
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Let’s keep it a secret

Two weeks before the upcoming hunter exams, Klauss dedicated himself to rigorous training, honing his skills, with a particular focus on perfecting his newfound masterpiece, the Klauss Dancing Sword Art.

This unique sword style, born from his enhanced understanding and mastery of mana, had become an integral part of his combat repertoire, thanks to the wealth of experience carried over from his past life as a hunter.

Now, standing before the seasoned hunter Victor, Klauss had the opportunity to put his freshly honed skills to the test against a formidable opponent.

The "Klauss Dancing Sword Art, 1st Form: Fast Slash" lived up to its name – a swift, mana-condensed slash unleashed upon entering a precise sword stance and maintaining a calculated distance.

While not overwhelmingly powerful, it proved highly effective at catching opponents off guard, showcasing Klauss's strategic prowess in combat.

Victor, armed with a wooden training sword befitting his role as an instructor, stood in a defensive stance, cautiously assessing Klauss's movements.

The onlookers, their breaths held in suspense, awaited the climax of the impending duel.

In a moment of unexpected swiftness, Klauss unleashed the first form of his "Klauss Dancing Sword Art," executing a rapid slash that caught Victor off guard.

The sheer speed and precision of the maneuver disrupted Victor's defensive posture, causing him to lose his balance momentarily.

Victor, though momentarily caught off guard, regained his footing swiftly, a wry smile crossing his face.

The seasoned hunter appreciated the prowess displayed by his younger counterpart, a testament to Klauss's growing skill.

The duel continued when Victor this time charged forward, his plan was not to give the young hunter distance to think but rather put him under pressure.

To Victor's surprise, Klauss effortlessly deflected or blocked each of his strikes, leaving the seasoned hunter in a state of contemplation.

"How can such a novice be so composed? He faces a seasoned hunter with the clear intention to win, yet he casually parries my attacks even when I'm putting in serious effort. Who is this guy?"

Victor pondered.

To the onlookers, it appeared as if Victor had seized control of the battle.

However, Sylvetta, with her keen expertise, saw through the facade.

"While everyone believes Victor is in command, this young man is effortlessly blocking strikes and deciphering Victor's attack patterns. His movements and composure aren't typical of a recent awakening but rather resemble those of an experienced hunter. Quite intriguing," she mused, casting a devilish gaze of interest upon the duel.

"If he manages to defeat Victor, I must get closer to him. Very interesting indeed" she added. 

The clash of swords resounded through the training grounds, intertwined with the occasional hum of mana.

Victor, initially confident in his abilities, soon found himself under increasing pressure as Klauss's unconventional swordplay grew more assertive.

As the battle unfolded, Klauss recognized the need to escalate his approach.

"I have to be more aggressive and conclude this fight before exhaustion sets in. Using mana in an actual battle is trickier than I anticipated. I have a move that might drain me significantly, but it's time to bring this to an end," he contemplated.

The duel continued for a considerable period, during which Klauss meticulously deciphered Victor's attack patterns.

"Now that I've grasped his movements, it's time to conclude this with a decisive technique," he muttered, his breaths growing heavier.

With a fluid motion, he whispered, "Klauss Dancing Sword Art, second form, Blurry Steps," and in an instant, the duel reached its swift conclusion.

Sylvetta appeared shocked, her jaw dropping in disbelief as confusion swept through the onlookers.

"I can't believe what I just saw!" she exclaimed. "I'm sure these kids didn't see anything. How can he move like that? He has surpassed my expectations. I have to get him!"

The scene itself was unforgettable.

Klauss suddenly materialized behind Victor, blade at his neck.

The second form of Klauss Dancing Sword Art, Blurry Steps, was a move that allowed Klauss to swiftly rotate behind his opponent.

However, the conditions were extreme—it drained a significant amount of mana, and the user had to be within touching distance of the opponent.

In simpler terms, Klauss moved like a flash, catching Victor off guard once again.

"Wow, to think I would lose to such a rookie. Seems like I have to keep my promise, haha," Victor said, a bit bashful.

Klauss, however, remained silent and suddenly collapsed on the spot.

"Hmm, that last move must have taken a lot out of him. Take him to the emergency room immediately. He needs to rest," Sylvetta ordered, rushing to the scene.

"He isn't half bad for a rookie," she added, addressing Victor.

With a smirk, he replied, "Yeah, he was good. He got me off guard with some moves, but overall, he deserves this win. We'll talk some more when he wakes up."

The crowd, still in shock and awe, couldn't believe the duel they had just witnessed.

Many were saying, "Who is that white-haired guy?" or "How is that a rookie taking the exams?"

They all wondered, but the answers remained elusive.

As for Zayn and Alantry, they couldn't dare say a word.

A few moments later, Klauss opened his eyes, finding himself in the nursing room.

Still a bit fatigued and weary, he raised his head to see Victor and Sylvetta patiently waiting for him to fully awaken.

The room held a silent tension, broken only when Victor decided to address the elephant in the room.

Clearing his throat, Victor remarked, "How are you feeling? That move you used on me was quite impressive. Care to share the secret behind it?"

Klauss, feigning nonchalance, let his head fall back onto the bed, closing his eyes.

Victor, understanding the unspoken response, chose not to press further.

Instead, he continued, "Well, it's your technique, after all. But I'll uphold our promise."

With his eyes still closed, Klauss observed Victor's reaction, catching a glimpse of Sylvetta stifling a giggle in the background.

Casually, Klauss spoke up, "Mind giving me 30 minutes to catch my breath? I'll join you guys in the lobby, if I manage to find my way there, that is."

Sylvetta responded, "Sure, we'll leave an agent outside your door. Take your time, and get ready for a surprise when you come out."

As Sylvetta and Victor left the room, Klauss settled into meditation mode, focusing on regaining his stamina and replenishing his mana.

After a while, he started making his way towards the lobby.

As he walked he taught consciously with hands at the back of his head, "Wow, that took a lot out of me, I still have to raise my stamina and improve my mana usage. But that was without a doubt, the best training I have had since my regression. It's great seeing all the work you put in to be praised and acknowledged, I will get stronger". 

Upon arriving at the lobby, Klauss spotted Sylvetta and Victor engaged in conversation with the other two aspiring rookies, Zayn and Alantry.

As he approached, he overheard that the duo had been given the opportunity to enroll in a hunter training program before officially becoming hunters.

Despite their modest potential, the community and association saw value in their contribution.

Klauss coolly interrupted, "Hey, I'm back. What's the surprise about?"

Seizing the moment, Zayn quickly apologized for his earlier behavior and expressed admiration for Klauss, leaving the scene with Alantry in tow, both feeling a bit embarrassed.

Unfazed, Klauss remained expressionless, awaiting the promised surprise.

Sylvetta handed him his hunter license, stating, "You didn't have to take the last trial, thanks to your deal with Victor. Honestly, it would have been a piece of cake for you."

She patted his shoulder. True to their promise, Klauss was now officially a B-rank hunter, an accomplishment that only he could achieve.

However, he nonchalantly said, "Keep it a secret for now. I don't need the attention."

Surprised by his request, Victor couldn't hold back his frustration.

"Why not? Do you know how difficult it was to get that rank? Give me a good explanation!" Klauss calmly responded, "Just keep it a secret for a few months. I have my own plans."

Sylvetta, intrigued by Klauss's mysterious request, agreed to keep it under wraps, offering him an alternative, "Okay, I'll agree to this request for now. To remain anonymous, you should sign with the association as a mercenary. We could use your skills, and it could be beneficial for you."

"Being a mercenary for the THA comes with a base salary, access to certain gates, commissions based on the gates you clear, and missions assigned by the association. You'll also enjoy unlimited access to THA facilities. The best part is, you have complete freedom," Sylvetta concluded.

The deal seemed appealing, but Klauss, with his past experience with the association, knew exactly what being a mercenary entailed.

Despite the seemingly attractive perks, becoming an association employee meant being beholden to their demands.

"I'll think about it. Bye for now," Klauss said, calmly walking away, leaving the tempting offer hanging in the air.

Sylvetta and Victor watched as Klauss walked away, leaving them in the bustling lobby of the Hunter Association. Sylvetta turned to Victor with a mischievous smile.

Sylvetta: (leaning in) "Well, Victor, what do you think of our white-haired rookie?"

Victor: (scratching his head) "I've never seen anything like it. His sword skills and mana control are impressive, especially for someone who just awakened. It's like he's been a hunter for years."

Sylvetta: (smirking) "He's a mystery, that's for sure. And did you notice his mana sensitivity? Unbelievable! He surpassed even your expectations."

Victor: (nodding) "Yeah, he did. But what's even more intriguing is his decision to keep his rank a secret. What's he planning?"

Sylvetta: (leaning against a wall) "You know, Victor, that kid is ambitious. I can smell it. He's got plans beyond being an official hunter and is chasing something bigger."

Victor: (crossing his arms) "Well, whatever his plans are, he's got the skills to back them up. I've never seen someone with such unique swordplay and what did he call it, the Klauss Dancing Sword Art."

Sylvetta: (smirking) "haha yes, and that Blurry Steps move? I thought I'd seen it all, but he's full of surprises. I bet we'll be hearing a lot about him in the future."

Victor: (chuckling) "You might be right, Sylvetta. But remember, we've got a deal with him. Let's see how he responds to our offer.."

As Klauss disappeared from their sight, the two supervisors continued discussing the enigmatic rookie who had just joined the ranks of the Hunter Association.