
My Truest Identity

"You're God's beloved!" That's how Princess's mom used to remind her. But how could she believe it nor accept the fact that she's beloved by God if one day she woke up her beloved mommy was already lying on the floor with her blood and was killed by her atheist dad? Will she hold on to those words? Or will she harbor hatred for God? Well, that horrific situation turned her to live a life far different from what she desired. A life without knowing God. It's a story of a lady, a prodigal daughter of God who struggled to find her truest identity by battling over all the dark forces dwelling inside of her.

Godsbeloved1012 · Teen
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11 Chs

The Shadow

For when dreams increase and words grow many, there is vanity but God is the one you must fear.

                               - Ecclesiastes 5:7


A girl and her mom were happily harvesting some flowers in the flower field. They're going to offer it for the church.

Girl: Mommy, Why did God create the sun?

Mother: Well Sweetie, because it's very important. Without it, almost all the plants and living things won't survive.

The sun too helps us to see the beauty of God's wonderful creation. Without the sun maybe you can't witness now the blooming of these flowers. Now my little Princess, Can you imagine life without the sun?

The child who was awed with her mom's words immediately responded,

"No! It will be so dark and so sad!"

Mother: Yeah.

Then they continued harvesting the flowers.

"Mommy." She called her mom's name sweetly and whispered in her ears.

"You're my only sunshine and I can't imagine life without you, Mommy," and she lovingly embraced her mom.

Suddenly, a very huge dark cloud appeared covering the sun. It was followed by strong thunder and lightning.

Girl: Mommy, I'm so afraid.

Mother: Fear not. Mommy is here.

However, a mysterious shadow stood in front and separated them.

" Mommy!" she shouted.

Mother: Princess! Don't be afraid and don't worry about me. Please run and don't come back.

She didn't finish speaking for the shadow covered her mouth.

Princess: Don't hurt her.

Shadow: Sunshine? What will you do then, if I take your sunshine away?

Princess: NO! N-nohhhhh! I beg you don't take her.

In tears she pleaded. But the shadow was cruel.

Shadow: What a poor little creature. HAHAHA!


Then he disappeared taking Mrs. Earth with him,

and Princess was left alone in



Princess was almost a week lying on the hospital bed and was still unconscious after suffering from a first degree burn.


Ms. Sunny who was sleeping beside her got awoken when she heard her screamed.

Ms. Sunny: Princess, are you alright.

When she opened her eyes she saw the worried face of her nanny. She embraced her and cried on her shoulders.

Princess: Nanny Sunny, I dreamed her.

We're both happy harvesting the flowers when a shadow came and took Mommy away from me. He took my sunshine.

All she can do was to be at her side and console her.

Ms. Sunny: Princess, your Mommy is a very kind and righteous woman. She became a good mother and wife. Wherever she is now I believe that she's already happy together with God. That's why you must be happy too.

Princess: How can I?

Mommy is gone. My sunshine is gone!

Ms. Sunny: When your Mommy died I've promised to her grave that I will take care of you and treat you as my child. I know I can't replace her in your heart but I will do my best to be a loving mother. Please allow me to be your new
