
My underrated elemental affinity

Edward a 35 year old scientist died trying to save his family and Tokyo from a rocket falling on them. God rewards his deed and gave him a chance to reincarnate in a world of magic. Follow Edward as he awakens his affinity and adventure on a road filled with obstacles. ***************************** i hope you like this novel be sure to drop support and a nice review if you like the story ***************************** Cover photo is not mine, if you are the owner and wish to remove it contact me

BigElf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs



I take out Genesis from my amulet and held it with both of my hands.

There were 20 goblin riders, that means I was against the most of the enemy forces, but these monsters couldn't compare to the ones dad and Endric were facing.

"Gates of purgatory"

I couldn't recreate the instability of the gate that I casted when killing the goblin but I managed to make it that the one who goes through it would be slightly injured.

I casted the spell at the goblin riders before me and each goblin group had a gate beneath him that sucked him in. The one thing special about this use of gate is making the gate has one exit for various entries.

The exit was located 50 meters before me, away from dad and Endric. The goblins fell down from the gate, most of them having some scars and twisted fingers, their wolves too.

Now that I grouped them together, it was time to kill them. I didn't hesitate this time, although it pained me much to kill, these monsters wouldn't think twice before killing me. I have no other choice in this matter.

I send mana in Genesis, the golden engravings and the tip shined brightly. "Behold, Aura of Genesis" (It sounds cool enough) As I said that, I swipe the spear tip vertically and from it a white arc flew towards the goblins.

*boom* The sound the arc made when travelling forward while destroying the ground itself caught the attention of Dad and Endric. Even their enemies stopped moving and looked at the arc heading straight for the goblin riders.

The arc destroyed everything in its path and continued to make a ravine with a width of 50 meters before stopping 500 meters ahead from where I stand.

The goblins and their wolves all of them were caught in the attack and none of them survived not even some body parts. It was like they have never been there.

Everyone was surprised by how much destruction I made and the aftermath, just a moment ago the place was a forest with many trees and goblins dumped on each other but now it was a huge ravine nearly 10 meters deep.

*roar* The two orcs facing dad at the same time roared at the same time and started dashing towards me. Dad saw this and sprinted towards me, but before he could reach me the troll stood opposite of him blocking his path.

The troll was one of the strongest monsters out there, they had great defenses granted by their tough skin and powerful attack power from their strong build, they were very cunning monsters and compared to many other monsters they were smart.

"Edward, don't face them, run back" Dad yelled, he thinks that I can't face them, but I think that I can very likely beat the two ogres myself.

I casted Gates of purgatory once more, but suddenly I sensed some strange force manipulating me and lifted me from the ground and threw me at the ogre.

I quickly casted gate in front of me and passed through it and got out behind the two ogres. They were confused; they didn't know where I disappeared.

It was my chance to make a surprise attack. I take out the golden needles, they had a great piercing power and threw them using Heaven's cannon, but before they reached the ogres, they turned around and saw the needles.

Suddenly, I felt the ogres producing another kind of force this time everything around them was pushed back. The needles hit a hidden barrier and stopped their advance. They dropped down on the ground.

The area where the ogres stood was caved in, the grass was completely destroyed and some plants uprooted.

I quickly figured it out; these ogres have mastery over attraction and repulsion forces. They managed to attract me towards them from afar and blocked my needles by making a shockwave that pushed anything it got in front of me.

I knew why dad told me to run, these ogres are very powerful. The combination of these two powers is fearsome.

I was thinking of a way to defeat them when one ogre rushed towards me, I could perceive his every movement because he was very slow, at least in my eyes.

The next that happened made me realize how stupid I am. The ogre dashing towards me shot out from his position towards me, the other ogre used his pushing power to accelerate the one heading to me.

I barely had the time to cast Azriel's Reflection and the white shield appeared before me. The ogre raised his wooden club and stroke the shield.

I was waiting for the moment when the ogre shoots back but it never came.

What came was the shield shattering and collapsing, the wooden club continued and headed for my head.

There was no evading this, I used gate to run but it would still take a small time to suck me in if I don't jump in it myself.

"Edward" Dad and Endric yelled as I was about to be hit. I still wanted to live.

I closed my eyes and circulated a huge amount of mana in my body. The club was few millimeters away from me. I quickly push my head to the side and the wooden club fell on my shoulder.

Even though I circulated a huge amount of mana, my shoulder was in extreme and probably broken. The momentum carried me in the gate I made and I appeared 100 meters away from the ogre and held my shoulder in pain, I felt like vomiting that's when I knew it was dislocated.

I quickly used the restoration spell to its maximum and I felt my shoulder repairing, it's still a fresh injury so it will heal quickly. When the pain subsided I look at the ogre that hit me and I was furious and without knowing all of my mana was leaking, the air became very dense and hard to breath.

I won't hold back anymore.

I casted all my enhancements at once to their maximum. I circulated almost the quarter of my mana and casted Hermes's coat to the strongest possible the sonic speed.

I didn't care anymore, even if I am injured I will heal myself, all I thought about now was revenge against these ogres. The mist surrounding my body was very dense and my body was barely visible.

I prepared myself and took a position to run.

*boom* An ear deafening sound resounded and the forest behind me blew back from the force of my launch, the trees were almost uprooted and the ground I stood on was caved in.

I instantly appeared before the ogre and punched him while running. He didn't have time to react and my fist connected with him, I didn't feel any force resisting him. My arm went right through it and I completely passed through.

I got out from the other side of the ogre and didn't even have blood on me, the ogre fell down on the floor with a huge hole in his stomach.

I looked back at him, and I felt great pain all over my body. I quickly deactivated Hermes's coat and started healing myself. Using that spell to that extent is very hard on the body and if not for the mana I circulated I think I would've collapsed or even broken into pieces.

Everyone stopped their fights again and was stunned that speed, that power was beyond anything they have ever seen. The path I run from to the ogre was utterly destroyed. Everywhere I passed was beyond destruction.

I looked at the other ogre, and when he noticed my gaze, he started running away from me. I was not about to let it escape but I was not able to move because I was still healing, but I had another thing in mind.

I took out a rock from the ground and casted my spell.

"Heaven's death arrow" I dropped the rock in the gate and it shot out from the exit.

*boom* Another deafening sound resounded once more and the rock I threw traveled at sonic speed towards the ogre fleeing.

Another path of destruction was made and the rock made contact with the ogre's head and it exploded like a melon. He instantly dropped down to the ground dad.

I looked at dad and Endric and they were finishing their fights with the monsters. I dropped down to the floor. I was very tired and I took many injuries that are still healing.

I spent almost the half of my mana in this fight and caused heavy damage to the forest. I regretted it and I was determined to make a spell to repair the damage to the forest.

Dad and Endric finished their fights and headed towards me. Dad seemed troubled when he looked at me and he said:

"Eddy, we have a discussion to make"