, and money will undoubtedly prove useful in the near future," Klauss remarked with pragmatic foresight.

The items deemed valuable and practical were carefully stowed in his newly acquired dimensional bag.

Exiting the dungeon, Klauss stepped back into the gateway, the weight of his newfound treasures resonating with the challenges ahead.

The journey continued, fueled by the promise of these treasures and the uncharted mysteries that awaited him beyond the gate.

"Oh shit, how long have I been in this dungeon, Sylvetta must be worried. Let's take our time exiting the gate" he laughed making his way out.