
My Truest Identity

"You're God's beloved!" That's how Princess's mom used to remind her. But how could she believe it nor accept the fact that she's beloved by God if one day she woke up her beloved mommy was already lying on the floor with her blood and was killed by her atheist dad? Will she hold on to those words? Or will she harbor hatred for God? Well, that horrific situation turned her to live a life far different from what she desired. A life without knowing God. It's a story of a lady, a prodigal daughter of God who struggled to find her truest identity by battling over all the dark forces dwelling inside of her.

Godsbeloved1012 · Teen
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11 Chs

The Fireman

For God so loved the world that he gave us his only Son so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.

                                       - John 3:16


After shedding a bucket of tears under a stormy rain. She's now lying on her bed exhaustingly tired and sick.

Meanwhile, five armed men were roaming around the mansion. It's been a week that they're waiting for the right time to plunder it. One of them approached their boss,

" Boss, perfect timing. It seems that the young lady is so tired today that she sleeps too soon." At 7:30 pm Princess's room was already lighted off.

Boss: Yeah, but let's wait for midnight.

Though the whole mansion was surrounded by a CCTV camera and other alarm equipment it's all useless for she was in deep sleep and at the same time she's all alone. The thieves entered the mansion without having any difficulty. Seeing what's inside of it, their eyes were twinkling for everything was all luxurious and made of costly materials.

They were happily packing the gold plates, spoons, forks, etc.

"Boss, we've got everything. What shall we do now?"

Boss: Well, the young lady is astoundingly beautiful. It's a pity to go away without glancing at her.

The five thieves were about to open her room and pursue their plan when one of them accidentally bumped the scented lamp posted beside the door.

Every night she used to light it and before sleeping, she will off but this time she forgot it for was so tired.

The lamp's oil splashed on the floor and immediately caused a big fire. It also caught the near curtain. The thieves were very terrified and left the mansion empty-handed for the fire also took everything they've stolen.

Within 10 minutes the fire was already enveloping all the areas of the mansion.

Clueless about the situation of her surrounding, Princess was still sleeping until she got awakened by the rang of her cellphone. She answered it.

"Princess! Where are you? The mansion is burning! Are you alright? Please, answer me." It was Nanny Sunny. She was extremely worried about standing outside of the mansion.

When Princess heard it. That's the time she noticed the smoke and the flames of fire entering her room. She screamed for help and kept on calling the twin but they're not appearing.

She wanted to stand but she can't, her body was so heavy and she felt dizzy for she got a fever.

"H-help." She shouted while struggling to breathe.

" Is it the end of my life? Am I going to die now? Why I'm not happy, I've been wishing to die soon. What's wrong Princess?" These were the questions in her head.

The smoke started to enter her lungs, tears were now flowing in her eyes. Then she realized that she's not yet ready to die especially to die without having found a reason to live and without reconciling with God.

" Help me!"

" Lord Jesus, please save me." She whispered while covering her mouth with the thick blanket.

Three minutes later she felt hopeless and started to stop breathing when suddenly she heard someone breaking her room's window. A fireman quickly entered and immediately carried her out of the mansion.

Then he laid her on the ambulance's stretcher. Filled with the hope she asked him.

" Who are you?" Since her eyes became blurry and she can't see his face.

But he didn't respond. " Thank you," she added.

Fireman: " Your welcome." Then he turned his back and walked away.

Before he completely disappeared from her sight she was able to read the fireman's name written on the back of his uniform.

" Jesus." And her eyes shut.