
My underrated elemental affinity

Edward a 35 year old scientist died trying to save his family and Tokyo from a rocket falling on them. God rewards his deed and gave him a chance to reincarnate in a world of magic. Follow Edward as he awakens his affinity and adventure on a road filled with obstacles. ***************************** i hope you like this novel be sure to drop support and a nice review if you like the story ***************************** Cover photo is not mine, if you are the owner and wish to remove it contact me

BigElf · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Dad and Endric finished their fights and headed towards me. Dad seemed troubled when he looked at me and he said: "Eddy, we have a discussion to make" "What's wrong dad?" He hit me with his finger on my head and said:

"You are an idiot and very reckless, I told you to run away the moment the ogres came to you, and you almost ended up dead because of it. And aside from that, the spells you used on yourself dealt injuries to you.

Don't do that again, if you were against more monsters they would tire you out till they get you And most importantly, look around; the damage you dealt to the forest, even monsters wouldn't do this." I was listening to dad reprimanding me; I couldn't say anything back to defend myself. I knew first hand that all he said was true. I was careless when going in to face the ogres and almost died when he hit me with his club. I still slightly feel the pain in my shoulder. In fact my entire body was still hurting from using Hermes's coat to that extent.

The most important thing, as my dad said was the destruction I made.

If I handled every fight I had this way, I would be the one to destroy the places I am supposed to protect. I either have to find a way to fight without using this amount of destruction, or minimize the frequency where I use these spells.

Or maybe, find a way to heal the environment after my fights, I had an idea in mind and I would try it when I get back home.

On the bright side, I kind of managed to get over killing monsters that have the intention of killing me. I didn't feel a grain of remorse for these monsters, if I wasn't the one to kill them, they would be the ones killing me.

Other than that, after that fight, I have some inspiration for two new spells.

The ogres had the ability to manipulate space in a way to freely push and pull things according to their wish.

Such abilities were truly horrifying if used against someone, you would essentially take someone's freedom by just controlling the way they move.

Aside from that, there was something troubling me, how did the ogre, that hit me, manage to get pass Azriel's Reflection with just swinging his wooden club at it.

I decided to ask dad about it when we got back home.

I turn to him and say:

"Yes father, I will be more careful next time, I won't make these mistakes again." "Good, at least you manage to know that you were wrong. That is the mentality you should have to improve yourself." I made a gate and all of us got back home, it was still not time for dinner so I decided to go and sit down in the backyard until I am completely healed from my injuries.

I stood facing the tree I tested my spells on and kept thinking of ways to make the spells on my mind.

The first two are the push and pull spells, I wanted to figure a way to do them as fast as possible, they were very powerful to pass.

The last one was a way to heal the environment that has been destroyed after my fights, it may not seem so, but I care a lot about the environment.

Well, we each live in a certain environment, if we damage it, all our lives are going to be in danger. That what happened on earth too, fires burning trees, nuclear weapons during wars making entire cities inhabitable, and the pollution from houses, factories and even mass producing farms, are leading the earth to its demise.

I don't want that to this world too, the environment here is very clean, the air is fresh, no farms using pesticides, no factories producing polluted air, and I plan to keep it that way.

I have no intention of introducing earth's technology here. This place substitutes many things such as fire made from burning things to fire made by mana, the energy produced by the world itself.

Maybe, I'll try to make some things back from earth, but only when it is a hundred percent safe for the environment. For that it has to be something that is powered by mana stones.

All of that has to wait though, I still have to know more about the world and I would like to understand more about mana itself.

After an hour, I felt the pain has decreased and I could bear it. Thinking about the environment gave me an idea on how to proceed to make the spell.

The restoration spell, I always used it to heal myself, but what if I used on the damaged environment itself.

I walk towards the tree and stand before it. I stretch my hand and caress the trunk, it had many scars from the times I trained and practiced my spells on it.

There was also a gap in the tree, it was from the time I used the golden needle for the first time when I got it from Ralf.

I clap my hands to concentrate and then stretch both of them towards the tree.

I used the restoration spell on the tree itself and my hands glowed with a white mist that kept extended until it surrounded the tree.

I look at the tree waiting to see the results, after some time the tree started healing itself, the scars and the gap started to slowly heal and close.

It was a success.

After 1 minute the tree was fully healed. I felt happy and decided that tomorrow when I get back from the academy, I would go to the forest where I had the fight earlier and heal it.

I planned to go to the forest where I used to train with Chrestos and heal it too. That place was probably the most that have been damaged from where I used Heaven's death arrow and Aura of Genesis.

Seeing that one of the spells I wanted to make was successful, I chose to move on to the next ones. But before I could do anything, mom called me for dinner.

I guess I have to postpone that for tomorrow.

I sat at the table and had a hearty dinner. The next day it would be my first day of the academy.

I looked at Endric beside me and said:

"Endric, how's the Academy is it fun?" "I don't like it; I want to finish it as soon possible." I didn't expect this answer from him, so I asked him about the cause. He told me that I'll find out eventually.

I shrugged my shoulders and kept on eating, the intense use of the restoration spell on my body made very hungry and I had to be ready for tomorrow.

That day I kept practicing with my mana and went to sleep early. The next day, I woke up as usual early, I had breakfast and was about to leave when dad stopped me:

"Endric, do you want me to drop you there?" "Oh, no. I'll just open a gate there, but thanks dad" I have already visited the place and I decided to just use gate in front of the academy gate.

"Right, you can do that. Here take these, these are your registration papers you will need them to enter the academy. Don't forget to follow the rules of the academy, you've read them, Right?" "Of course dad" The rules of the academy are very similar to the ones we had back in earth's school.

No skipping mandatory classes without a justifiable reason, no violence, no any kind of actions that would show disrespect or disorder.

The Academy was very strict about rules and anyone breaking them, would be at risk of expulsion, the teaching fees also wouldn't be refunded.

Dad nodded at me and told me to take care. I opened a gate front of the academy and pass through it.

When I reached the other side, I was welcomed by a huge number of people mostly children, some of them had their parents with them.

Students started living in the Academy two weeks ago; the ones here are probably the ones who lived closely or ones who had the comfort of travelling between the academy and their hometowns.

I stood in line in order to enter the gate, and looked around at the students that I would be studying along with.

After half an hour, I was in front of the gate, and the guard standing there looked at me and said:

"Your registration papers" I hastily pulled them from my storage ring; I wore both of my storage rings each on the middle finger of my hands.

The guard seemed to pause slightly but quickly got back to his normal attitude. He took the papers and read through them. He returned them back to me and said:

"You may enter, please wait in the courtyard to know what is your class" I thanked him and went inside. The courtyard was very big and full of students.

I look around me wondering if I could recognize anyone but I didn't. suddenly I heard a voice behind me yelling:
