
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Actions and Consequences

After completing the guardianship paperwork with Sylvetta, Klauss accompanied young Cassius to his sophisticated high-rise residence. Awaiting Aisha's arrival, who was to join them after securing Cassius's aunt's signature, they entered the impeccably designed interior.

The boy's eyes widened with undisguised amazement as he absorbed the luxurious surroundings—gleaming stone floors, expansive floor-to-ceiling windows, and a harmonious blend of black and white hues enhancing the apartment's overall aesthetic.

The ultramodern furnishings added a touch of elegance, presenting a stark departure from the dilapidated state of his former home.

Klauss strode in after him, immediately removing his shoes at the entrance before proceeding further inside. He gestured for Cassius to do the same.

"First rule - no outdoor footwear past the front door," he stated briskly. The teenager hastily slipped off his tattered sneakers, setting them neatly beside Klauss's far more expensive pair.

"Make sure to keep things orderly around here," Klauss continued as he gave Cassius a brief tour around the open concept spaces.

The teenager trailed behind, nodding mutely as he absorbed his imposing new guardian's strict expectations when it came to cleanliness and organization.

The spare room, initially designated for Klauss's personal use, lay vacant, with one or two boxes neatly settled in a corner.

Gesturing toward it, Klauss casually commented, "Once it's fully furnished, this will be your room. But for now, the couch will do just fine."

Cassius blinked in surprise. "Oh no, Sir, the couch is too nice! The floor is fine for me, really!" Despite his bedraggled state, the boy's innate politeness showed through. But Klauss dismissed his protests with a shake of his head.

"Nonsense. You'll sleep on the couch until this room is complete." His tone brooked no argument. Chastened, Cassius ducked his head submissively. "T-thank you, Sir."

Klauss motioned towards the open concept area just beyond the bedrooms, where the living room exuded sleek and modern vibes, adorned with a chic gray sectional couch along one wall.

"Feel free to leave your bag there for now. The bathroom is the first door on the left if you need it." While the master bedroom boasted a fully furnished and contemporary bathroom, perfect for a leisurely bath, the one Klauss mentioned was a more straightforward setup with a sink and toilet.

Cassius, however, would need to use the shower in Klauss's room.

Cassius delicately placed his worn duffle bag down, almost as if worried that his modest belongings might somehow clash with the sophistication of the space.

He nervously played with the fraying strap before trailing after Klauss towards the center of the living room.

Klauss crossed his arms, pinning the teenager with an intense look.

"I've got only one directive for your stay here, Cassius, and that's an unwavering commitment to your physical training. You claim you're aiming to become a formidable hunter? Then it's time to back those words with action. Consider this room your second home," Klauss asserted, his stance exuding a commanding presence.

"Each morning, kick off your day with stretching and meditation right here. Clear your mind before honing your body. I'm expecting a minimum of two hours of combat training daily. And on rest days, recovery is non-negotiable—crucial, in fact."

Klauss underscored the vital balance between intense exertion and adequate rest. The ultimate objective was to prepare Cassius both physically and mentally for his awakening, or rather, the awakening Klauss intended to orchestrate.

Just as he had forced his own awakening by sensing mana, Klauss outlined the principles behind mana to the young Cassius. He explained how mana was always present and could be felt or sensed.

Demonstrating, Klauss conjured mana around his hands, leaving Cassius in awe. Despite the challenges ahead, Cassius displayed remarkable enthusiasm.

"To fully harness and control mana, make meditation a constant practice. Trust me, it'll make a world of difference," Klauss advised.

Cassius absorbed the wisdom imparted by his benevolent guardian like a sponge, swiftly extracting his notebook to document the invaluable insights.

These notes, he realized, would serve as a guide throughout his life as a hunter.

Straightening up, a glint of excitement illuminated his single visible eye. "Yes, Sir! I'm committed to doing whatever it takes to grow stronger! However," he hesitated momentarily, "I've never undergone combat training or have a clear picture of what it entails."

Klauss tilted his head thoughtfully before responding, "I'll teach you the proper techniques. Yet, remember, Cassius, the true motivation must stem from within. Awaken your inner warrior spirit and push yourself to the limits. First things first, let's focus on getting you awakened!"

He firmly grasped the boy's slender shoulder. "I see potential in you. Don't squander the opportunity I'm giving you. Prove that you're worthy of my efforts, understand?" Klauss found himself drawn to this boy more quickly than he had anticipated.

Although his initial agenda was to mold him into a slave and subordinate, lingering and forgotten emotions prompted Klauss to unconsciously take on the role of teacher and guide.

In this young, injured boy, he saw a reflection of himself.

Cassius met Klauss's piercing gaze without hesitation. "I understand, Sir. And... I won't let you down! I'll make you proud to call me your student one day!" Sincerity and gratitude radiated from his battered face.

Klauss felt a twinge of annoyance at that last statement but nodded, satisfied with the fledgling determination he sensed within the depths of the boy's soul.

"Yes, with strict guidance and an unrelenting training regimen, this downtrodden child might surpass the Cassius I knew in my past life," Klauss mused to himself. "Although, he will belong to me and obey my every order."

"We begin at dawn tomorrow. Make sure to get ample rest tonight," he instructed, then left, leaving Cassius alone in the living room.

Already, the young boy envisioned the demanding yet rewarding journey that lay ahead. The seeds of transformation had been planted—fragile but brimming with promise.

Meanwhile, in a sleek black SUV, Gabriella Silverclaw seethed as she headed to an appointment, the memory of her clash with the arrogant upstart Klauss still fresh in her mind. Infuriated, she dialed her associate and fellow senior member, Stefan Stonefield.

"That mannerless brat had the audacity to refuse showing me any ounce of respect!" she vented. "He even had the nerve to call me an old woman right to my face!"

Stefan made sympathetic noises over the line. "Clearly the rumors of his overinflated ego were not exaggerated. Something needs to be done to teach that boy some humility!"

Gabriella gave a scornful laugh. "Humility would do him some good, for certain. His pride seems to exceed even the strongest of awakened hunters, though he has yet to properly prove himself."

A sly note entered her voice as a malicious idea began brewing.

"You know, Stefan, I think it's time we arranged a little...demonstration...to showcase Klauss's combat abilities to all his ardent fans. We'll see how arrogant he remains after his weaknesses have been exposed for all to see!"

Catching onto her scheme, Stefan chuckled.

"A fine plan, Gabriella! We can set up a private exhibition match between him and another hunter in front of the president and some executives. Someone a bit beyond his skill level. It will be quite the spectacle when Klauss falls flat on his face in front of senior figures from the association."

Gabrielle let out a sharp bark of laughter. "My thoughts exactly! His overconfidence makes him the perfect target for such delightful humiliation."

She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Now, who could convincingly match up against Klauss on the surface? Someone around B rank. We want it to appear like a fair face-off at first, after all. The surprise will be so much more devastating that way!"

"Leave that part to me", Stefan reassured her smoothly. "I have the ideal hunter in mind for this scenario. On paper, a solid D rank, but in reality, he can easily operate at a B rank level. Afterall, Klauss has to maintain the disposition a D rank hunter. he won't see it coming!"

"Perfect!" Gabrielle purred. "We'll play up the hype on this young prodigy Klauss whose strength exceeds his age. They will eagerly watch this spectacle, only to watch their newfound darling crumble spectacularly!"

Her smile turned positively chilling with gleeful malice.

"By the end, Klauss's precious social standing will be shredded beyond all recognition. Every arrogant bone in his body will be crushed under the weight of humiliation and defeat. And that's when we swoop in and manipulate him to our hearts content."

Stefan's gravelly chuckle echoed over the line. "I look forward to witnessing the so-called unbeatable Klauss knocked off his high horse at last. This will undoubtedly teach him where his rightful place lies - groveling at our feet!"

Gabrielle's painted lips curved into a razor sharp smirk. "Indeed. This impertinent boy thinks to rise above his elders and betters? I won't stand for such insolence. It's time we remind Klauss who truly holds the power here!"

They concluded their call with an agreement to schedule the duel after Klauss's participation in the joint expedition with the Stormbringers guild which will take place in a few days.

Meanwhile, at the Stormbringers guild headquarters, the report of the assault had just been delivered to the guildmaster, Stormy Stormbringer.

Within the lavish stronghold of the Stormbringers guild, an air of unease permeated the usually boisterous halls. Word had reached the Guildmaster Stormy of a brazen, unprovoked attack on four of his members.

The arrogant fool had dared to lay hands on those bearing Stormy's emblazoned symbol, and such an affront to the guild's fearsome reputation could not go unanswered.

Stormy sat upon his carved ebony throne, mouth pressed into a thin line beneath his trimmed beard as he scrutinized the report. The gathered officers fidgeted nervously at his stony silence.

This unknown aggressor who had effortlessly trashed and humiliated decorated junior members represented a direct challenge to Stormy's absolute authority.

With a loud crack, Stormy's fist abruptly collided with the armrest, splitting the rich wood. Several subordinates flinched violently at the display of unchecked strength.

"Who?" Stormy bit out, his normally calm profound tone resonating with barely leashed fury. "Who is the audacious pig, foolish enough to openly invite the wrath of ME?" His emphasis made the tapestries lining the hall tremble.

The highest ranked adviser dared a trembling step forward, inclining his head submissively.

"W-we do not yet have a name, Master Stormy. The survivors could only provide a physical description - male, exceptionally tall, muscular, with white hair..."

"Enough!" Stormy rose to his impressive height, muscled bulk straining the fine tunic covering his tattooed skin. The nearby guards reacted instantly, but he paid them no mind. Fists clenching, static energy began crackling dangerously around his form.

"I provided you imbeciles explicit instructions to monitor all newcomers in our district," he bit out. "Now some brazen rogue appears and proceeds to accost MY people? Have you so swiftly forgotten who rules these lands?"

His advisers shrank back under the biting accusation, mumbling panicked apologies and promises to investigate immediately. Stormy's piercing eyes flashed with the promise of future punishment before he visibly reined in his volatile temper.

Collapsing back into this throne, he snatched a full glass of wine from a nearby servant and downed it in one long swallow.

"Enough sniveling. What's done is done - for the moment." He held up a bejeweled hand to silence their sputtered excuses.

"I care not what rock this gutsy worm has crawled out from under. He will be found swiftly and taught the grave error of provoking my wrath."

Stormy's smile held no warmth or mercy. "Send out all your little birds; turn over every filthy stone across this city. The moment this brazen fool shows his face again, I expect to be informed promptly."

He leaned forward intently. "Once he has been identified, we shall invite this would-be hero to our hall where he will learn the true meaning of regret."

Cracking knuckles the size of small hammers, Stormy allowed his power to manifest for one searing moment. Subordinates yelped as electricity arced violently off his frame, grounding in sizzling bursts across the expansive chamber.

As the display ended, leaving behind the acrid scent of burnt ozone, Stormy met each lowered gaze with uncompromising steadiness.

"Well? Snap to it, maggots! Bring me the name of this dead man walking before my mood worsens further. I think it's high time the people were reminded exactly who rules this city, don't you?" he said, his ego in full throttle.

Klauss had intentionally and unintentionally brewed the scheme of different parties who took pleasure in punishing him.

While he remained oblivious to the agendas surrounding him, he stayed through to his routine and ended the night with a long and peaceful meditation session. Alongside Cassius, who had no clue what he was doing…