
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

First member

Meanwhile, back at the association headquarters, Aisha, following Klauss's instructions, brought young Cassius to wait at the reception. Despite his bruises and bandages, Cassius was captivated by the ambiance of THA.

It marked his first visit to the hunters association, surrounded by numerous hunters in action. His single eye widened at the sight, absorbing the energy of the bustling environment.

Cassius silently pledged to himself that he would become a hunter soon – not just any hunter, but a formidable one. The sheer presence of skilled hunters around him fueled his determination, adding more motivation to his burgeoning dream.

Aisha could discern the spark of enthusiasm in Cassius's eye and couldn't help but let out a smile.

Sylvetta, strolling through the reception area, noticed Aisha's presence and approached her. Intrigued, she inquired about the reason for their visit and whether they came with Klauss.

Sylvetta, with Victor, the seasoned hunter and some other THA instructors, couldn't ignore the sight of a young injured boy, prompting her to ask more questions.

Sylvetta: Aisha, what brings you here? And who's this young lad with you? Why does he look like he's been through a rough time?

Aisha: Hey Sylvetta, good to see you. Long story short, Klauss stumbled upon this kid, named Cassius. He's been through a lot – abusive family, bullying. You know, the works.

Sylvetta: That's terrible. How did Klauss get involved?

Aisha: Well, he witnessed the kid getting beaten up and decided to step in. You know Klauss, can't stand injustice.

Sylvetta: (shocked) That doesn't sound like him at all though, but whatever. So, what's the plan now?

Aisha: Klauss wants to become Cassius's guardian, get him out of that toxic environment.

Sylvetta: Guardian? Klauss? That's...unexpected. What's the catch?

Aisha: No catch, surprisingly. Seems like he's got a soft spot for the kid. Wants to help him out, which I find very thoughtful from Klauss.

Sylvetta: (smirking) Soft spot, huh? Never thought I'd hear that about Klauss. But what happened to Cassius? Why is he injured?

Aisha: The family he's with, they're not the caring type. Klauss had to deal with some... unpleasantness at their place.

Sylvetta: (raising an eyebrow) Unpleasantness? Details, Aisha.

Aisha: (sighs) Long story short, Cassius was being mistreated. Klauss had to intervene, and things got physical. We were just coming back from the hospital for him to get stitched up.

Sylvetta: (concerned) I see. Well, if Klauss is serious about being his guardian, there's paperwork to fill out. I can help with that. He will owe me a favor

Aisha: Thanks, Sylvetta. That would be a big help. Klauss asked me to look into it.

Sylvetta: No problem. Let's get that paperwork sorted out, and we'll make sure Cassius is in good hands. Give me an hour, I have to finish up on something. Nice meeting you Cassius".

Sylvetta, with a worried expression, left the scene, leaving Aisha and Cassius. Cassius was surprised by how comfortably Sylvetta spoke to him and asked Aisha who the woman in the lab coat was.

She responded sincerely, "Oh, Miss Sylvetta? She is my superior and an important figure in the association. She's also Klauss's handler, so you can trust her."

About 30 minutes later, Klauss walked in, drawing all eyes toward him as he approached the pair. His tall figure and bright, shiny white hair commanded attention, eliciting envy from those around.

Aisha smirked in annoyance and said to the approaching Klauss, "Wow, would you look at that. You knew he was such a big deal. Cassius, you better be better than this egomaniac devil. So, everything okay now?"

Cassius nodded in agreement with Aisha, resembling a respectful son. Ignorant of Aisha's comment, Klauss looked at Cassius and said, "Your aunt won't be a problem anymore."

The statement raised many eyebrows, prompting Aisha to lean in and whisper to Klauss, "You didn't kill her, did you? My God, you did. You maniac." Klauss remained silent, his cold expression providing the answers.

The air suddenly became quiet, and then Klauss looked at Cassius once more and asked him, "Cassius, what do you think?" Cassius thought for a second, trying to understand Klauss's cryptic statement.

He replied with a gentle voice, "Hmm, if you did do it, then I would understand, but I'll be sad because they were still family. But please, sir Klauss, I don't hate you at all."

Klauss smirked and responded to the young boy, "Cheer up, they won't bother you again. Now, Aisha, how's the paperwork going?"

Aisha, still skeptical of Klauss's mysterious replies, said, "Umm, we met Miss Sylvetta. She mentioned she'll help us out if we wait a little longer."

Klauss nodded and waited patiently.

Stepping out of an elevator was an older woman, accompanied by four bodyguards dressed in black. The older woman walked through the reception, sensing an unfamiliar yet strong presence.

She turned her head to the left, where she saw Klauss and his group sitting alongside the wall. Intrigued by this person, she had a guess of who it might be. Her instincts told her to approach this young boy, hoping to get something out of it.

She instructed her bodyguards to wait outside and prepare the car. She walked gracefully to Klauss and his party, standing in front of Klauss without saying a word. Aisha raised her head to the person who approached them, quickly sprung up, and bowed in respect.

She looked at Klauss and told him to get up and pay his respect. Klauss nonchalantly asked who this old woman was, which promptly prompted a response from the woman.

"Old woman, huh? Kids these days have no respect for the elderly. Such a shame," said the elderly woman in a slightly irritated tone. Klauss, remaining oblivious to the situation, smoothly stood up, his tall figure surpassing hers as he stared at her.

Aisha was shocked by Klauss's reaction and raised her voice slightly, saying, "Klauss, you fool! What are you doing? Don't you know who that is? It's Miss Gabriella Silverclaw. Show some respect."

Klauss, still ignorant, turned to Aisha and calmly said, "Silverclaw? Who's that, and why should I show respect?"

"Klauss, huh? I see, so we finally meet. I have heard a lot about you from Sylvetta, although I'm a bit stunned she didn't tell you who I was. Anyway, I'm your superior and elder, so show me some respect, will you!" she said, slightly annoyed.

Gabriella Silverclaw is a senior member of THA and a well-respected hunter. However, it seems she's not all that famous as Klauss doesn't recognize her. Klauss had no interest in such matters and, without showing any sign of stepping down, he replied, "No. I bow to no one."

"What, you impudent kid!" exclaimed Gabriella as she raised her voice. "Have you no manners for a senior member of THA? How dare you!"

Aisha, fearing the worst for Klauss, decided to step in, hoping to defuse the tense situation. "Please, Miss Silverclaw, people are starting to watch. Forgive Klauss, he is very oblivious to such things. Please forgive me," she pleaded on Klauss's behalf.

Although Gabriella wore a stern expression, she was also concerned about maintaining a good image. Reluctantly, she backed off. "At least you have a decent assistant with you. I'll be seeing you very soon, and you will show me some respect, boy!" she said angrily as she walked away.

Aisha, unhappy with Klauss's reaction, although not surprised, felt the need to express her frustration.

"Honestly, what the hell is wrong with you? Even if you don't know her, show some respect for this fine institution, the one that gives us our paychecks. Argh, I'm so pissed."

As Aisha was giving Klauss a piece of her mind, Sylvetta stepped in and told Aisha to calm down. Sylvetta had witnessed the whole scene and was rather impressed by Klauss's stance.

With a devilish but confident smirk, Sylvetta said, "Impressive, Klauss. Although it could have gotten worse, you stood your ground. Haha, personally, I don't like that old hag. Now, onto more pressing matters, I have the paperwork here. Let's head to my office."

In Sylvetta's office, the atmosphere shifted from the earlier tension as they delved into the paperwork. The documents outlined the responsibilities and commitments involved in Klauss becoming Cassius's guardian.

Sylvetta explained that THA would stand as a witness, ensuring that Klauss would take on the role of providing for the boy's basic needs, ensuring his well-being, and protecting him.

Sylvetta handed over the paperwork, neatly arranged in a folder, and detailed each section. There were clauses specifying that Klauss would be responsible for Cassius's education, healthcare, and overall upbringing.

Klauss, despite his uninterested demeanor, paid keen attention to the legalities involved.

Sylvetta mentioned that one document required the signature of Cassius's former guardian, and Klauss confidently stated, "That won't be a problem anymore."

Aisha was then assigned the task of delivering this particular document to Cassius's aunt to secure her signature. It was seen as a necessary step to finalize the legal transition of guardianship.

As Aisha left to handle the delivery, Sylvetta provided Cassius and Klauss with the documents they needed to sign.

The paperwork emphasized Klauss's commitment to providing a stable and nurturing environment for Cassius, outlining the expectations and responsibilities on both sides.

Cassius, though still recovering from the recent events, eagerly signed, trusting that this might be his chance at a better life.

Klauss, with his usual stoicism, signed the documents, acknowledging his newfound responsibility. Sylvetta, overseeing the process, expressed her hopes that this arrangement would prove beneficial for both parties, especially for Klauss.

Once the signatures were in place, Sylvetta collected the paperwork and assured them that THA would handle the legal processing, solidifying Klauss as Cassius's official guardian.

Despite Klauss's skepticism regarding THA's willingness to support him in this matter, he dismissed any real concern. To him, it wasn't a loss but rather an advantageous alignment, providing both support and a legal framework for what he considered gaining possession of a "slave" in Cassius.

Remaining nonchalant, he saw no need for extensive effort on his part and was rather relaxed and cooperative. 

And so, unwittingly, Klauss embarked on the journey of becoming the guardian of the soon-to-be "Templar King," all while blissfully unaware of the impending developments that would lead to what others might call Klauss's unconventional party.