
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs


Klauss, inherently organized and keen on the minutest details, underwent a drastic transformation in character from a benevolent soul to an egomaniac prioritizing his interests over others' feelings.

Despite this shift, remnants of his past self persisted in his decisive mind and strategic acumen, as well as his unwavering sense of organization.

After Aisha and Klauss dropped off young Cassius, concluding a day marked by unexpected events, Aisha bid him goodnight.

With a smile, she remarked, "I saw a different side to you today, boss. Hope I get to see more of this side. Let's go see Cassius tomorrow."

Klauss, his back turned against the car, silently waved goodbye. Turning toward his apartment, he found solace in the familiar comfort of his lavish abode.

Inside, Klauss reached for a glass, filling it with water to soothe his parched throat. A sigh escaped him as he savored the drink, contemplating the day's events.

His thoughts soon shifted to the bags containing the new additions to his wardrobe, tucked away in the dimensional bag.

Approaching his closet, Klauss methodically unpacked the bags, arranging his new clothes with precision. The expansive closet, a canvas awaiting his touch, reflected his meticulous nature.

On the left, coats found their place, organized by a gradient from dark to slightly lighter shades. Beneath them, a collection of sneakers formed a visual symphony. To the right, pants and trousers followed the same color code, adding another layer of order.

At the center, a vibrant array of hoodies hung, introducing a burst of color.

Though the closet remained far from full, the deliberate arrangement infused a renewed sense of life into his apartment.

This marked not only a change in his wardrobe but the inception of a newfound appreciation for aesthetics — the beginning of his decorative journey in this unfamiliar place.

After a refreshing shower that washed away the remnants of the day, Klauss prepared himself for a restful night. As he closed his eyes, the lingering sensations from the earlier sauna session danced in his memory.

The soothing warmth and relaxation prompted him to consider the possibility of finding a nearby facility to make it a regular part of his routine. With that contemplative thought, he surrendered to the embrace of slumber, anticipating the adventures that awaited him in the new dawn.

The next morning, Klauss and Aisha embarked on their journey to visit Cassius once more. Aisha suggested a quick stop for medical supplies and new clothes for the young boy, and Klauss, without hesitation, covered the expenses with his seemingly bottomless wallet.

An odd connection had formed in Klauss's mind, a faint echo of his own challenging childhood, prompting conflicting emotions to turn him into his surboniate as they approached Cassius' home.

The run-down house loomed before them, and the air was filled with angry shouts and cries. Aisha and Klauss exchanged alarmed glances before hastening inside. The scene that unfolded within the walls of the house was nothing short of horrific.

Inside the dirty compound, Cassius cowered on the ground, frantically trying to shield himself from blows as his aunt rained fists and kicks upon his battered body.

"You useless worm!" she shrieked. "How dare you come home late and injured! You'll pay for causing me trouble!"

Cassius's cousins laughed and jeered from the corners of the compound, on the stairs, clearly enjoying the assault upon their victimized relative. Aisha's hands flew to her mouth in horror while Klauss stood rigid, fury rising within him.

Noticing the new arrivals, Cassius's aunt momentarily halted her abuse. "Who the hell are you?" she spat accusingly. "Get out of my house!"

Klauss advanced with purpose, seizing the woman's uplifted arm in an unyielding, firm hold. She struggled in vain as he compelled her backward, an aura of crackling power surrounding him.

"Don't you dare lay another finger on this boy," he commanded, his voice resonating with an intimidation that sent shivers down the spine. The woman visibly paled, wilting under the unrelenting intensity of his stare.

Aisha swiftly moved to Cassius's side, her hands checking his injuries with a gentle touch.

"What gives you the right to treat a child this way?" she cried out, her voice dripping with outrage. "You monster!"

Klauss's icy control wavered. With a snarl, he twisted the aunt's arm brutally, the sharp snap of breaking bone resounding through the room. She crumpled to the floor, emitting an agonized scream while cradling her mangled limb.

Aisha looked up, shocked by Klauss's violence but understanding his anger. Together, they gathered the whimpering boy into their arms and carried him from that horrible house.

They quickly set off once again to the hospital with Cassius crying throughout the ride, where he would undergo another checkup. This time Klauss accompanied Cassius while Aisha, worried, waited in the car.

Finally, Cassius emerged, physically and emotionally drained but with all external injuries freshly bandaged. He managed a tremulous smile of thanks as Klauss guided him to a quiet corner where they sat.

Settling gingerly into a seat, the boy took a shuddering breath before raising his one unblackened eye to meet his.

"Guess you're wondering how I got into this mess, huh?" His voice was thick with unshed tears. Klauss nodded once, and gently, he began recounting his tale in soft, halting words.

"My mom and dad were great people, they served the public with their souls. My dad was a police officer and my mom was a social worker." His slim frame swelled slightly with pride before deflating again.

"But they died in a random car accident when I was 8. With no other relatives, I got sent to my dad's sister, my aunt."

As Cassius spoke, Klauss's gaze remained steady, absorbing the painful narrative. The weight of the boy's past hung heavy in the air, connecting their shared experiences of loss and hardship.

Aisha, standing nearby, listened intently, her expression a mix of empathy and concern.

Cassius continued, "At first, it wasn't too bad. But as I got older, things changed. She has her own kids, and they… they started bullying me. I don't know why. Maybe they blame me for being here, for their parents taking me in. But they've always made my life miserable."

He looked down, fingers worrying the hem of the oversized hospital shirt draped over his skinny frame.

"She never wanted me, saw me as just another unwanted burden. I had to start doing all the cooking and cleaning right away. And if anything wasn't perfect, I'd get beaten or starved."

His shoulders hunched at the memories.

"My cousins treated me as a punching bag too, egged on by my aunt. 'This is to toughen you up,' she always said. 'To make you strong enough to be a good citizen like your useless parents.'" Bitterness crept into his tone.

Looking earnestly up at Klauss, desperation shone brightly in his one visible eye. "But I don't want to be strong just so I can be hurt more! I want to be a hunter who protects people! So no one else gets treated the way I do. That's my dream!"

His passionate words struck a chord in Klauss's heart. But outwardly, he remained stoic, remarking neutrally, "If protection is what you seek, you must gain power. Become the strongest hunter out there. That's the only way you'll be untouchable. Trust me."

Cassius absorbed this, his young face thoughtful. Then determination blazed from his battered but unbowed form.

"You're right. I'll do it! I'll become the very strongest!" His bold words seemed to rouse his fighting spirit. The echo of the proud leader he would one day become rang in his voice.

With newfound determination, he then turned to Klauss and asked, "But sir, how old are you to be giving me such advice? You sound like an old man sometimes."

Klauss cleared his throat and replied, "Listen, I'm old enough," as he nonchalantly ruffled his already disheveled blonde hair.

Klauss regarded the boy pensively. Perhaps nurturing this fledgling strength could prove useful in controlling him someday. For now though, precautions had to be made.

"You'll need to leave your aunt's household immediately," he stated. "Gather your things as soon as you are discharged. You'll stay with me for now."

Klauss's intention shocked Aisha, who had been discreetly eavesdropping. What Klauss had in mind was to temporarily take in the boy while he sorted things out. He then instructed Cassius to go get some rest before they left, and as Cassius walked away, he called for Aisha.

Klauss knew Aisha was around, and without questioning her motives, he simply asked, "How difficult do you think it will be to become this boy's guardian?"

With a rather shocked and baffled expression, Aisha replied, "Hmm, it shouldn't be too hard, I think. You just have to convince his aunt, but by the looks of it, she's going to be a problem."

With a simple nod, Klauss instructed Aisha to take the boy to The Hunters Association and wait for him over there. "I'll make sure she agrees to it" Klauss said quietly as his expression expressed the worst. 

He then briskly made his way to the aunt's home, confronting the injured woman who adamantly refused to go to the hospital. Stunned at the sight of Klauss once again entering the compound, she instinctively gathered her children around her, using them as a shield.

With folded hands, she pleaded for mercy, a futile attempt that only amused Klauss as he saw through the true nature of this woman.

"I see how you really are. This should be easy then. Kids, step aside," Klauss commanded.

Stepping in front of the woman, he bent down and whispered to her in a chilling voice, "If you ever approach Cassius again, it won't be just your arm that gets snapped. Am I making myself clear?"

She nodded frantically, hoping Klauss wouldn't take more drastic measures.

That's when Klauss reached into the inner pocket of his coat, further alarming the aunt as she instinctively covered her face with her other arm.

Klauss took out a bundle of money and tossed it at her, saying, "Here, that's $5000 for the trouble Cassius has caused, and a little extra for your arm."

Klauss walked out leaving behind a sight he would never forget but go through similar circumstances as he navigates the life of a hunter, in his case a conflicted guardian.