
My Truest Identity

"You're God's beloved!" That's how Princess's mom used to remind her. But how could she believe it nor accept the fact that she's beloved by God if one day she woke up her beloved mommy was already lying on the floor with her blood and was killed by her atheist dad? Will she hold on to those words? Or will she harbor hatred for God? Well, that horrific situation turned her to live a life far different from what she desired. A life without knowing God. It's a story of a lady, a prodigal daughter of God who struggled to find her truest identity by battling over all the dark forces dwelling inside of her.

Godsbeloved1012 · Teen
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11 Chs

All turned into Ashes

What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life?

                              - Matthew 16:26


" Give me a ride. I want to visit the mansion." She requested Ms. Sunny after preparing the things for her discharge.

" Alright, but not now. You have to rest first and gain more strength." Explained by her nanny.

Princess: " I want it now.

I won't be at peace until I can't see it. Please?" Ms. Sunny has no choice but to agree.

As the car was coming closer to the site where the mansion was built Princess felt uneased. Her sweats were cold. Nanny Sunny was trying to uplift her and to accept whatever situation might welcome them but when her eyes caught sight of the whole scenario of the mansion she hopelessly cried.

Her beloved mansion was completely burned, deformed, and miserable.

Trembling with her knees she gets out of the car and tried to gather all the ashes and stones. With her tears, she mixed it hoping that it will be built again.

" H-H-HOW, HOW COME?" Her outcry echoed in the whole surrounding.

Ms. Sunny: Princess. Please stop. It won't come back again.

Princess: NO NANNY! My life revolves here.

She then dug the thick ashes looking for some remains of her childhood and mom's memories. But her efforts were in vain for all turned into ashes.

Ms. Sunny: Enough!

Princess: It's all I have! It can't be lost in a single night because of that shit fire!

Ms. Sunny: Princess all the visible things and signs of your mom's love have burned but her memories aren't unless you will burn it too in your heart.

Princess: HUHUHU!

This time she was wailing loudly.

Ms. Sunny: I know is too painful for you but having saved that night is something to be grateful for. Your life is more important than your money, possessions, and even the mansion. If the fireman didn't come maybe you're also ashes now.

Still kneeling on the ashed ground she was left in the confusion of what emotions were reigning in her heart,

anger or joy 

pain or gratitude

disappointment or blessedness.

Princess: Nanny, can you please give me some time to be alone.

Ms. Sunny: No! You've been all alone for along time. Let's overcome it together. Yes, your mansion is gone but you're not homeless. Princess, you don't have to live this life alone. I'm here.

She stood and noticed that her right knee was bleeding. When she looked at what it caused to bleed she saw a small golden crucifix.

Ms. Sunny: That's the gift of your mom on your 3rd birthday.

Princess: It's pure gold, how come it wasn't consumed or melted by the fire? 

She wiped it and wrapped it with her handkerchief.

Ms. Sunny: I think God is telling you that all may go but He will not

and His love for you is more

stronger and arduous than the
